Off to Temora today, Sunday, for a game. Put our names down yesterday.
We decided to stop at the Young car wash to remove all the yass mud from our bogging incident.
Dexter our Dmax came up very nicely!
Lots of potholes on Milvale Rd but as we got closer to Temora they were all repaired which was nice.
We popped into the Temora ex-services club which has one green.
It was out of action for maintenance, so no rollup.
At Temora we had a nice chat with John a retired farmer.
We had so much fun there, we forgot to take photos of us and the people there 🙄.
First it was cool and cloudy (see photo), then we had to put our rain jackets on, then the sun came out and it was a bit muggy.
The game was two games of 12 ends. Play the first then new opponents. Jean played first with Dan (skip) against Alan and Skip Glenn. Jean and Dan won convincingly 16-8 and even got a full count. Second game against old Dan in the South Sydney shirt. lost by 3 shots.
Mal played next door with Mike. "The Leyland Bros" against Trevor and 86 year old Cliff. Second game against Ron and Norman. Lost his first game then drew the second - against a Zone player.
The Temora crowd wished us well on our travels but told us to watch out for the people at Ariah Park when we go there (we think they were joking!). We'll make up our own minds on that.
One of the guys Trevor gave us instructions to go back to Young via Stockinbingal because we were worried about flood waters we passed. Good advice, many fewer potholes but loads of semis - mostly B-Doubles.
Fantastic games. Great company. Thanks Temora.