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  • Writer's pictureJean Mc

A friendly rollup under a pine tree at Mount Isa Services

When we were at Cloncurry yesterday Adam told us that, though there's two bowling clubs in Mt Isa the Services Club is the only one with members. He gave us a number to call to organise a rollup with some members there.

It's a nice little clubhouse - bar as centrepiece.

The outdoor area looks well-used.

Some good Pennants and Sides results.

Arty was waiting and rolled up with us. He told us all about the mines - copper, silver, lead and zinc. Jean asked why all the houses are weatherboard. He said bricks are too expensive to cart up here. The brickworks closed a long time ago.

It's a good grass green. Runs true.

There's a lone palm tree.

We liked the home-made scoreboards.

Jean had a go.

She was happy with her line and weight.

Mal ventured out.

He managed shot though he struggled.

Jean drew very close. From the other end we couldn't see who had shot then Arty tapped Jean in.

Mal had trouble working the green out.

We came inside for a drink.

A rollup at Mt Isa - we could almost smell those ores!

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