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  • A chat with the Pennant boys at Lancefield

    We dropped in at Lancefield on our way to Romsey from Kilmore. It's Saturday so it's Pennants today. There's just one green so no rollup for us. We didn't want to interrupt. They seem to be in the middle of a sports vicinity. They were about to go out. We met some of the guys and told them about our trip. Howard, Gary, Ken and Gordon. They are Division Three. Gordon said "We've got the cream of the crop right here!" Jean went inside. It's a nice little clubhouse. There's a great photo from 1969. They are The Tigers. They are playing Gisborne today The green is grass. It's running about 16 seconds. There are nice old sun shades. We had to get to Romsey so only stayed for a few ends but what we saw were some great bowls! Lancefield - another club where we felt welcome - if only for a short stay!

  • Romsey Pennants and a rollup

    So we came to Romsey on our trek West in Victoria after we stopped in to watch Pennants in Lancefield. They were playing Pennants against Kyneton. It was busy when we arrived. Jean checked out the club. They share it with the Golf Club. There's a nice outdoor area. Jean sat and chatted with Jan. Jean wanted some information about whether we could park our caravan in the recreation area. Jan didn't know but got some help. Maree helped us out. She gave us instructions and welcomed us to the club. We went back and sorted out the caravan. When we got back they had just sat down for their half-time break. One of the ladies invited us to join in. At that time Romsey was way ahead on the scoreboard. They are the Romsey Redbacks. The bowls club is in the recreation area. It has cricket, netball and other sports. It seems lots of the other sports teams around are also the Redbacks. Ron came over to chat with us. We told him we'd have a rollup after the game. He said "Why not do it now while we are playing? We said we didn't want to interrupt the players. Ron said "But I want to get a look at you!" Ron went and got us a mat and jack from the box. The green is synthetic. It's the Thompson Green. Mal played pretty well. He got a resting toucher. Jean did ok. But she stopped counting after Mal got ahead. We finished after a few ends and came inside. We met Lorraine, a golfer, who tended bar. She and Mal had a long chat about everything! Romsey Golf and Bowls Club - a roll, a chat, a snack and very friendly people!

  • Macedon Ranges - nobody home!

    So we are staying in Macedon for three nights. We set up our caravan and drove over to the bowling club for a rollup. Alas, we didn't get one. We pulled into the carpark. The first thing we saw was a sign that said visitors were welcome. Next we saw a high colorbond fence and a lock on the gate. No way to get in for a rollup. It looks like it's a sports precinct. We walked around the back and managed to get a look at the green. It looks like grass. Macedon Ranges - oh why won't they let us in!

  • We caught a train from Macedon to Woodend for bowls!

    We came to Woodend on Monday for a rollup. We were supposed to come for social on Wednesday but our travels didn't work out that way. We were sad about that. We're at the Macedon Caravan Park. Jean spied the railway station and excitedly checked it out. She worked out Macedon Station was only ten minutes walk. She said to Mal "If we catch the train you can drink!" He liked that idea. Jean loves trains! Woodend Bowling Club is only nine minutes walk from Woodend station so we bought our Myki cards and away we went. We arrived and met John who was rolling up. He was a font of information. John told us the club was devastated by flood last year After the flood they had to laser the grass green which will be sewn in a couple of weeks. John told us the greenkeeper (we think his name was Dyson) doesn't have any greenkeeping to do so he looks after the gardens. They've had new carpet one month on insurance. A couple of weeks ago there was a massive hail storm. We rolled up on the synthetic. They have the obligatory owls to protect the green . And a lovely bird house made by a member. The club's been around since 1890s. Jean started off as usual. After a couple of ends it was 4 to 1 for Jean. Then Mal worked it out. He annoyed Jean with his bowls. Let's just say this blog post declares NO SCORES! After John left there was nobody there and the club was closed. Mal remarked "So much for drinking!" But as John left he met Rob and told him about us and our adventure. Rob is the Secretary and bar Manager. Rob said he'd open the bar for us. We just went up and back after that. Woodend - a rollup, a great chat at the bar and a train ride home.

