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  • Writer's pictureJean Mc

Robina - we nearly beat the Canadian Singles Champion!

We arrived at Robina at 12 for a 12:30 start. We were worried we didn't have our names down. Clearly we'd rung because they had Jean as Dean McIntyre.

The club is nice. Open plan with no pokies. Jean met a man outside who told her the club was going downhill. Helensvale club came in and took over and breathed new life into it.

The club has three nice grass greens.

There was a bloke trimming the impressive hedge sign.

There were a few people. We played on two greens.

There were eleven games.

We played triples with skip John.

(Mal, Jean and John)

We played against Pat, Tom and Wayne.

Jean was over the moon that two ends (of twenty) she out-bowled Pat.

Mal played brilliantly. He often took out Pat's shot bowls.

We dropped two sixes but managed to crawl back to 12-13 at half time. We went inside for drinks and raffles. Wayne looked after the raffles.

When we came back out Jean said "I shouldn't have had a glass of wine!"

Playing against a national champion got in Mal's head a bit - in a good way. He often took out Pat's shot bowls.

We were two shots up on the fifteenth end of 21 Pat got the mat and rolled it really long. "Canadian tactics!" Jean said.

It was lovely to watch Pat bowl. Jean gave him a good run for his money.

Last end we needed three to win. We got one to go down one shot. Jean said "Bragging rights!"

Robina - the Canadian experience!

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