We came almost as far north as we can go in Wollongong to Scarborough Wombarra Bowlo. We thought it was just men but they offered Jean a game.

It's a little old-fashioned clubhouse.

There's a big outdoor area with a marquee.

It has beautiful ocean views but the photo doesn't do it justice!

We found Mick's name online and Mal rang him to get his name down. We met him with Peter at the table.

We sat and chatted with Peter, Barry and the other Peter.

Peter found Jean a Scarborough Wombarra Life Member's badge for her hat.

There were two games of pairs and one triples.

We played together

Against Donna and Kevin.

Mal took shot first end. We lost it!

We lost the first two ends then on end three we scored a seven.

Next we got three.

Jean put in a beauty for two.

They caught up a bit with a four. We won though - 25 to 15.

We came in for drinks. It's a real local so the club was buzzing. They asked Jean to get up and tell her story.

Kevin gave us some nice spinach.
