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  • A tiny little rollup at Caragabal Country Club

    We came to Caragabal Country Club from Grenfell on our way to play a game in West Wyalong. We were told in Forbes and Grenfell it's pronounced 'Cragabble'. It's a tiny little club a couple of Ks out of town. We missed it and had to find a spot to turn the van around. We liked the verandah. Jean took a photo through the glass of the inside of the clubhouse. Looks cute. The club has one synthetic green Surrounded by a nice fence. It's that plastic type. There's a sign which commemorates it's opening. There are old tennis courts adjacent. The seats are donated like at other clubs we've seen. We couldn't find mats and jacks so we had to use Jean's Jack and a Bourke Bowling Club cloth for our mat. We just rolled two ends because we had to get to West Wyalong for a game. Mal bowled first Then Jean. Mal was all over it on the surprisingly slow green. Jean was pretty close too. Caragabal - wish we were here with the bowlers.

  • Grenfell poor Mal did his best!

    We're just in Grenfell for a day. We're free-camping at the historic railway station. It's men today so Mal's here for a game. First people we met were Pete and Dave. Dave took Mal's money. Dave told Jean they'd been talking about our arrival for a few days after we met the guys at Parkes Railway. He wanted her to play today but management put the kibosh on it. Nevertheless he introduced us and our trip to everyone. It's a nice clubhouse with a friendly feel. Withe the Jack and Kitty's Coffee Bar. There's a nice outdoor area. There are great photos of the original clubhouse And others about the official opening. The club has two nice-looking grass greens. We're told the left-hand green just came back in. It's three-bowl triples. Mal skipped for John and Phil (Ron, Mal and John) Against skip Mark, Garry and Rod. They are the Grenfell Goldminers. There were just three games - 17 blokes. Interestingly Dave had to be a swinging lead. It didn't take Mal long to work the green out. On end two with his last bowl he took kitty for two. Jean asked about club badges. Dave went inside and found her one. Dave introduced us to President Ross. Ross told the story of he and Phil trying to kill a Brown Snake yesterday with a shovel and a shotgun. End four they were two down. Mal did it again. Took the jack back for two. It was 5 - 6. Jean went for a walk up town. While she was gone Mal dropped a six. When she got back it was 5-16. They came in for a break at half-time. Jean said to Mal "If you do another good bowl I'll take a photo then go back to the caravan." The boys all called out "How much time do you have to wait for that!" He did for two but Mark came in and stole shot. Mal did his best but it wasn't good enough. He said "If we hadn't dropped that six it would be such a close game!" In the end, they lost by four. Grenfell - close if not for a six!

  • Forbes - at last a game for us!

    We came to Forbes a day early because we didn't go to Gooloogong. We popped in on Wednesday to put our names down for Thursday afternoon. They were finishing up Wednesday morning social bowls. Sue from Forbes came over to say she saw us in Parkes the other day when she went to watch her husband play. Jean then chatted for a while with Ralph who used to play here but now lives in Hay. The club has three greens. One is not in use. The green looks nice. It's the Don Brabsch Green Inside the club there's great pictures. Of history... The 50th anniversary in 1964... And the 1974 flood. There's a great trophy case. We came back on Thursday and met Bill at the table. We sat and chatted for a while with Al. Al told us in the recent floods a foot of water came into the clubhouse. The river is next door. It's pairs. Jean led for Lyle Against Joyce and Denny. Mal played with Bob Against Wayne and Glenn Jean did well early. So did skip Mal. Most of the time Jean was at the other end so didn't get photos of his bowls. Jean did it again for two. Jean's game was really tough. End 14 it was 15 all then 16 all, 17 all and 18 all on the second last end. Jean put three on it but Denny took it. Final score was 19 all. We came in and they announced Resting Toucher and 'Raspberries' (that's a wrong bias). Mal was the only one he had to drink straight Raspberry cordial. Jean shared first prize $10. Mal got second prize $10. Mal won as well. Jean asked Bill about club badges. They found some really old ones we have to sew on. Forbes - tough games but lots of fun!

