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  • Jean gets a lesson in Bowling Arm etiquette at Carisbrook

    We're off for a morning rollup at Carisbrook. We are told it's all locked up but we are sorted! Yesterday when we were at Highland Society Bowls Club we met Matt who rang Carisbrook and put Mal on the phone to a guy who gave him the code to get in. It appears to be in the middle of a sports vicinity. Jean peeked inside. It's all pretty new. Here's the lock. Luckily Mal remembered where he wrote the code! We were lonely all by ourselves. There's just one carpet green. We remembered to roll up north-south. First end Jean didn't quite get the weight. On the third end Mal had six and Jean finally got a couple. Mal was really annoying Jean with his good bowls. Then Jean scored a beauty but pushed the kitty over to Mal. Jean remarked that she needs to stop lifting her bowls into the bowling arm with her right arm because it's painful. She said she should do it with her feet. Mal said "You should stand up all your bowls!" Jean got a pang of guilt. Yesterday at Highland she kept wiping the sand off her bowls and laying them flat. She was getting annoyed that she'd turn around and Laurie would have stood them up (and got sand on them). Now she realises it's a new bowls etiquette thing to stand up bowls of Bowling Arm bowlers. Derrr. He was being nice! Last end Mal put the kitty on the plinth then drew to it. He said "If we were playing that game the boys played yesterday I'd have 12 and you'd be minus twelve!" All alone for a rollup at Carisbrook.

  • Maryborough Golf - closed for bowls

    On our way back to the caravan from Maryborough Highland Bowls Club we stopped in at the Golf Club. We'd been told their greens are out so we wanted to take some photos. There are two grass greens. One is definitely out. The other didn't look very used. If we come back this way we'll drop in again for a game. Maryborough Golf - maybe next time!

  • Feeling Scottish at Maryborough Highland Society Bowls Club

    We're staying in Dunolly for a few days. It's a short drive to Maryborough so we're off to check out Maryborough Highland Society Bowls Club to see if we can get a game. Jean walked in to the Bowls Room and Matt came in to see what she was doing. We met Matt when we went to Talbot a few weeks ago. He told us he won the District Champion of Champions Singles this year. Matt phoned Carisbrook to arrange a rollup for us tomorrow. Matt introduced us to Treasurer Alan who sorted us out for a rollup. The club has two greens either side of the clubhouse. One is grass and the other is synthetic. Matt and Mal started rolling. Laurie joined us so we played 2-4-2 up to ten. Laurie and Matt Against Jean and Mal. Jean was impressed with the shades. Laurie said they usually all have seats but they've been taken to the Highland gathering which is on Monday in Maryborough. Jean could feel her Scottish blood bubbling! Mal and Jean started well and led for several ends. Jean didn't like that the green put sand on her bowls. Matt and Mal had a real tussle . Jean was happy (bowling with her new Arm) if she could put them within a metre. She gave Mal a run for his money. Mal was a good partner. Jean said "I think I'm bowling nearly as well left-handed with the arm after five outings as I do with my right arm!" Greg from Match Committee came for a chat. Laurie says he's the best bowler in the club. Last couple of ends they got ahead of us and won by four. We had to roll back so the boys played this game where you put the kitty 1 foot from the ditch and everyone draws to it. You lose 4 points if you go in the ditch (Jean lost 12!) And you get points if you put kitty in the ditch but don't follow it. We said goodbye and told Matt we'd see him around. He said he'll see us at Avoca on Tuesday. Maryborough Highland Society- a nice Gathering.

  • We watched the Singles finals at Dunolly

    We were supposed to stay the week in Lismore Victoria but we've done all the clubs there. We told the caravan park we'll come back Wednesday and decided to come to Dunolly to do all the Goldfields clubs. They welcome strangers. We walked in and Keith and Christine said an excited gidday. Keith was waiting to play the Singles final. Christine rang Barry to ask about social bowls in clubs around, Jean spoke to him on the phone. Then Barry came and opened the bar. Friday night is a thing here. They were all sat around the bar. The verandah out the front is inviting. Lots of people sat to watch. There's a painting at the end of a river. There are two nice grass greens. The front green that we rolled up on had a flood on it recently. There was some damage they are repairing. While Jean took photos Mal started to roll up with Jim. Jean joined. She put two on the kitty but the boys kicked the bowls away before she got a photo (really, truly!) Mal did well, but Jim kept him honest! Mal said "The green is running really well!" Mal put them in - Jean was close - but we didn't score because we had to vacate for the matches. Jim's dog Ruby kept Jean busy throwing the ball. 4pm they started the men's and women's singles finals. Peter vs Keith and Alice vs Karen. They put snacks out for the spectators. We sat and watched. It was pretty exciting! Then Mal went in and chatted at the bar. Keith played a brilliant game and took it away. Pete had a comeback in the end - just not enough. (Peter and Keith) Karen just beat Alice. It was a thrilling game. (Alice and Karen) We had a lovely afternoon. Welcome strangers at Dunolly.