  • Pennants and sausages at Gisborne

    We took the ten minute drive from Macedon to Gisborne to see if they'd put on Melbourne Cup do. Vlod told us at Lancefield while he played Pennants that he'd suggested it. They hadn't so we just rolled up. It's pronounced 'Gisbon'! We met Vlod again, and Vicki. Vlod then introduced us to Carol a new bowler who he said is doing very well. Her friend Kaye joined her. Jean sent them her blog and our trip map. They said they'd follow us. Then we met Damian. Vlod says he's a gun bowler. He also introduced us to Rod (Paddo). Rod unlocked the clubhouse and gave us a tour. Rod said the club's been around in some form since 1890 but they didn't keep records. They recently celebrated a sixty year anniversary. In the office is some recent history of flood, snow, Fire and rebuilding. There's a great verandah upstairs which overlooks the greens. The ladies loo has an honour board. There's the old green which is waiting for a new Tiger Turf synthetic . The people from Macedon have been coming to take grass to renovate their green. Bowls clubs help each other. Like other clubs the seats are donated. There's a synthetic that's been in about six years. It's the carpet kind we like. It's the Steve Wallis & David Hunton Memorial Green. The green is open. Officially in 2015 by the local member. The owl protects. It looks like their last Pennants outing was a success. It was division One on Saturday against Broadford. First end of our rollup Jean took kitty. It was super fast. None of the other bowls were within cooee. Jean had a Resting Toucher second end but Mal kicked her out and stole it. After that Mal remembered how to bowl! Jean stopped counting shots! Gisborne - nice to see Vlod again! PENNANTS FOR WOODEND 18TH NOVEMBER We met Rob from Woodend again when we went to watch Pennants at Trentham. He said their threes were short for Saturday Pennants. We said we'd be happy to play for them. They are away at Gisborne today. We were going to wear our Weston Creek uniforms as they are similar colours but Trevor brought us club shirts as a thank you. They are The Hawks. And our stickers. Jean played lead for Trevor. It was Mark, Jean, Robert and Trevor. Gisborne opponents were Wendy, Wendy, Eddie and John. Mal played second for Dennis. It was Mal, Jarrod, Dennis and Ruby. They played against Gisborne's Pam, John Garry and Carol. Jean wasn't really paying attention to Mal's game but she managed to catch a good one from him. Jean felt she bowled better than her last two Pennants games for Shepparton Park and Melton. We came inside for a roll for afternoon tea. We were both down 10 to 4. We both lost then came inside for a lovely sausage sizzle. Woodend Gisborne- We lost again but met great people!

  • Kyneton - who needs to win to have a good time?

    On Monday Mal rang Kyneton Bowling Club to find out if they had any bowls on Melbourne Cup Day. They didn't but Secretary Cath told us they have a Fours tournament on Wednesday (Kyneton Cup Day) and would we like to attend. You bet we did. They rang back to say we were in. When we arrived Jean met Bev, Mick and Cath (who we spoke to Monday). Cath introduced Jean to Jimmy. The clubhouse is large, modern and nice. There are two beautiful grass greens. Jimmy showed Jean the nice outdoor area upstairs adjacent to the dining room. It has a good view of the greens. Jimmy said Kyneton is the oldest country club in Victoria and the Alex Oliver Green is heritage listed and the second oldest green in Victoria. The bowler's room is called The Chloe Stewart Room. Chloe was the National Junior Champion. She started her bowls career at age 11 in Kyneton. She was the youngest Victorian lady bowler. We played on the front green. It's the WL Jones Green. Our team was Jean, Mal, Denise and Graham. There was a good chat between a John, Mal and David who we met at Romsey the other day. We played two games of twelve ends. First game was against a Harcourt team of Ken, Keith, David and skip Smoji (of Kyneton). David is Harcourt President and Greenkeeper. Harcourt is famous for apples, cider and wine. There was nice 60's and 70's music in the background from a Bendigo radio station. After four ends Jean started to get shots but being Lead she rarely kept them. Mal as Third did though. Jean helped. It took Mal to end ten to get shot. Then Denise came down, took kitty for four. We were ahead the whole game then they got a four. Going into the last end we had 13 to 12. They got two for a win. We came inside for a salad roll. Mal won 2nd prize in the raffles. We got our $30 entry fee back. Cath came out and presented Jean with a Kyneton badge for her hat. It's a bit top-heavy now but Jean loves her hat. Second game we played John, Mick, Terry and Peter from Kyneton Golf. Mick had an interesting shirt. The club had a friend Spotty Seymour who passed away at a young age. They had a tournament to remember him with his photo on the shirts. Jean started off really well with two. We ended up with one. Next end they had two. Mal took the kitty back to his back bowl. We lost by a lot. We came back inside. Jean wanted to take photo of Denise, herself and Bev who were the only three women who played today. Our rink sat down for drinks. The boys were very happy. They were the overall winners. Kyneton - we lost twice but had lots of fun!