  • Gooloogong Country Club - no rollup for us!

    So we were to stay tonight at Gooloogong Country Club and play bowls but decided to go to Forbes instead. We couldn't really find power and water and the green was terrible. Looks like nobody's bowled on it for months. When Jean contacted Gooloogong on Messenger they said there's no social bowls. Now we know why! It's weedy and long. We didn't roll up. Gooloogong Country Club - Forbes here we come!

  • Canowindra - nobody home.

    We came to Canowindra for just a day because we can't get a game. We had another rollup. It's Monday and there's not a soul around. Jean took a photo of the clubhouse through the glass. There are two grass greens. One out the front And one out the back we rolled up on. It's the Ron Worboys Memorial Green. Yet another bloke. it Was dedicated in 1996. We're pretty bored with just rolling up together. Mal always wins. Jean did manage a shot but wasn't very interested. The green was super slow. Canowindra - nothing to see here! POST SCRIPT: We received this from the club via messenger: Hi Jean, thanks for the message. The club is open at 3pm on a Monday. Opening hours are on the Facebook page. I will suggest to the new supervisor to add opening hours (which change seasonally) to the front doors. It's a small and quiet town early in the week and more so in the school holidays. Enjoy your trip around Australia!

  • Eugowra - drinks with the locals

    So we're off to Canowindra today (Sunday) and will stop on the way at Eugowra Bowling Club. Jean found out a while back that they don't have social bowls. In fact, at Parkes Railway yesterday they told us Eugowra had a flood. Jean found out on WikiCamps there's a Showground there so decided to stay. Population 779! Jean rang Eugowra and was told they hope to start social bowls soon but there will be members here on Sunday we can roll up with. There weren't. It's a cute club though. The bar is the focus. Jean met Gumma and Tony. We chatted about Chuck Berry and the delights of the Central West. There used to be two greens. The bottom green got flooded and has been out of action for a while. We were told it was never real good. We rolled up on the good green. It's the Eric Morthorpe Memorial Green. It looked poor but had good speed. They ate all volunteers here. Mal took first blood in our rollup. Jean was close. Jean then got one back. And again. But Mal won the day with three on a T-Jack. We went and had a drink and a chat with some locals. Pete was the one who sorted mat and Jacks for us. Then he got the boombox and put 70s music on for us. Eugowra - a tiny town welcomes us.

  • Parkes Railway - thanks Lewi for your efforts!

    We stopped in to Parkes Railway Bowling Club yesterday to find out the best time on Friday for a rollup. We heard there was a pairs competition on that day. While we were there we met Alan, Pete and Mick. Marking the green. We had a great chat with them. They told us they have eighty members. Jean rang Canowindra bowling club to find out about a game on Saturday and was told there's none because of the Canowindra show. That means we can't camp there either so decided to stay in Parkes an extra day. There's a game here on Saturday. Jean contacted Secretary Paul via Messenger and put our names down. We met Dave at the desk who took names. When we arrived there were some district finals on. Two triples and two fours. There were four rinks. Uniforms were from Grenfell, Gulgong, Parkes, Railway, Orange and Dubbo. Winners today go to State finals. Jean's home town Gulgong won the triples. We saw the presentations. We saw Wally who we met at Parkes Thursday. He plays for Railway. And Gary who Jean corresponded with from Parkes. It's just a little club. It has nice gardens in the entry. After the finals we met Ray and Lewi who organised things. Lewi is the Paul Jean messaged. He organised everything today, social and comp. Well done! The club has two greens. We played on the front green. It's the C.W. (Micjk) Wilson Memorial Green. We played three-bowl pairs against each other. Jean lead for Al Against skip Mal and Myra. Jean got three (not great bowls) but then Mal took shot. Then she drew shot but Al accidentally knocked it out. Jean had three again then Myra did a beauty! Jean had two then put kitty and toucher in the ditch. Of course Mal can't leave Jean's shots alone. He did his favourite bowl (to a toucher in the ditch) and drew second shot. We loved the wind indicator And the bar art. Created by club patron Bob Hannaford. Because he was the opposition Jean kept forgetting to take photos of Mal's good bowls. She told him on the last end he had to do a photo-worthy bowl. He didn't disappoint. - after Al and Jean were four up. In the end Mal won 23 to 15. We came inside for drinks. Myra told Jean she's playing in a Pairs comp tomorrow. Lewi told her Myra is the club's best new bowler. Jean said "If you bowl like you bowled today you'll romp it in!" Parkes Railway - best of luck Myra for tomorrow.

