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  • Bowls with the women at Milton Ulladulla

    OCTOBER 2022 Jean played on Tuesday at Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club with the women. There were 19 players so we had two games of triples and a game of fours with a swinging lead. Jean played third in the fours game with Nerida (swinging lead), Helena and Kath (skip) against Nerida, Sue, Eve and Bev. Jean described them as quiet and sociable - focused more on playing bowls that chatter. "That's good," said Jean "they all played well - especially our skips!" Jean's team won 19 to 5 and Jean was ecstatic to win the rink prize - $10. Friday 13th September 2024 We're headed back home for a month. We've stopped in at Ulladulla to have a new bracket put on the caravan. We came to the Bowls club for lunch and decided to have a rollup. While we ate lunch we met Cal and Kay who have been bowling for just one month. They said they were going out for a rollup so we joined them. Jean's blog posts have changed a lot since she wrote this post two years ago so she decided to take more photos of the club. There are two nice, quick grass greens. We rolled up on the front green. It's the Fred S Croker Green. Mal took his turn. He worked it out quickly. He could've played less well to make the new bowlers feel better but that's just not in his nature! He was all over it. Jean's been playing well lately but she was a bit nervous about the fast green. She managed two shots on our last end. The caravan place rang to say the van was ready so we said goodbye to Cal and kay. Nice to be back at Ulladulla!

  • Jean and the Berry Boys

    We're staying at Jean's parent's place in Shellharbour and decided to drive down to Berry for a Wednesday afternoon game. It's a pretty little clubhouse, inside And out. The club is owned by Bomaderry Bowling Club. The badge board is impressive. There's a nice outdoor area which appears to be run by the Fishing club. The plaque celebrates 100 years in 2012. Keith looked after the money. He told Jean Kangaroo Valley club closed a few years ago and many of their members play here now. There's a lovely little creek out the back behind the fishing club area. Keith told us it flooded a few months ago. The flood came up half a metre over the wall by the green and knocked it over. A cute little lizard (Jean named Lizzie) sat by the creek. We met and sat with the Kangaroo Valley boys for some laughs before the game. There are two nice-looking grass greens. The Bill Oke Green has just been cored - it's flood repair. We played on the far green which was being rolled as we arrived. Today it was Jean and fifteen blokes. 26 ends of three-bowl pairs. Jean and Mark Played President Tige and Derek. Mal and Daryl (Provan) Were against Rob and Bob. First end Jean did surprisingly well. Mall called out " Hey Jean, get a shot of that! ". Jean was really happy with how she bowled. There was no wind. That made it easier to grab shots. Provan said about Mal " I think we'll keep him! " 21st end of 26 Jean had perfect weight for 3. Despite playing so well, Jean and Mark lost. The barman managed to find a very old badge for Jean's hat. Mal won 33 to 17. All winners got a voucher. Good with zero wind at Berry.

  • Mal lost and won at Worrigee

    Jean's at her niece's baby shower in Gerroa today so Mal drove down to Worrigee Sports for an Afternoon game. It's a nice big clubhouse. Mal rang yesterday to get his name down. They told him to ask for Bowls Coordinator Wendy. He met Wendy and Dee at the table. The club has a nice outdoor area. The bowlers all waited outside before the game. There are two grass greens. Mal played on the side green. Mal couldn't get the teams together for a photo. He got Dee and Phil from his team with Paul from the opposition. Dee got a photo with the opposing Skip Steve. Paul and Phil got ready to play. Mal didn't get any photos of his good bowls. He reckoned he didn't do many. He lost the game and his opponents won the money. Apparently the jackpot went off last week at $600. They asked Mal to spin the wheel and his team won $26. Worrigee - Mal was in charge. He did OK! n

  • Fun game at Teralba

    It's our last day in Newcastle for this leg of our trip. We drove up to Teralba for an early morning game. It's a small old-fashioned clubhouse. With a long array of past Presidents. We liked the 'Beernbullshitcorner'. There's some history in this club. And some great old photos. The club is right on Cockle Creek. When we arrived we met Club Manager Rob. He gave us some hats and cloths. We met Dot who lived in Canberra in the 60's. Then we met John who wore Jean's favourite Gulgong shirt. We sat and chatted with the boys. Dennis, Barry, Mal and Frank. There are two greens. One is grass. The other is plastic synthetic. It was being rolled as we arrived. There's a sign saying "The Mullet Run". That's their emblem from the Mullet in the creek. Maurie told Jean that once an Osprey caught a Mullet out of the creek, flew over and dropped it onto the green. It was still alive so the bar girl got it and put it back in the creek! Jean was very happy to see a green named after a woman - Enid Stevens. There's a bubbler donated by the family of a young person who died. We played three-bowl triples. Mal, Jean and Maurice. We're against Graham (91), Tanya and Alan (Willo 95). Jean had one then Mal put kitty in the ditch. It was an unbeatable shot. Jean complained Willo kept bettering her photo-worthy bowls. She finally got one. A bit later Jean got a Resting Toucher then Maurie consolidated. Graham was very entertaining telling Jean lots of great stories. She kept forgetting to bowl. Still she caught Mal's good bowl. We won 24 to 11 after Maurie's 12 Touchers. We came second. Winners got 28 to 12. They asked Jean to spin The wheel We won second prize. Teralba - bowls with the granddads!

