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  • Writer's pictureJean Mc

Murtoa - an enjoyable rollup with musicians

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

We contacted Murtoa Bowling Club about social bowls but got no response. We decided to drive out on Pennants day to try for a rollup.

They were playing Pennants when we arrived - against Rainbow.

We met Michelle and Doug.

It's a nice clubhouse.

We loved the bowlers on the tank.

They have old seats. A lady called Shea came down and asked the club to pay the cost for materials and restored them.

They put on a great spread of sandwiches, scones and cake for Pennants.

Like all the others in this region it's a synthetic.

We had a rollup. Mal got 11 to zip. Every time Jean got shot he took the kitty!

Michelle and Kieran said they'd roll up with us. They are new to Murtoa having moved here from Melton earlier this year. They'd never played bowls before they came here now they're in Division Two. They are folk musicians.

We loved that. When Kieran found out we were from Canberra he and Jean had a good talk about politics.

Mal of course showed off.

He took shot first bowl.

Jean got one.

We think we won but we didn't really keep score. Even so, it was close. We came inside for a drink.

We saw they have Pennants made from wood.

Murtoa - we had fun

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