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  • Writer's pictureJean Mc

Irymple - just a little bit rude but funny!

We drove around when we arrived on Wednesday to the three clubs in Mildura and put our names down. Today, Saturday it's Irymple at 9:00 am.

We arrived at 8:30 and introduced ourselves to Lorraine and Graham in the office.

Then we met John who Mal chatted with about Pennants and Geelong football club.

They have nice placemats of the club uniform.

They were created by Julie.

There is a good outdoor social area named 'The Cauldron'.

With the masses of sultana grapes that grow all over Mildura, it's not surprising that the club is sponsored by Sunbeam Foods.

The club has two really nice grass greens. The front one hasn't been mown for a while.

The second green was being rolled as we got there.

We played on that one.

We played three-bowl triples- two games of twelve ends. There were eighteen players with five women and thirteen men - three games. Jean played lead for skip Bill and club Secretary Anne.

(Bill, Anne and Jean)

We played against Gary, skip Ivor and lead George.

At one point George said, with surprise in his voice, "They're being nice to me!" Jean quizzed "Is that unusual?" One of the other players called "Yes, they are all mongrels here!" Of course they were all smiles. Some of the instructions given were pretty funny. There were lots of little innuendos. Jean said "This club is a worry!" They all agreed.

Mal played lead with John and skip Tracey

(France Tracey and John)

against Max, Rod and skip France

At one point John said "We're having some bad luck." Mal replied "Yes. You need to take a photo before France bowls. When we leave the head we are five up. He bowls and we go down two!"

Later on Tracey called "Up and back. We need to score 11 to draw!"

Towards the end of our 1st game, Anne introduced Jean to her husband Ian who is the club President.

Of course we know we are in the country when the bowls club is sponsored by a farm supplies business. Last end it was 11-all. Lost by one.

We came inside at half time. Jean berated Mal about his lack of reliability taking photos of his team and bowls. The barman Brendan piped up and said "What about the barman?!" Jean said "I don't usually get volunteers to have their photos taken." Brendan said "Best barman in Mildura!"

Ian came in and welcomed us. He then showed us a TV ad the club has had made.

Second game we played ten ends. Jean's team played Mal's first opposition Max, Rod and skip France. Mal and Jean both picked up. John said to Mal "You were just warming up the first game weren't you?"

Jean took shot first end.

Towards the end a lovely Butcher Bird paid a visit and sang beautifully to us.

Last end France needed three to win. Jean scored three then Rod took it. Anne then took the kitty back to Jean. It was one and a measure when the skips stepped up. Jean's team got two for five up.

Mal's team was ahead all game (he thinks). The opposition needed four to win. They got it.

We went inside for presentation. There were two two-game winners so neither of us had a chance still...

Irymple - we had a blast.

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