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  • Writer's pictureJean Mc

Practice night at Yeppoon

We'd been in touch with Yeppoon some months ago and we're told there is social bowls Friday afternoon. We planned for that but found out that's incorrect. We found out they have practice Friday at 3 so came for that.

We checked out inside.

Actually we thought about skipping Yeppoon this trip and coming back next year. We took the drive and met Neil on the green. He's a friend of Caite from Emu Park.

Apparently we were supposed to come at 2:30 to have someone to roll up with. We didn't get that message so had to roll up by ourselves. We don't usually pay for rollups. We object to charging affiliated bowlers. They said nobody pays.

There are two synthetic carpet greens.

We rolled up on the new green.

It's very new!

The Tony Carte Green.

Jean was a bit nervous.

The green was quite quick. Jean managed shots - well maybe one shot.

Mal tried it out.

He did a little better.

Mal accidentally put the kitty in the ditch. Our bowls went in too!

Yeppoon - we're glad we didn't leave it for later!

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