  • Bowl with Kangaroos at Kyneton Golf

    When we were at Kyneton yesterday we were flogged by the boys from Kyneton Golf who eventually won. They told us if we turn up at 4:30 on Thursday (training day) there'd be people to roll up with. They were right. There were lots of blokes rolling up and one lady - Lorraine. Peter who we played and who won at Kyneton yesterday was there. We met Wilco in the carpark.We saw him with a bowls bag and asked if he's a bowler. He said yes and we said we were there fror a rlollup. He introduced us to Wayne (Shrubber). We had a game of 2-4-2.. (Wayne, Jean, Mal and Wilco) Wayne is a former State champion. The clubhouse was an old shed that's been converted. We met Woodheap.who's quite a character. He told us lots of stories. Wilco reckoned Jean was a more consistent bowler than Mal. She liked that. Even though Wilco and Mal won by a lot. She proved it when she took the kitty back for two. They told us there are lots of Kangaroos that come and visit. One was heavy with Joey. After our rollup we sat down outside the clubhouse and watched the lovely scenery over the fairway. Kyneton Golf - a nice time with great bowlers!.

  • A rollup with all the boys from Mt Cottrell

    We arrived from Kyneton this morning to Rockbank. The closest club is Mt Cottrell. We drove out for a rollup. There's two clubhouses. The old one sits by the green. The new one is by the carpark. The serviette holders are windmills. They seem to be a kind of honour board. It has a nice outdoor area called The Fish Deck. There's a nice memorial garden With individual plaques. When we arrived a couple of blokes came out for a sticky-beak. We met Brett (Av-a-chat), Pat, Ian and Mick. (Brett, Pat, Mal, Ian and Mick) There are 22 members of the club. Ian is the President. Then Des arrived. Brett's dog Ebony joined us. Brett is the greenkeeper. There's a cat in the garden. The club has one synthetic green. The George Vearing Green. It's Tiger Turf. Six of us rolled up. There were a lot of bowls! Jean started well. Later everyone went in the ditch and Jean drew shot. Mal had had enough of the heat. Jean said to Mal "We can't stop until you do a good bowl I can take a photo of." The boys told Jean they were too lazy to walk back up so she rolled all their bowls. She told Mal he had to roll his own. He finally did it Then Jean put the Kitty in the ditch with one of the boys' bowls. Mal got it back. Mt Cottrell - the boys treated us well!

  • Melton - we played Pennants again

    We were shopping around Melton and dropped in to the Melton Bowling Club on Saturday Pennants day to try and get a rollup. We got much more than that! It's a nice clubhouse attached to the Country Club. They are the Melton Mustangs. The club has two synthetic greens. They look nice. We were shocked and pleasantly surprised to find our mate Chucky (Gary Charker) from Canberra. He told us he's doing FIFO from Canberra each weekend to play Pennants for Melton. Jean wanted to buy a shirt so Chucky introduced us to President Anthony who sorted her out. Next minute Mal's asking Jean to get him a shirt as well. Jean was shocked because they aren't Parramatta colours. Turns out 22 players pulled out of Pennants so they asked if we'd play for them. We weren't going to get any games while we are here so we eagerly agreed. They decked us out. We met Louise. We're playing 2nd and 3rd in her team. She drove us to Flemington and Kensington Club in Melbourne. Rod sorted us out with cards and stickers. The club is amalgamated - Flemington Kensington. Of course, being at Flemington it's a racehorse logo. The green is synthetic. It's a double size. The Ross Durham Green. It's division six, section two. Louise was our skip and Gary our Lead. Jean played second and Mal Third. (Louise, Jean, Mal and Gary) We played against Flemington Kensington (Flem Ken). It was skip Mal, Chip, Joe and Alicia. (Joe, Malcolm, Chip and Alicia) We started off a bit all over the place. It was 3 to 7 then Mal drew beautifully. Then Jean just snuck in before they took it off her. We got done like a dinner. The big board looked ok for a while, we were two behind but they scampered ahead. We came inside for make your own sandwiches And a drink with team members. Melton - we lost at Pennants...again!

