We saw there's a bowling club at Cardinia Waters Retirement. We're a bit uncertain so thought we'd turn up on Pennant day to see if they are playing.

On Monday Jean rang John, whose name she found online, to check if it was OK. He said Tuesday is a bit difficult but suggested we come today, Monday, for a rollup before their Thursday Night Triples Final. We got in the car and met John at the green.

They use the retirement village clubhouse as their bowls clubhouse. It's very nice.

There's a lovely shade structure in front of the green.

There's a nice carpet synthetic green.

John rolled up with us. He said the club has two Tuesday Pennants teams and one Saturday team. Both the Tuesday teams are in the finals. Given John said most are over 80 that's fantastic!

Jean started off.

She dis ok. Our heads weren't bad.

Mal was eager to show his skills.

He was successful.

And again. Jean didn't take photos of John's bowls but most often it was John on the kitty, not us!

John introduced us to Graeme.

He was proud of his club shirt.

Everyone started to turn up for the final. We watched for a while.

Jean remarked that she'd seen a few retirement villages with a rink or two but none with a beautiful green like this!
My photo of Mal and Jean at Cardinia Waters Bowls Club. We hope to see you another day.
Great publication to share our Village which has many activities to learn new challenges...not to mention the CWV BOWLS with great competitions 🎳
Thanks for visiting Cardinia Waters. I’m sorry there wasn’t enough time to spend with you. Your words and photos are great publicity. Happy travels, and happy bowling.
John Moore.