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  • Writer's pictureJean Mc

A very short rollup at City Oval Bowling Club

We had a quick rollup at City Oval Bowling Club.

When we arrived we met Leigh and Margery who'd just lost at Pennants. They sorted us out with a mat and jacks. We told them about our trip.

The club has three nice grass greens. The speed was good and the line pretty true.

We both bowled really well. Jean started with four shots but Mal soon whittled them down. We had nice heads. The lead kept changing.

We had to leave after just a few ends because Mal forgot to bring the number of Winston at Daylesford to find out if we're playing there tomorrow. Jean was annoyed as she had our movements all worked out for the afternoon.

City Oval - The best laid plans of mice and men gang oft aglee!

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