  • Parkes - we so love the country clubs!

    We're in Parkes for two nights. We'll have a game at Parkes today and rollup at Railway tomorrow. Jean's been in touch with Gary via Messenger and rang him this morning to get our names down. We met him and Col at the table. (Mal, Gary and Col) The club is nice. There are some great pictures on the wall. Of the greens Historical champions - men And ladies. There are also great pastel pictures of sports people like Ricky Ponting. Outside there's a good outdoor area. There are two grass greens. There used to be a third but it's now a Footsal court. We played on Green 2. It's pairs (and one triples game). Jean and 25 blokes. Jean and John... Against Rob and Alan. Mal played with Bernie. Against Simmo and Wally. Jean started to work it out. Her and John's red bowls. Then she started grouping with help from John. Though then Rob took shot! Mal said he didn't do good bowls but Jean watched him take kitty out with two touchers in the ditch. After ten ends Jean's game swapped partners. She played with Rob. Jean said "I played well but got flogged with both skips! I worked bloody hard in this game!" Rob said to Jean "Everyone in this club is over 80!" Mal won 19 to 14. Jean couldn't tell who won but said she got flagged. Mal said "This was so good! I love playing at country clubs!" Parkes Bowling and Sports Club - tough work but well worth the effort.

  • Good company for Mal at Orange Ex-Services Country Club

    So Jean was at Orange City Bowling Club this morning to play with the ladies. While she was there she found out about Orange Ex-Services Country Club which we didn't have on our trip map. Jean immediately rang Mal and messaged him all the details. She said "Get in a taxi, come here and get your bowls out of the car and go there!" He did that. One of the Orange ladies Laurel rang her husband Jim and asked him to put Mal's name down. Mal said "You must put this in the blog. The taxi driver's name was Keith. When he dropped me off he said 'Say gidday to Elbows. He's an ex taxi driver.'" We met Elbows who told us he built a house in Wanniassa where we live and used to run the Shell station there. It's a nice cosy clubhouse. With a cool verandah that looks out over the bowls. There are two greens. One grass and one synthetic. Mal played triples with 41 blokes on the grass. Mal was skip for Tony and Ken Against skip Luke, Frank and Simon. Jean came late so watched the last few ends to get photos of Mal's good bowls. His teammate said "Watch out for the hump in the rink!" He didn't. 2nd last end he did one that was not great but in the count. He had good teammates. Though Luke then came in and took second. He finally did it for Jean on end eighteen of twenty, to bump out and take shot. Then on the second last end he took shot with bowl two then with his third bowl he knocked up their red. Last end his first bowl he went backhand and came in off the red for one. With his second bowl he came forehand and went in off the black for two. Luke came in and took out both his bowls for shot. Last bowl Mal drove the kitty into the ditch for two but lost 18 to 23. After starting out zip to 12. Jean chatted for a while with Phil. He came and introduced himself to Mal. He's known as 'The Barfly'. Mal showed him the Ipswich United Barflies shirt He introduced us and our bowls trip. Then presented us both with a badge. After we left, Luke Taylor Mal's opposing Skip drove to our caravan park to drop off a club shirt for Mal. Orange Ex-Services Country Club - look out for the hump Mal!

