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  • A lonely rollup at Ararat VRI

    We were in Ararat earlier in the year. We did two clubs but weren't welcome at Ararat Bowling Club. We missed Ararat Victorian Railway Institute club so came today for a rollup. It's a tiny clubhouse. Jean saw it through the glass. The environs are quite sterile with fake grass everywhere. There's just one little garden and tiny hedge. Like other clubs we've seen lately there's a good permanent shade. It has one synthetic green. Jean's bowling arm hurt a lot so she went left-handed again. Her first bowl was a beauty but that form didn't last. Mal stayed right-handed. It was a little lopsided. Jean got a couple close but it wasn't good enough! Ararat VRI - quite a sterile rollup!

  • Coughlin Park - did Jean win or not?

    We drove around all the clubs in Horsham when we arrived on Friday. We came to Coughlin Park which is just near the Showground where we are staying. It was all locked up. We were told they have midweek Pennants on Monday so thought we'd drop in to maybe get a rollup. The club facilities are quite stark with all the synthetic surfaces. When we arrived we saw there were two divisions playing. Once against Kaniva the other against Edenhope (recently amalgamated with another club - we didn't catch the name). All the seats are donated or are a memorial. There's a little outdoor area by the back green. and a Coughlin Park clock. The club isn't a bowling club per se. It's a community hub with a number of sports. They have St Kilda colours and they are all The Saints - except the bowls club which is just Coughlin Park. They share the club rooms. We met bowler Tony who was there to watch his wife play Pennants. Jean spoke with Linda and Judy about getting a rollup on the unused green. They got us mats and jacks. Jean started our rollup. She was happier today because the synthetic was newer and she had more control. She got shot. Mal wasn't far behind. He wasn't on target but he got two. Jean kept getting shot. Mal had two on the jack. Jean played weight and took them both out. We didn't really keep score but Jean reckons she won by one! Coughlin Park - it's a little austere but has nice people.

  • Linton - a muddy rollup after a massive storm

    We're staying two nights at Skipton Bowling Club. Linton is close by so we're going for a Sunday Rollup. We think, like Lowood in Queensland, they are the Plovers. Jock, the greenkeeper (bar Manager and general all-rounder) was there checking out the green after it flooded in last nights downpour. We experienced a bit of it as we drove through Linton last night on our way back from Pennants in Ballarat. Like other clubs the seats are donated. It's a nice long clubhouse. There's a nice garden And good permanent shades. The green is synthetic. With a bird hovering over. There's a lot of mud for Jock to clean up. He told us he'll be here a few hours. Mal started And got a four It was Jean's turn. She got a two. It was a bit muddy. Our bowls were getting grubby so we said goodbye to Jock and left. Linton - we didn't really mind the dirt!

  • Invermay - a little stop off in Ballarat

    Invermay Sports Club was the only Ballarat club we didn't do when we were there in February. We went to Ballarat from Learmonth for some shopping today and decided to drop in. There are cats on the front grass. And a bird watches over the green. The clubhouse seemed to be closed for cleaning. We met Neil, David and James who were rolling up. We chatted about all the bowling clubs they knew - including the tiny town of Serviceton. The green is synthetic. The same plastic type we've seen around here. It was also slow. Jean wanted to challenge Mal to a left-handed rollup. He started out right-handed but Jean still got him. Mal worked out left-handed bowling pretty quickly. Jean had three then he wicked off for shot. Jean said it was a fluke. He decided to go back to right-handed and finished with a resting toucher Invermay - Jean's getting better with her left hand.

  • Theodore - no bowls for us!

    We drove a couple of hours from Gladstone to Theodore on the edge of The Outback. We set up at the showground and drove to the Theodore Bowls Club. When we arrived at the front of the club a bloke ran over from the free-camping area to find out if we were members. He'd rung the club to be told he couldn't bowl until tomorrow due to the rain they'd had. We decided to give our rollup a miss. The one grass green is a little rough around the edges. Not surprising for a tiny town. It's amazing they have a bowling club at all! The shades are quaint and old-fashioned. The river - we think Castle Creek - sits just out the back. Theodore - would have been nice to meet some members.