  • Drysdale Bowls and Croquet Club - the grass green was lovely

    It's our last day in Geelong after Christmas. We've now done all the clubs we missed in February but one. We're off for a Thursday afternoon game at Drysdale . Jean got in touch via Messenger and someone gave her Danny's number. Mal rang him on Wednesday and got our names down. We're looking forward to our last Geelong district game. We walked in and met Ben and Daniel (Danny) who said "You're super early!" John (Macca) took our money. People came up ind chatted with us and asked about our trip. They were very friendly. They made us feel welcome. The clubhouse is nice and airy. They have a photo of the old clubhouse which is now a doctor's surgery. Also a painting of the old clubhouse. There's a bell we are told from an old ship that ran aground at Clifton Springs. There is a nice verandah out the front. We're glad it's cool today because there are only a couple of shades. Jean's contact on Messenger explained: "Just a side note in hot weather we would always play the other direction so it aligns with all the shade down the middle and opposite ends. We are just trying to change the traffic on the green during our off season." There are two grass greens and the Croquet is out the back. The front green is being repaired. We played on the far green. We liked their home-made Pennants scoreboard. It's 2-4-2 - three games of six ends. Jean played with John. First game was against Mal who played with Danny (Deputy Director). There were five rinks. It was a joy playing on grass for a change. The grass was beautiful. Mal likes the grass. He and Danny got two. Jean got shot (with the bowling arm) next end - for a moment. Mal and Danny won by six. Second game Jean and John played John's partner Vicky and Geoff - The oldest member in the club. Mal played Len and Rosemary. Jean was happy with the way she bowled with her bowling arm. She and John got a five but lost by three. We went inside for a break. When we came back Jean played Wayne and Kevin. Mal played Ian and Pauline. Jean accidentally got three! Mal put in the bowl of the day. Then did it again - twice. John and Jean won their last game. Mal had three for three. Mal and Danny won the money. Drysdale - a very friendly club.

  • Bannockburn - rollup at a nice neat club

    We've had a few days off over Christmas. We had a lovely lunch with Laura, Dwi and Zeke. Now it's Wednesday and we're busting for bowls. We came to Bannockburn for a rollup. We met Greg who's been bowling just 7 months He helped us with mats and jacks. Jean peeked inside. The clubhouse is still decked out for Christmas. Mal said he liked that it's neat with a nice feel. "It's like we could come back any time!" There's a tankstand painted with bowlers. And a nice verandah under cover. Jean remarked that it would be a nice place to come for a tournament. We were intrigued by the English Lion boxes. They have chairs in them. There are two different synthetic greens. The old one is out the front. It's plastic. There is the obligatory fake wildlife to deter birds. We rolled up on the new one. It's carpet. Jean was having a good time with her new bowling arm. She took first blood. And again. Mal was struggling with weight initially. Then he got his groove back. Going into the second last end it was Jean six and Mal three. He got two. Jean said "You only need one to draw!". Jean then put down her best bowl of the day. Bannockburn - perhaps we'll return one day for a tournament.