  • Scroungers with the Toronto ladies

    We got up early this morning to drive to Toronto to play with the ladies. The main clubhouse wasn't open. We came into the bowler's lounge. The club is being refurbished. It's a plastic synthetic green. They used to have another but the club built units on it. Lyn told us the Workers Club is selling the tennis courts and the bowling green in 2026. The bowlers are looking for a new home. They are down to 16 ladies. All the other ladies were off playing Pennants. There were five of us. We played Scroungers. Lyn, Jean, Mal, Julie and Denise. Jean had shot but of course Mal stole it! Jean finally got shot with four ends to go. Peter came and joined us. Jean had shot then Peter just pipped her. Because he came late Jean got the points. Mal did a beauty but he just pushed the kitty back to Jean. Going into the last end Jean was ahead 17 to Mal 16. Mal put one right on it then Lyn took him off saying " Gotta stick up for the women! " Mal was completely out of the count when on the last bowl of the game Peter drove kitty to Mal's bowl for a three pointer and the win. After the game we checked out the main clubhouse. It has some great old photos. Toronto - Mal's a thief - AGAIN!

  • Rare form at Warner's Bay

    We were supposed to play at Booleroo today but they played away. We'd been told a few days ago to go to Warner's Bay. We rang up to put our names down but weren't sure we could play. When we walked in Sid the Vice President knew who we were and welcomed us. He introduced us to President Dave. You can see from the shirts that they are the Hawks. (Dave, Mal and Sid) It's a small but busy clubhouse. Bloody Bob came up for a chat. There are two grass greens. We played on the unnamed left green. We played together. Three-bowl pairs. Sid organised for us to play President Dave and his wife Lynda. Jean Put one in early. Then Mal gave us a full count. Jean was really happy with how she bowled. If she did an errant bowl, she would put the next one on the jack! We were two down then Mal drove the kitty into the ditch! We won 21 to 11. On our way back from putting our bowls in the car we met Ian from Water Board. Dave went to find something to give us. He came back with a bucket hat and stubby holder. Warner's Bay - the McGunners and the Hawks!

  • Mal saves us at Club Catalina

    We had a fantastic time at Edgeworth Bowling Club but we're headed home. Today we've stopped off at Club Catalina in Rathmines. They told us this used to be RAAF base during the war for the Catalina flying boats. The bowling clubhouse used to be the officers' mess. There are paintings of the old officers. It's a modern clubhouse. The planes above are those that landed here. We met Max and Alec at the table. We ran into John who skipped Jean at East Cessnock. All the bowlers sat together before the game. In the Ron Tomlinson-Smith Bowler's Lounge. John called the cards. There are two plastic synthetic greens. The newer one is next to the clubhouse. It's the Reg Stephenson Green. Surrounded by Lake Macquarie. The seats have memorials. Jean, Mal and Brian Played Mal, Bo and Mark. First end we were five down - Mal took shot. The wind was outrageous. Jean started to work it out. After that Mal put in two beauties and we took four shots! Next end though he drove three - and missed - so we went down seven! We were two down and Jean took out both their shots for two. Jean found going away from the club easier. Mal then put two in and we got a four. We lost by one 17-18. When we came in we saw the old bowls bell. Max and John called the winners. They did a second losers draw. We won. $10. We also won a raffle prize. Club Catalina - we lost and won!

  • We won the day at Club Lambton

    It's our last day staying at Edgeworth Bowling Club . This morning we drove over to Club Lambton for a game. It's a roomy clubhouse. The ladies were getting ready to play Pennants. We walked in and met Barry at the table. There were three grass greens until Charlestown took it over. The one out the back is now a seating area. Adjacent to the smoking area. They are The Rosellas. The front green is nice. We played on the side green. It's the A.G. Oldham green. It's two-tone. In the middle of lovely Lambton Park. It used to be called Lambton Park Bowling Club. Mal chatted with Terry, Mark and the boys before the game. Jean told Tony, Steve and Greg about our trip. We played Pairs together Against Sam and Geoff. Jean had two then Mal consolidated with two but Geoff stole shot! The green had just been mown We were three down and Mal saved us. Jean took kitty. Jean had shot then Mal took it for two. Jean had two then Sam pulled a miracle shot and we lost one. Mal then moved the kitty to them. Next bowl he killed the end. We went down three re-spotted. Going into the last end we were two up. They got a two. It was 18 all with ten ends each. We tossed for the win and won it. We won the money. $20 each. Club Lambton - an unexpected win for us!