  • Nagambie - a little rollup - first to ten :-(

    We had to drive from Seymour back to Shepparton to get some supplies for upcoming free-camping. We hadn't had any contact from Nagambie Bowls Club about social bowls so decided to stop in on the way back for a rollup. When we arrived there were two guys having a club singles championship game - with no marker. Porky (nine times club champion) and Flinty. Flinty said "And he doesn't brag about it!" There's a pretty sign And lovely, donated garden chairs. There are two synthetic carpet greens. They are both named after women. Debbie Pianta whose family contributed in her memory and also Rob & Fiona Smith We rolled upon that one with the boys. As usual, Mal had Jean 5- zip. Then she got one. Jean told Mal he was a smartearse. She wasn't happy! He won 10 to 2. The boys finished when we did. Porky won! Mick was there watching and asked us about our trip. Nagambie - could be coming up to ten for Porky!

  • No more Monday triples at Broadford

    Jean contacted Broadford Bowling Club via Facebook Messenger. They said they'd contact us about social bowls but nobody did. Jean somehow found out there was bowls Monday morning so we drove down. Bill, Butch and Ian were there and surprised to see us. They told us they hadn't had Monday triples for some time. Butch got us a mat and jacks for a rollup. The guys told Jean to go inside to meet Pat the Treasurer. Jean did and had a chat with her. While she was in there she checked out the little clubhouse. The clubhouse is a little way away but there's a good outdoor area by the green. and toilets which is great! The club has just one synthetic green. It's the Jack Lang Green. It's the plastic type. Butch is the greenkeeper. He said the green's been down about twelve months. It's a bit slow but getting quicker. He was vacuuming the leaves off. He puts fake snakes down because they have trouble with bird and rabbit poo. Jean bowled first (she always does). Mal had shot on the line then Jean took kitty for two Next end Jean had two and Mal tried unsuccessfully to drive them off. She got three. It was Mal's turn. He scored a Resting Toucher. Then Jean got another two to make it eight all But Mal had to measure! Then Mal got three for a win - first to ten. Broadford - missed out again on a game!

  • Avenel - a rollup during Pennants

    Even though Jean contacted Avenel Bowling Club on Messenger, nobody got back to her. We assumed there'd be someone there for Pennants on Tuesday so drove out for a rollup. When we arrived they were on half-time break. They were playing against Mooroopna. As we walked in one a Mooroopna lady was telling her Avanel counterpart about our trip. There were several people there we'd played with there and at other clubs. They asked us lots of questions. It's a nice little clubhouse. With a pretty garden out front. There's just one grass green. Very nice to roll on. Another one named after a woman (or a couple). The Esau & Blanch Shelton Green. After a couple of ends the Pennants players came back out. There were rwo teams. Mal started out and annoyed Jean with a full count. He had three next end but Jean drove the kitty into the ditch for two. Then she got another to be three to four. Then Jean had three on the line then Mal took kitty for shot. One of the Mooroopna ladies called out "That was mean! I thought you had that!" Jean gestured to Mal. It was the beginning of the end for her. Mal got another shot and Jean said "I've had enough of this!" As we walked off lots of players wished us well on our travels. Avenel - so glad they wished us well!

  • Heathcote - we bowled with the bunch!

