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  • Writer's pictureJean Mc

Millthorpe - a game, a feed, a meat tray and good company!

After our lovely time at Bathurst yesterday we decided to go to the tiny town of Millthorpe for a game. Jean's been in touch via Messenger and put our names down.

The guys were all sitting on the verandah with their beers when we arrived. We met Barry at the table and paid our $5.

The club has two grass greens.

We played on the front green.

It's a bit worse for wear. Ray told us they've killed it off to get rid of the moss.

There are owls to protect the green.

All the seats are donated.

Jean played lead with Ray for skip Col the Greenkeeper.

(Ray, Jean and Col)

Mal was opposing lead with Grahame and skip Peter.

(Mal, Peter and Grahame)

There were three games of three-bowl triples. Jean and seventeen blokes.

Mal started off really well on the fast grassless green.

Jean got three on end three and Ray put in a fourth. We had none at the back though. Went down one.

Col's team was one to 7 then got six to even the score. Jean and Ray did the deed then Col came in to score the team another five to be up by four.

On end twelve Jean finally worked the weight out with help from Ray for four.

Ray told us we came on a good day. Apparently they put in a bit of money over the year to pay for a twice yearly lunch. Today was the day. A cook comes to prepare it. We stopped half way. We tried to offer some money for lunch but were asked "Did you pay money for bowls? Then you've paid!"

The boys told Mal the footy legend Mortimer family lives in Millthorpe. He was stoked.

Jean was doing ok. Grahame said "Good bowling Jean." Jean said "Not good enough!" Mal had it - again!

Col's team won 24 to 14 after two fives and a six. We came inside. Jean wondered, since their Pennants stickers are red, if they had red shirts (for Jean to wear on Tuesday - red day}. They did so she bought one.

So we played $5 each and got a great game of bowls, a decent lunch and, to top it all, everyone got a meat tray.

Millthorpe - bloody good deal for $5.

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