We're only in Ipswich one day, especially so we can play at Goodna, which we missed when we came through a couple of weeks ago.

We rang and left two messages yesterday but took off from Beaudesert very early to arrive with enough time to park the caravan and hang out the washing.
We arrived at 8am for a nine o'clock start. We met Tim, Kathy and Dave in the office.

Chairperson Thelma came and introduced herself. She said she'd been President for twelve of the nineteen years she's bowled and now was elected Chairperson.

The clubhouse is nice, and small inside.

Jan told Jean the club has been damaged by floods twice. The first was in January 2011 when they lost the clubhouse when the flood came in from the north.

A new clubhouse was built but February 2022 it went underwater with a flood from the south. The concrete floor bears witness.

The club has two greens. One looks like it's being refurbished.

We played on the side green.

Mal played with Brad

(Brad and Mal)
Against Brian and Jan in a Pairs game.

Tony, Jean and Clive

(Tony, Jean and Clive)
Played three-bowl triples against Tim, 96 year old Brian and Tony. Thelma told Jean Brian is one of the founding members of the club.

We sat on seats, like other clubs we've been to, donated by members.

Tony told Jean that, because of the flood , they haven't been able to do anything with the green. It's a bumpy old thing. Don't know where bowls will end up.

Jean managed to put one on the kitty but the other two ran over the bumps and stayed out wide.

Clive's team was bowling really well. We had the mat nearly every end.

Thelma said "I should have had my photo taken with my uniform instead of my jacket!" Jean was happy to oblige.

Mal said "This green is doing my head in! That's the closest I've been all game!"

There were two games - one pairs and one triples. There were also two championship games on.

Jean asked Mal if he won. He laughed "No! We came back from the dead though! It was 17 to 20.
We came inside for drinks and presentations.

One of the guys Barry Butler gave Mal a photo he took outside on the green. He doesn't know how to spell Mynah!

Goodna - Jean had a good win