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  • Writer's pictureJean Mc

No bowls at Normanton or Richmond

We've had so many long drives the last week - it's taking a toll. We took a four hour drive from Four Ways to Normanton then on to Richmond. We had no idea if we could get games or just rollup. We had to get up early.


It's such a long drive from Mt Isa to Normanton. Over five hours in fact!

We stopped to sleep at a little place called Four Ways on our way. We arrived for a rollup and found the bowling club all locked up. It's only open two days!

We couldn't even get in to take photos! We drove three hours back to Four Ways.


We drove 3 1/2 hours to Richmond. We thought we'd leave early in case they had Friday bowls on. We arrived 12:30 to a little shock. "Nobody bowls on that!" Mal cried.

We were very disappointed. It's been a while.

Normanton - population 774. Richmond population 648. Not surprising really!

We asked the guys at the pub in Richmond what happened to the bowling club. They said all the members got old and died so there was nobody left to keep it going. 😞

Richmond and Normanton - oh when, oh when can we play some bowls!

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