  • Clifton Springs - a great game of Scroungers

    We had a big morning chasing parcels after our bowls shirts debacle with Promotional Products and Unifoms (really poor service). All we wanted to do was get to Clifton Springs Bowling Club for a game. We had gone online to register but were a bit nervous as to whether they got our names. We drove out. We met Rob (Club Coach) who unlocked the gate for us. He said we're fine to just turn up at 12:30. Rob's written a couple of books. He gave Jean the one on the Bowling Arm. And a copy of the club newsletter. We went for lunch and came back. Don showed us the way. There are three synthetic greens. We played on the front green. It is unnamed but the shelters were built by ex-member and carpenter Peter Verspeek. There were Jean and twelve blokes so we played three-bowl Scroungers. Shot bowl worth three, second shot is two and third is one. Sixteen ends with no penalties. Jean's rink was Michael, Jean, Mark and Allan. Mal's was Rob, Mal, Don and Steve. Second end Jean scored a three and a one. She was over the moon. She said "Yay! I can stop now!" Even though Mal's score wasn't high the boys said "He's been doing it all game!" Jean did keep going and ecstatically scored another three. Then Jean did her best end of the day. Not bad for a south-pawed right-hander! Mal finished first. He came second 23 to 36. He had such a good time. He said "They just joked around all game. They tried their best to put Rob off but didn't succeed!" Jean was blown away to come third. The winners had a one-bowl shoot out. Allan won. We came inside for drinks. Rob gave Jean some good Bowling Arm tips. They thanked us for coming, wished us well and gave us a gift of a pen and torch each. Clifton Springs - Mal enjoyed the jokes! On our way back to Geelong we stopped in at Leopold Sportsman's club. Aside from the sexism of the name, we were astounded at their gall (after we paid $5 for a game at Clifton Springs) they wanted to charge us $10 each for a rollup. We left. Leopold - what a rip-off!

  • We felt welcome at St Leonards Victoria

    We read online that we had to have our names down at St Leonards Bowling Club at 11. We rang and rang and rang but nobody answered so we drove out with our fingers crossed. We met Tony who wrote our names down and told us "the phone is never manned". Annemarie, her twin sister Margaret, Lyn, Little Lynnie, Anton and Tony were sitting outside watching the Singles championship. Jean stood and chatted with them. They were very friendly and talkative. The clubhouse is quite roomy. With a great painting in the entrance. And a nice picture of the pier which is on their club shirts. There's a nice verandah. They have two carpet greens. We played on the front green. The Eddie Lynch Green. It's three-bowl pairs. Three games of eight ends. Jean played with Bob. First game was against Mick and John. Mal played with Dave Against Ian and Don. Jean played her first game ever with the bowling arm. Bob was an arm bowler so he understood. John told Jean the first bowling arm was invented by a farmer who played at St Leonards. His name was Trevor Harker. The prototype was wood. Then he improved it. There were six pairs in all. First end Jean's bowls went everywhere - even in the ditch but she got one close-ish. Jean's 2nd game was against Ron and Peter. Mal played Jean's first opponents Mick and John. (Ron, Peter and Bob) Jean finally got the grass right. A bit heavy but she knocked out shot bowl. Jean was so busy learning the arm she forgot to watch Mal's bowls. She said "Do a photo-worthy bowl!" He did. Bob introduced Jean to the Secretary. Peter said "And Bob does everything else!" Peter gave us some badges. Last game Jean played Mal's first opponents Ian and Don. Mal played Ron and Peter. Jean did a little better this game but not good enough. Mal kept bowling brilliantly. We came inside for drinks. Neither of us won a game but Dave and Chris said to Mal "No, you're the guest we'll buy the beers!" The girls told Jean about their Chairperson Ros McIntyre. Jean said "That's my sister's name." Jean introduced herself to Ros. John told Jean the club has a working bee on Fridays. He said there's a lady Mary who looks after the gardens. They are beautiful. Jean forgot to take a photo but wanted to mention her work. St Leonards - no wins for us but great company.

  • Inverleigh Jean's first venture with her new bowling arm

    We're in Geelong for two weeks over Christmas. We have only six clubs left to do so took it easy for a couple of days. Sunday we drove out to Inverleigh Bowling Club for a rollup and so Jean could try her new bowling arm out (with her left arm) on an actual green. The club looks friendly and inviting though there was nobody there. Jean only bought her new arm this week at Westcoast Bowls in Colac. She was chomping at the bit to try it. The green is synthetic. It was lovely out there. Warm and zero wind. The line was true (though Jean couldn't really tell!) With a bird flying over. It's a bit sandy. It left stuff on our bowls. Jean was hopeless to start with. She couldn't feel the weight. Bowls in the ditch! Mal got shot. Jean said "We're not scoring today because I'm at a disadvantage!" Then he got three. Jean put one in with her last bowl and started to get a bit of confidence. Low and behold Jean got a shot! Last end Jean scored three. She said "Maybe we should score next time!" Inverleigh - Jean works out the stick!