  • A little rollup at Jesmond

    We left Water Board after our great game and drove around the corner to Jesmond Sports Club for a rollup. We'd been told by both Water Board and Edgeworth people that the Jesmond Club is on it's last legs. We thought we'd see for ourselves. It's a relaxed little clubhouse on the inside. Apparently it was called The Heaton Birmingham Gardens Bowling Club. Now Jesmond Sports. Jean walked out and met Trish and Robyn They told Jean they were watching the slowest game of Pairs ever. It started 9:30 and finished 1:45. Inside Mal met Geoff, Pauline, Kenny and Dave. They were interested in Mal's Tuggeranong shirt. The club has two greens - one grass the Pairs was played on. And an old plastic synthetic we rolled up on. As usual, named after a man. Peter Keogh. It's a bit damaged in parts but rolled OK. Our bowls came out sandy. Jean tried it out. She'd been practising at Water Board so did Ok. Mal had a turn. Of course he had to better Jean. Jean did have shot with her front bowl then Mal took the kitty back to her back bowl. He did his best to better Jean again. We did a few ends then made a quiet exit. Jesmond - not sure who won!

  • Mal punishes Jean at Water Board

    We were going to stay at Water Board in the caravan but we drove there Monday then decided instead to go back to Edgeworth so we could top up our water . We've come back to play a game on Tuesday morning. When we got there Monday we met Ian who was doing some carpentry. The clubhouse has a nice feel. Above the bowls shed is a sunny seating area. We'd been chatting on the phone with Arthur When we arrived Tuesday Paul and Arthur looked after the draw. Apparently Tuesday is 'Cranky Old Bowlers'. They are The Water Board Wolves. We met Garry and Leonie. There are two greens. One grass and One plastic synthetic. It's the Warren Brogden Green. It's twelve years old from 2012. Above the green a bowler shows wind direction. By the green are nice permanent shades. There were twenty-six players so three Triples and two Fours on our green and another twelve on the grass. Ian, Graeme, Jean and Terry Played Arthur, Mike, Mal and Garry. First end Jean had shot but Mal knocked her out - as usual! Jean managed to get a photo of her shot bowl next end before he did it to her again. He's definitely in trouble when we get home! A lot of the players here today are from the Wallsend Digger's Club. They reckon they had the best greens in Newcastle but they lost them two years ago through mine subsidence. Jean did two wrong biases but managed to make it up to her team. At one point Jean's team was down 1-11. Then Jean rolled short ends and they won them all. They caught up and levelled the score on end 15 of 18. Mal took kitty then consolidated. Mal's team won by two! We came inside for drinks together. It's a complex method to determine the winner. They draw a number on the machine for each winner. The highest number wins. They do the same for losers. Mal won a meat tray. Water Board - Mal's cooking dinner!

  • Laughs with the Edgeworth folks!

    We'll be home in three weeks - headed south! This morning we left Abermain and drove across to Edgeworth for a rollup. It's a mid-sized clubhouse. We got permission to park our caravan here. Jean went to the laundromat and Mal went into the club. He met some great people. There was President Greg And Toosy, Andrew, Mal, Piggy, Phil, Kevin and Karen. The boys know Spider Terry McGuinness and some other guys from Jean's club Weston Creek . They were a barrel of laughs! There's just one plastic synthetic green. It's the Bill Johnson Green. There's an old grass green that has chairs and tables now. Mal went out in the rain. He did ok. Jean struggled with weight. Jean took her turn. She managed a shot. Our bowls were sopping wet. It seemed easy for Mal. He said it was too wet so went inside for a beer (any excuse!). Jean went on alone. She did better without Mal! We came inside to listen to the music and met Carbo who said " We don't have much here except love ♡! " Edgeworth - the rain, the rain!

  • Just one rink at Abermain

    It's our last day with the five clubs in the Cessnock district. We drove from Cessnock to Abermain for Saturday afternoon Bowls. It's a nice roomy clubhouse. With a good barbecue area named after Clarrie Wilson. It has a large under cover area outside. The garden is pretty. We've parked our caravan at the club. Jean went up to put our names down and met Allan who Mal played at Kurri yesterday. We came inside to wait for bowls and met George and Eddie. There are two plastic synthetic greens. Out front looks good. It's the Colin Cane Green. It has an impressive tower for the name board. There were only six of us. It was George, Jean and Mal Against Eddie, Allan and Ralph. We were four down then Mal put down perfect grass. Jean had three then Eddie came in and took third shot. Jean got shot bowl, one in front and one on the bank. Kerry from East Cessnock came to watch. Skip Mal saved us again. We were down a few and he pushed the kitty back to George's three bowls. We were behind the whole game. Going into the last end we needed three to win. Jean had three then George came in and consolidated with the shot. We lost a shot but won by one! We came back for dinner. Mal liked it so much he had to get a photo with chef Joni. Abermain - intimate game but fun and friendly.

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