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  • Writer's pictureJean Mc

The two Numurkahs

There are two bowls clubs in Numurkah - Golf and Town. We understood one was closed down so only planned to visit one. We were wrong so had to visit both in the same day. It was raining so we weren't sure we'd get a rollup.

Numurkah has a bigger population - about 4,700. By the time we got there the rain had stopped.

We'd met President Ross Henderson of Numurkah Town at Berrigan on Thursday. He told us to come at 10:30 today and he'd get us a game. We found out yesterday he's the older brother of Hendo who we met at Wunghnu.

Ross was ready when we got there. Don the Greenkeeper rolled it for us.

His doggies waited patiently.

The clubhouse is pretty.

With a nice trophy case.

There are three grass greens. One out the back.

And two out the front.

We played on the green in front of the clubhouse. .

It's the Bill Baldwin Green. His story explains what we'd heard. He was club Secretary. When he took over the club was broke. When he left it was thriving with $25k in the bank so they named the green after him.

The front green is named the Hugh Henderson Green. Jean asked Ross if he was any relation. He said "That's Uncle Hugh. He was the greenkeeper here before Don!"

We played a game of pairs - 2-4-2. Mal and Jean

Against Ross and Paul.

The wind was tough. Jean had to bowl her Edge Plus to the next green number one side and straight down the middle the other. Mal managed one.

On the last end Jean finally got one.

We gave it our all but they were just too good for us. Ross said "We're used to bowling in the wind here!" The shirts are Parramatta colours so of course Mal had to buy one.

It has a train on it from the train across the road.

We said goodbye to the guys and headed to the other club.

It's a golf club but the two grass greens looked good

We had a little rollup. On the way home we drove through Katamatite - Mal's old stomping ground. He didn't recognise anything.

Numurkah - good to see bowls alive and well in small towns.

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