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  • Writer's pictureJean Mc

A rollup with the locals at Injune

Jean's been in touch with Injune Bowling Club via Messenger. She found out that on Wednesday night they have social rollups. We don't know what that means but we'll be there!

Injuneis a tiny little town with lots of trucks! The little clubhouse is nice.

With psst Presidents on the wall.

There's an Australia map of badges on the wall. Jean was envious.

Down the side where the entryway is there's a nice outdoor area.

We came at 2:30 just to take some photos. We met Andrew. He couldn't hear us but had this great app on his phone that listened to what we said and translated it. Cool!

We interrupted him rolling the green.

When we came back we met Jo who's been chatting with Jean on Messenger. She runs the motel across the road.

Jo told us they got a grant to get the shade.

There's just one grass green. It looks very nice. Can't wait to try it!

There are some old-fashioned shades made of corrugated iron.

And a very old wind vane.

There were only two people there. Bruce joined us and we rolled up.

Jean had a go.

Everyone was short. She jagged a shot.

Mal went next.

He was on it. Beating Jean of course.

Some more guys turned up for a roll.

Jean liked the pace of the green. It's not too fast and not to slow.

Mal hadn't done a second photo-worthy bowl so at the end Jean sent his bowl back. He didn't disappoint. He took shot off Jean!

We came inside for a quick drink and to pay our green fees. It was after 5:30 so Jerome would be upset - it's way past dinner time!

Jo found Jean a badge for her hat. It has bowls, beef, sheep and timber.

Injune - sorry Jerome we'll be home soon!

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1 comentario

01 ago

Hi Mal and Jean, Jo Grey here from the Queensland Bowler magazine (Bowls Queensland). Could you please send me your direct email address to so I can contact you directly?

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