It's Remembrance Day and we've come to Kingswood Sports for a morning game.

It's a decent-sized clubhouse. It's owned by East's Leagues Club (Roosters).

We asked Jake the greenkeeper about bowls.

Jill the Treasurer showed us where to go.

John took our names.

Jill came up to Jean and said "Because you're such a nice lady you get a tube of Grippo!"

Chris, Ron and Phil looked after the money.

We sat with the boys before the game. It was Mal, Jim, Albert and Billy.

There are two nice grass greens.

We played on the back green.

The Hec Cameron Green.

Green one was closed so we had to play Fours instead of the usual Pairs.

They are the Roosters.

It was Ted, Richie, Jean and Mal

Against Mick, Don, John and Harry.

On the Bobby Lamont Rink(what a great idea!).

Jean forgot to bring her Bowling Arm so her first bowl went really narrow (out! - she bowls left-handed with it so today is right-handed.) Eventually she got one in there when Mal scored two.

In fact he was all over it.

Lead Jean kept going crook on the boys because every time she got a photo-worthy bowl they took it out! So she raced up when there was only a couple of bowls on the green!

Of course John then took it!

At 11am bowls stopped, hats came off and we stood for the ode.

Jake has done a fabulous job of the other green. It looks fantastic - deep green!

Jean got a photo of her shot bowl before the boys put a five in!

We laughed all the time at the boys putting sh.t on each other. It was hilarious. Two ends to go Jean said "I finally did a good bowl!" But then Mick thrashed it for three!

Mal cried "Yay! We got double figures!" 31 to ten! We came inside to commiserate (and laugh some more!)

Kingswood Country - for great company!