  • City Bowls Club Colac - a rollup and a new arm for Jean

    When we were in Colac in February this year, we did the two clubs we knew about. On our last day we went into IGA and the lady on the checkout asked us if we'd been to her club - City Bowls Club. We missed it so decided to come back. We came in and asked if we could have a rollup. The club is nice and modern. It's quite big. The girl at the bar directed us to Luke and Manager Alison. Luke's been bowling two years and Alison 17 years. They showed us where the mats and jacks were and said we could roll up anywhere. We were surprised to see four greens. There are two old grass ones that aren't used now and two synthetic. We rolled up on the front carpet. Jean saw two blokes chatting by the green and she asked if one was the Greenkeeper. Grant pointed to "the big guy" Gary. We chatted to them for a while. We started our rollup. The flag was full bore. The wind was wicked! Jean bowled first Then Mal. Mal took first shot. It was very close! Then Jean got one then another. We did a long caterpillar. Jean was one up on our last end and Mal scored one for a draw. After our rollup we went to WestCoast Bowls Shop so Jean could buy a bowling arm to use with her left hand to give her painful right arm a rest. She went ok but thinks it will take a while. Colac City Bowls Club - nice little rollup

  • Timboon - well worth a visit monthly 2nd Wednesday two-bowl triples

    We're in Simpson for two days on our way to Geelong. Timboon is a little west but we think it's worth the visit for a rollup. Timboon has a population of 830. We decided to drive out to Timboon on Tuesday after Pennants for a rollup. There was a bunch of players there celebrating their win. When we arrived at the club Peter (former President) came over to ask if he could help. We told him about our trip. He told us Simpson (where we're staying, ) is the first Wednesday of the month and Timboon is tomorrow. We promised to come back and put our names down. Peter was grateful because they are short. Peter organises the monthly triples. It's a nice little clubhouse. With some interesting historical photos Especially their 25th Anniversary. The remembrance board is beautiful. They have two greens. Peter said "Would you rather roll up on the synthetic or the carpet?" We didn't understand until we had a closer look at the synthetic And the carpet. There's a bird flying over to protect the green and an owl on the side. They have good permanent shades. WEDNESDAY: We arrived bright and early Wednesday for a 10am start. It's a big day. Four games of two-bowl triples with ten ends with a break for lunch. We met Secretary Barry and Narelle at the desk. The ladies were busy making salad rolls for lunch. There were lots of people here from Warrnambool, Terang, Camperdown, Port Fairy, City Memorial, Cobden, Koroit and on course Timboon. We met some guys we rolled up with at Lismore. We got a card for the day. We were team 7 'On Leave'. We played with Diane. First game was against Graeme, Greg and Les from City BowlsWarrnambool. There was country, rock and folk music playing in the background. We were on the carpet which was very fast. We couldn't really work it out but Mal managed to keep them to one per end. Last end Jean took kitty for one. Mal said "Job's done!" We lost but the margin wasn't high. 2nd game we played Gary, John and Wiggs from Timboon. 2nd end Mal took shot out for shot. He smiled and said "Welcome back!" Jean finally got the weight. We lost again. Dianna said "They are all 'A' Grade players". We felt happy they were low margins. We came inside for our ham and salad roll. There were Santa chockies and an ice-cream for dessert. First game after lunch was against a pair because someone had to drop out. Opponents were Angela and Arthur of Timboon. First end we were down. Mal took the kitty for four. We had a narrow win. Last game was against Cherie and Peter - another pair. It took 30 ends but Mal found his line and weight. We'd been level three times in the game. Going in to the last end it was 9 to 9 on nine. We lost by two. We came inside and Peter did Presentations. Timboon - if you come to Monthly Triples tell them Mal and Jean sent you!

  • Simpson - we had a marker for our rollup!

    We're in Simpson for two days on our way to Geelong for Christmas. The bowls club is just a short walk from the reserve where we're staying so we came for a rollup. Simpson is a tiny town of 580 people. When we arrived we saw Peter (former club and Bowls Victoria President), who we met at Cobden, Vanessa (who we met at Cobden as well and who Jean saw at the shop), Jeff, Gaylene and Ron. Peter showed us what they do when their honour boards fill up. They take a photo then frame it. They have a new shed and updated clubhouse. They did a successful fundraising drive. There's one synthetic green. Vanessa came out and marked for our rollup. We started our rollup. There are nice permanent shades. We liked the modern score boards. Jean started out very well. Mal gave it a go. Jean was ahead. After our last end we drew. Mal said we had to do another two ends. First one he got shot. He was very pleased with himself. Last end he got three. He was over the moon After our rollup a few more people came to practice. Simpson - thanks Vanessa for everything!

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