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Writer's pictureJean Mc

Bowls and fruit at Gold City Charters Towers

When we were at Hughenden the other day Graeme told us that Charters Towers has Pairs on Wednesday. His Dad John plays there. We arrived Monday so stayed three nights so we could play.

Our first night we free-camped at a truck stop. We watched the huge four trailer trucks come in and turn right in front of us. Mal loved the Kenworths with all their lights.

When we arrived on Wednesday we met Bob in the office. He's from Canberra.

The clubhouse is small and cute.

There are some great teatowels on the wall. One from Lismore

And one funny one on bowls terms.

Over 400 clubs we've done. Every one has a photo of the Monarch but we're yet to see a photo of the King.

There are some nice Pennants. Some from quite a while ago.

The club has a game time bell presented by Innisfail Bowls Club.

There's a nice under cover verandah with bowls to help players off the green.

They've planted a garden out the back with tomatoes, watermelon and paw paws.

One of the guys Terry brought OJ who first growled at Jean then wanted pats from her.

It's the first time we've seen a time capsule. We hope there will be a lady President to open it in 2035!

The rinks are a memorial to Rhys Davies.

It's a nice carpet synthetic. Jean's favourite.

The greens came from a grant.

It has pull over shades.

It came over for us.

We met Hughenden Graeme's Dad John.

There was an odd number so we played one 3 against 4 and a game of Triples. Jean and twelve blokes. We played opposite. Harry, Dennis, Terry and Mal.

Against Jean, Bob and Pop.

The green was super fast! Jean's first bowls rolled slowly into the ditch. Mal did better.

Next end Jean hardly swung her stick. She picked up the kitty.

Next end it was short. Jean slowed it right down. "I think I'm getting the hang of this" she said!

We played ten ends. Mal's team shellacked Jean's! We went in for smoko then swapped teams. This time we had different games. It was Bob, Denis, John and Mal

Against Ken, John and Terry.

Bill, Jean and Harry. Jean was having a ball as the boys were so friendly and encouraging.

She played Pop, Tom and Errol.

It took Mal until the second game to do a photo-worthy bowl. Three in fact!

Mal didn't get shot but he called Jean over to take a photo of his bowls.

Jean felt she bowled well but got killed both games. We came inside for the results.

They spun the wheel. Errol, Tom and Pop won with Highest winning margin - against Jean! Mal won his game 14 to 9.

Jean's not sure she likes paw paw but she got one - and a badge for her hat.

Charters Towers - what a friendly game!

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