We stayed two nights at Coolah Sports Club . After our very ordinary rollup we moved on to Merriwa. Jean has a special place in her ❤️ for the town because her family used to billet students from there for Sports exchange when they lived in Gulgong.

We pulled up out the front and met Craig.

Craig took us on a tour of the surrounds and showed us where to park our caravan.

We'd arrived around 11:30. Craig was mowing around the green. He told us people start to arrive for drinks from 2pm. Jean walked down and met Ron one of the Greenkeepers.

The club opened at 2:30 when we came down for our rollup.

We charged our camping battery 🔋 out on the smoking deck.

We met Ken who's been bowling for 50 years. He told us he's the only player who's won every championship.

He gave us some Merriwa stickers that we can give to Hoppy at Herberton.

The club has one grass green.

With some old fabric shades.

Ron mowed then rolled it before our rollup.

We met the other Greenkeeper Bruce. He got us mats and jacks.

Jean took to the mat.

We both got our grass and weight Ok.

Jean had three shots but Mal took them out. She's reminded of when he did it to her on Valentines Day and the smartarse bowler who told her he was only trying to kiss her bowls!

He kept annoying Jean when he got shot.

Until she did it herself again!

Jean walked ten minutes to IGA to buy some wine while Mal sat for a beer with the boys.

Merriwa - fond memories and fine rollup!