We had such a lovely time staying two nights at Nyngan. We said a sad goodbye this morning and drove over to Gilgandra. They play at 1:30 so hopefully we'll get there in time.

Though she's never been there, Gilgandra is pretty familiar to Jean from when she lived in Gulgong in her high school years when her Dad Roy was the police Sargeant there.
The small clubhouse is nice. It has a Chinese restaurant like many do.

There's an impressive trophy case.

And a painting of bowlers.

With some cartoons of members.

With some horse 🐎 racing memorabilia.

The photos belong to Bruce who's a champion horse trainer.

There's a cool outdoor area.

And one down the side.

When we arrived we met President Noel.

Mal sat and chatted with the boys. They were pretty funny. They teased each other and behaved like larrikins.

Jean met Steve from Engadine and told him all about our trip.

Garry looks after the money. "Because nobody else will do it! " He said.

Garry called the cards.

Out the front is the 1938 Foundation Stone.

There are two nice grass greens.

The green has just been rolled.

It seems there were once three greens. Now the old one is a playground.

Green 1 is dedicated.

There were enough players for two games of Triples and one Pairs. Garry decided to make it sixteen ends because it gets cold after four.

It was Angus, Dylan (Greenkeeper) and Jean

Against James, Bob and Larry.

Mike, Larry and Mal

Played Bruce, Ed and Steve.

It took Jean three ends but she scored shot.

She did it again - then they scored a seven!

Jean was always up the other end when Mal bowled but she managed to catch when he knocked up his teammate's orange for shot.

A lot of trucks went past. They said it's because Gilgandra is on the main highway between Melbourne and Brisbane.
They didn't deter Mal. Jean was able to get a photo on his last end. He almost did it.

Jean won her game with two shots, Mal won by one shot. They came in

to spin The Equaliser. Every winning team has a chance.

Dylan's team won with Highest winning margin. Jean (Mal) won two schooner tickets.