  • Bacchus Marsh and Avenue getting back together

    We took the 16 minute drive from Rockbank to Bacchus Marsh . We knew there were no games so decided to roll up at both clubs. AVENUE The first club we visited was Avenue Bowling Club. It's named aveter 'The Avenue ' it sits on. Jean peeked through the glass to see the clubhouse. It looks nice. Unusually it has permanent shades. And a bowler shows wind direction. There was a Baker's Delight clock we thought Mal's brother Michael would like. We met Yvonne and Lyle who are members at Bacchus Marsh who are rolling up at Avenue. They told us Bacchus Marsh members play here. Yvonne told us this and Bacchus Marsh used to be one club decades ago but they split. She said they are about to re-amalgamate in a state-of-the-art facility. We might come back for that. The club has two synthetic greens. We rolled up on the front green. It's The Lionel Simpson Green. We were one all then Jean got a four. Last end Mal caught up a bit but not enough. 5-3 Jean's way. We tried then to go for a rollup at Bacchus Marsh. BACCHUS MARSH It's just a few blocks away from Avenue to Bacchus Marsh Bowling Club. We wanted to roll up but alas it was all locked up. We managed to look through the fence to check out the two greens. Yvonne said the front one is better. We saw on the door that they are the Bushrangers. Bacchus Marsh - we're a little bit welcome!

  • Trentham and Woodend - we scored another Pennant game!

    We're stopping overnight at Trentham on our way to Clunes. Trentham was playing Pennants against Woodend where we had a great rollup. We stopped in at the club with our caravan. Mal thought we'd get bogged on the grass at the club so we decided to stay at the sports ground. Jean took a long walk to check out camping options while Mal sat and watched the game. We met Glenys who suggested we camp at the train station but Jean asked there and we can't. The teams were well into it when we got there. Mal said it was a good game. It's a tiny little clubhouse With a good outdoor area. It's a lovely grass green. We couldn't wait to roll up. We said gidday to Rob the Woodend Secretary who we met when we visited. He said he might need us to play Pennants for them on Saturday. He later called us to confirm. Rodney the Trentham President came over to introduce himself. Woodend won. We started our rollup. Mal, as usual, was bowling well. Jean had her turn. She had a sore bowling arm so tried to roll up with her left hand. Bowls were everywhere but she finally got one closish. The whole rollup Jean got one left-handed shot. She's uncertain what to do for Pennants Saturday. Trentham - nice to watch all the Pennants.

  • We met an old bowls colleague from Weston Creek at Clunes

    We're in Clunes for two days. We can't make it to their training day on Thursday as we're at Waubra but Jean told them via Messenger that we'll come this arvo for a rollup. Clunes Bowling Club was established in 1878. Inside the club is nice. We liked Byrnsie's Bar. When we drove past on our way to the caravan park we saw there are two nice grass greens. The most used one seems to be the one out the back. The club has nice permanent shades. We saw a seat donated by a widow - Mrs Wilson. There are what seem like wind barriers around the fence with club branding. We're not sure what picture is in the logo. Some kind of tower. When we arrived David was there. He remembered us because he was a member of Jean's club Weston Creek David told us the greens had been watered this morning and were very slow. Peter arrived. He's a club selector. They're having a meeting this arvo. Howard joined Peter soon after. Peter told us Clunes was the first gold mining town in Victoria. He said Mad Max was filmed here and they have a Mad Max day every year. In the park next door is a memorial which mentions the bowling club. Jean started. She liked the slow green. First end she scored shot. 2nd end Jean had shot but Mal put her in the ditch for two. He kept going and got ten. Clunes - of course Mal wins again.

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