    Heathcote is 30 minutes west of Seymour. Jean went onto their website to discover they have social bowls on Wednesday and Saturday (outside Pennant season). We drove out today - Wednesday - to try to get a game. First person we met was Dave who was rolling up. Greg is the Vice President. He's been a member over 30 years and been Secretary a lot of the time. Greg told Jean the club has 60 members and two Pennants teams. The clubhouse is quaint with long tables. There's some interesting memorabilia. It's rumoured the club was created in 1904. Greg's not sure how accurate that is but is certain it's one of the oldest clubs. They are The Saints. They are part of Bendigo Campaspe Goldfields Region. Greg gave Jean the handbook. There are two nice thin carpet synthetic greens. Greg said they got the first one in 1995. The front green is the fifth one and has been in about 12 months. The synthetics saved the club. They have owls And snakes to protect them. Lorraine took our money. $5 each. Everyone sat around and socialised at the table before the game. Mal and Dave rolled up on the front green. We played on the back green. It's three-bowl pairs. Three games of 7, 7 and 8. Dot and Jean Played Ellis and Greg. Mal and Jeanie Played Les and Blake and lost by four. Jean started off well, although Ellis hadn't arrived yet so had three! Jean and Dot won the first game 12 to 6. Jean felt she bowled well. Then they played Cheryl and Duncan and won by two. It was a tough game. Especially in the wind! Played Ellis and Greg and won 9 to 1. Third game Dot and Jean played Ilona and Lorraine. Lost by two. Mal playedDuncan and Cheryl and lost his game. He wouldn't say by how much. He said "A lot!" He did some good bowls though. Duncan took a picture of the group. Greg handed Jean a Heathcote Bowling Club glass and said "I'mt old you like the occasional glass of wine!" Heathcote - a friendly group of bowlers

  • Let's join them for a drink at Seymour VRI

    We drove past Seymour Victorian Railway Institute (VRI) Bowling Club on Friday when we arrived in Seymour to find out about social bowls. There are none! We happened to catch Secretary Judy who told us they don't have social bowls during Pennant but there would be people there for training Thursday night. The navigation took us to a four-rink green that Judy told us is the old ladies green. We were just lucky we incidentally drove past the other green. THURSDAY Everywhere we went when we said we were going to VRI people said "Oh, they like a drink there". It seems that's true. They were all out on the verandah when we arrived. They were very, very welcoming. It's a nice little clubhouse. The guys called out President Ian who was so glad we came. He organised Mark to roll up with us. Mark was happy to give us a roll. There's just one small 5-rink green. Mark said the green is usually set up for four rinks but today it's five. The wind made it tough. Jean had shot but with her next bowl knocked the kitty over to Mal. She got another two But they weren't very good. Mark had shot then Mal came through the hole. We came inside because Ian told us the selectors were going to announce Pennants teams. We joined in with drinks from the barman. Ian wanted to introduce us. He did and we told some stories and answered some questions. Mark is a linesman. He once worked above the club and took an aerial photo. Jean sat and chatted with Ian, Phil Paul and Joe. Seymour VRI Bowling Club - we felt very welcome.

  • We parked our caravan at Kilmore

    So we're in Kilmore Victoria just one night. We're staying at the bowls club so we're here to meet bowlers as they turn up. Our caravan is free-camping in the carpark. We saw three ladies arrive. Jean went up to meet Mavis, Lesley (club Secretary) and Charlie. She called Mal up to get in the photo. The inside of the club is nice. The ladies were preparing for the Melbourne Cup luncheon. There's a nice little hidden seating area out the back. There's just one synthetic green. It's the W Coyle green. The ladies wanted their photos taken up der the name because Warren Coyle - who's still a member - paid for the synthetic. The club's been here over 100 years. Charlie rolled up with us. Ron came down to check the Pennants board. Then Basil came down and chatted with Mal. We did OK in the rollup. Jean got one even though it was super windy. Then two. Mal got two. We stopped counting after that. A camp, and a rollup at Kilmore

  • A chat with the Pennant boys at Lancefield

    We dropped in at Lancefield on our way to Romsey from Kilmore. It's Saturday so it's Pennants today. There's just one green so no rollup for us. We didn't want to interrupt. They seem to be in the middle of a sports vicinity. They were about to go out. We met some of the guys and told them about our trip. Howard, Gary, Ken and Gordon. They are Division Three. Gordon said "We've got the cream of the crop right here!" Jean went inside. It's a nice little clubhouse. There's a great photo from 1969. They are The Tigers. They are playing Gisborne today The green is grass. It's running about 16 seconds. There are nice old sun shades. We had to get to Romsey so only stayed for a few ends but what we saw were some great bowls! Lancefield - another club where we felt welcome - if only for a short stay!

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