  • Orange City Bowling Club - Jean plays the ladies

    We popped in to Orange City Bowling Club just after we arrived Monday to find out about social bowls. It's Ladies tomorrow. We thought we'd have a quick rollup. We met Scott the Greenkeeper who set us up. We discovered there are three greens. Two grass and one synthetic up the end. We rolled up on Green 1 The Graham Bradley Green. It's quick but we did OK. Mal knocked Jean up two inches for shot then she took shot again. Jean kept getting four then Mal would take her out! We met Bill who's not a bowler. He was doing a course here. He was fascinated with our rollup. Jean came back on Tuesday and met Louie, Helen and Narelle out the front. There were lots of ladies there. They were very friendly. There was also Major/Minor Pairs on. It was three-bowl triples. Yvonne, Di and Jean Against Skip Ann, Moira and Laurel. We played on Green 2. Jean was so happy to finally see a green named after a woman. Jan Oakley State Champion! Jean started to get it on end four. Then she came in for shot on the very narrow side. Skip Ann was killing it. Often Di's team would have three and she'd come and take shot. Yvonne and Jean did really well with five until Laurel's blue bowls cut it back to three. Laurel told Jean about the Ex-Services Country Club where the men play today at 1pm. She called Mal who got a taxi here to get his bowls to go there. Di's team got up in the last two ends! 14 to 11. Orange City - whew, Jean only just won.

  • Rylstone Club - chips anyone?

    We rang The Rylstone Club a week or so ago to get permission to park our van in the carpark. The Manager said "Yes but park at your own risk!" We did and walked over for a rollup. On our way here Jean discovered there's a bowls club in nearby Kandos. We met Di the bar lady who told us there are chairs and tables on the green there now. We'll check it out another day. The club is cute. It seems like a local hangout. With the weirdest toilet we've ever seen! When we were in Orange Bonnie from Mudgee read this blog and rang me to explain. It's for disabled people. Depending on which side the have a disability they use a different loo. We went outside and Dave was having a rollup. We introduced ourselves and he got a mat and jacks for us. We talked for ages about bowls, our trip and footy. He had lots of knowledge to share. The green was reeeaaally slow. It took all our muscles to get there. Mal got two shots. Jean took them out for two. Mal said "Well if that's the way you are going to play I'll stop drawing!" She wasn't deterred. Mal was bowling pretty well with a few errant bowls but he put them on when it mattered We didn't score because the boards were covered so who knows who won. Jean doesn't like to score though because Mal usually wins. There were some signs on the wall we didn't understand but they seemed a bit tongue-in-cheek. We came inside to support the club and have a drink and the biggest bowl of chips we've ever seen! Rylstone Club - a rollup with a mad keen bowler. Post Script: We visited the Kandos club on our way out. The green is let go and, yes there are chairs and tables on it.

  • Majellan Bowling Club - a lovely Sunday afternoon

    Our last day in Bathurst we are going for a game to Majellan - Bathurst's second club. Mal's skip at Bathurst was from there and told us about Sunday afternoon social bowls. When we arrived we met Leonie and Jo at the table. Jean showed the girls her hat with the badges. Jo went on a search and found one. Jo told us the club is 100% voluntary except for a couple of bar staff. It has a nice outdoor area With a Barbecue at the end. One of the guys thought we might like a club shirt. "Jelly (Magellan) Bowlers Bathurst". When we saw Mt Panorama on the back we both had to get one. The club has two nice grass greens. We played on the front green. It's been North/South all winter and just got changed. It's quick. It's the Flanagan Green (could be a man or a woman). It's three-bowl triples - fifteen ends - but after each five ends we swap positions. It was Leonie, Liz and Jean. Against Jo, Kevin and Mick. Mal played with Steve and Ray. Against Heather, Sally and Noel. Jean started off well. She and Liz had two. Jean was dancing on the green with the US rock music. After the changeover Leonie and Jean got five. Jo cut it back to two then Liz came in with two more for four. They suggested Jean take a photo of the scoreboard on end thirteen. It was close! Jean's team won 15-13. Mal had the same - ten all. He won 12 to 10. Jean asked if he took any photos of his good bowls. He said "I didn't do any!" We came inside and all sat together for drinks. Majellan - such a happy bunch!

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