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Writer's pictureJean Mc

A short game of ten ends in 29° heat at Swan Hill Bowls Club

Jean contacted Swan Hill Bowls Club via Messenger during the week. They said they play Friday 1pm so Jean asked them to put our names down.

There are three lovely Tiffdwarf greens. When we arrived we met greenkeeper Mark who told us Friday they don't start until 3pm so we went shopping.

We came back and met Alex who's organising the game for the person who usually does it who's unwell.

It's a quaint old club.

We liked 'Scotty's Bar'

They have some good tournaments:

Fridays they play just one game of ten ends. Two-bowl triples with a placed jack. Costs $5. Winner gets a $4 voucher to spend over the bar.

We had a quick rollup with Alex but Jean wanted to save her energy. It was 26° and we were coming in to the heat of the day .

We played on the front green.

Jean played lead for skip Graham with Kess,

against Damian Mal and Alan.

(Mal, Alan and Damian)

There were 16 players.

The green was tough. Earlier we needed lots of grass but now the line was more true. Much quicker though. Mal worked it out quickly. Jean, not so much.

Jean started to work out the grass but still struggled with weight. She got shot lots but far from the kitty. Didn't last long.

It was a close game. Both teams won the mat lots. Graham and Alan were very good bowlers. We left them plenty of room to draw. Last end Mal's team was two up. We drew. We needed a number for the jackpot so we played another end. Kess' yellow bowl knocked Jean in for shot, then she scored another. Graham put one in for good measure. He won by two after a great bowl by Alan took third shot.

After the game President Brian introduced himself.

He asked for a minute's silence in memory of Len Wolfe who passed away this week.

Lynda told us Len always played lead and won a championship at age 80. Rest in peace Len.

Jean won the prize for lead bowler, a free drink but gave it to Damian.

Swan hill - an intimate game with friendly, good bowlers

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