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  • Writer's pictureJean Mc

We camped our van at Birregurra for Training night

Birregurra is a little town just east of Simpson where we were staying on our way to Geelong. We missed it about three times when we were in the region so kept it in our plans for our way back to Canberra from Lorne.

When we arrived we met Chris, Brian and Gary who confirmed for us there's training this arvo.

They said we could park our van there so it suits us perfectly.

It's a nice little clubhouse.

There's just one plastic synthetic green. It's about 18 months old. Chris told us they sold the block of land next door, the old parking area, to cover the cost.

And a little verandah area under cover where you can view the action.

There was a game of 100-Up going on when we arrived.

We loved the little cow plant stand!

The boys told us the club's been here since 1958. We're not sure what was erected but it's a nice memorial.

Mal stood and chatted with Graham (who won the match) for about half an hour about all things bowls and caravanning.

We went into the van for a little rest. Later in the arvo some more people turned up for another 100-Up. Pahulu and Fran rolled up with us.

Mal put the kitty in the ditch right on the boundary and Jean drew to it. Mal tried to claim her bowl was out but she checked. It was in!

It took us a while to get the line and weight.

Jean had a go.

She managed a shot.

Mal bowled next.

Of course he had to out-do Jean!

Graham came up and told us his wife Janet is Editor of The Birregurra Mail and would like to do a story about us.

She took a nice photo of us and Jean sent her background information about our trip, and the blog.

Fran finished and Gary came and joined our rollup. We played a game of 2-4-2 up to ten.

Lots of people turned up for practice.

They opened the bar and Marshall served our drinks.

We only had one good shot in the whole game! Pahulu and Gary were practising for their last two Pennants games so we were happy for them to take us 12 zip.

We sat down for a few drinks and watched the practice.

Marshall wanted a photo with our cat Jerome.

Birregurra - we're so glad we left it to last!

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