We drove two hours from our stay at Blackall to get to Aramac Bowls Club for a rollup.

The first thing one see is the white bull.

It seems to be a bit of a thing in Aramac (Story later!).

Jean got a photo of the bar through the window. The club seems part of the Community Centre.

There's a really long verandah!

With beautiful murals. One of bowlers

And the other of a kangaroo and emu by the fire.

The plaque says the green was opened in 1966.

It's a nice grass green.

A bit patchy in parts but it runs well.

It took us a while to find the mats and jacks. They were hidden in the seats!

Jean went out to roll up.

She was happy with her grass.

Mal had a go.

He did Ok. We both did.

Jean was over the moon with three!

Mal did really well but Jean forgot to take photos of his good bowls! Good grass!

On the way back to the caravan park we stopped to fill up. We met Barry. Jean asked him what was the thing with the white bull. He told us that Captain Starlight stole some cattle and took it to Adelaide. Apparently there was only one that was branded. It was a white bull and it was his undoing. Barry told us there's a creek on the property he manages where some cows came from.

Aramac - no bull here!