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  • A friendly rollup at Dunedoo

    When Jean lived in Gulgong in the 70's she visited Dunedoo quite often. We've had a lovely time to date in Nyngan , Gilgandra , Narromine and Trangie . Today we're off to Dunedoo where we hope to get a Sunday afternoon game. It's a comfy clubhouse. There's a cute cartoon of the clubhouse. The plaque says the club was extended in '72. When we arrived at the caravan park Mal rang to discover that they only play on Wednesday. We came and met Sam (President), Jane and Jim. Jean told them she feels at home here. Sam and Jim decided to roll up with us. They found some old bowls to play with. There are two nice grass greens. We played on Green One. Sam told us they don't have enough players to play Pennants now. Those who want to play at Gulgong. Tom and Alan the volunteer Greenkeepers came out to watch us for a while. Mal played with Sam. Sam skipped. The wind was wicked but he worked it out. Jean felt pretty confident. She skipped Jim and they scored a couple. We met Terese who organises all the Swan Bowls Days. Dunedoo is the Black Swan town. Mal kept asking Jean " Where the hell did that shot come from! " He did his best. But we did twelve ends. Jim told us he hasn't played sine he was fourteen. He and Jean won by four. He said " I've got bragging rights. I beat the President! " We stayed for a couple of drinks then walked back to the caravan park. Dunedoo - Jean comes home.

  • Bowl with the Billy Goats at Trangie

    We were supposed to come to Trangie on Thursday for a game however when we were at Gilgandra Noel told us there's a memorial day at Trangie on Saturday. Jean contacted them on Messenger and got our names down for that. FRIDAY We decided not to stay at Tullamore so drove on a day early to Trangie and a nice surprise. Jean had been in touch and was told we could park at the club. There was nowhere to park the van that we could see. We chatted with Brett who was playing a Pairs championship. Brett pointed to the house next door and said " We own that. It's empty. You can stay there! " They hooked us up to power and water! It's a nice little clubhouse. We'll have Chinese for dinner there tonight! There's a good trophy case with badges from all over the place! Past Presidents sit above the bar. We met Lee-ann the Manager. We really liked the club shirts 👕. We asked if we could buy some. They are the Billy Goats. There are two grass greens. One out the front And one out the side next to the house. The Ron McAnally Green. With a pretty side garden. On the other green there's pigeons and bowls. We sat and watched the game. Young blokes vs old. Going into the last end it was 21 all after the oldies picked up a six! The younsters got a three for a win! We came for Chinese Friday night. It was delicious! SATURDAY Since we stayed Friday night we were here bright and early for the tournament on Saturday afternoon. The tournament is in memory of Mossy a former member from here and Gilgandra. The atmosphere and camaraderie was fantastic. People from different clubs in the region enjoying each other's company and remembering Mossy. It's sixteen ends of three-bowl triples. Everyone else went mufti but we wore our club uniforms. Jean in Wildcats And Mal in Vikings. Mal, Kevin and Jean Played Kerry, Peter and Dave who we met on Thursday at Narromine . The boys from Gilgandra were here as well. Jean took the kitty for no result. We had one then Mal did it as well for two! We often both had shots in the count. And again. We were about ten shots up then they got a five, started to roll short ends and we didn't get the mat back! We lost the plot! Mal put his last bowl down, did a ' Nyngan draw shot ' , hit several bowls and got shot. We managed another end or so but it was not enough. Mal said " Why am I playing for them. I've given them shot six times! " We came in for final chats and munchies. Afterwards they got a photo of everyone who turned up for Mossy. Trangie - we felt very much at home!

  • Not at Tullamore

    We've been on to Tullamore about social bowls and staying at the club. We decided to come on Friday for a rollup. Hmm, not so! There was nobody about. We couldn't find a tap to fill up with water. Jean got a pic of the clubhouse through the glass. The club has a covered outdoor area. A plaque commemorates the 1963 opening. Tallis the Greenkeeper drove up. He said the green hadn't been touched for three months. We could see that. It's mown but full of weeds. Mal didn't want to roll up on that. There were also other things on the green. There used to be a second green but it's used now for other sports (sometimes it seems). Tullamore - we gave it a miss!

  • We played with the boys at Narromine

    We drove today f rom the nice stay we had in Gilgandra to Narromine. We'd heard on the grapevine that there's Men's bowls on today so Mal's here for that. Narromine is in Jean's old stomping ground from when she lived in Gulgong but when she hears the name of the town all she can think about is the poem ' C ity of Dreadful Thirst' by Banjo Paterson which is about a man from Narromine. Banjo Paterson We parked our van in the carpark then met Robbie the Greenkeeper. He told us the Bowls Coordinator lives next door and has a bowls-themed house. Robbie introduced us to Club Manager Paul. We asked if we could camp overnight. He said yes! The clubhouse is quite spacious. In the foyer there's a seat in memory of an old member who has passed. A foundation stone from 1937 is out the front. There are two grass greens. There's a third green out the back. Robbie said it hasn't been used for ten years. There are not enough members to warrant its upkeep. We bowled on the front green which Robbie rolled as we arrived. He said he's been off a few weeks and struggles to remove the winter grass. We came inside and chatted with Cliff and Bill. Richard called the cards. He's the guy with the bowls-themed house! Jean got a game with the boys. We went out for three-bowl triples. There were four games. It was Danny, Rob and Jean. Against Cliff, Col and Frenchie. Mal played with Ian and David Against Bill, Kevin and Peter. With her very first bowl Jean took kitty for one. Then Rob consolidated. The boys talked about ' The Nyngan draw shot'. Jean recognised it from playing with Rod at Nyngan. It 's a wick! Danny's black bowl did it beautifully! Jean got a Resting Toucher out on the left. Col took it. Then Rod got it back for two! Jean kept walking over to watch Mal's bowls but he didn't do any photo-worthy bowls while she watched but he sent her a couple. The way the boys were playing Jean was surprised when she came down the other end to see she still had shot! One of the guys came over and gave Jean a Narromine pen and a badge for her hat. Mal finally put one in. Unfortunately next bowl his opposition Second drove it out! Jean's team won by eight. Mal's team lost by four. Third day running Jean won the day. Banjo Paterson, a win and a loss for us at Narromine.

  • All things being equal at Gilgandra

    We had such a lovely time staying two nights at Nyngan . We said a sad goodbye this morning and drove over to Gilgandra. They play at 1:30 so hopefully we'll get there in time. Though she's never been there, Gilgandra is pretty familiar to Jean from when she lived in Gulgong in her high school years when her Dad Roy was the police Sargeant there. The small clubhouse is nice. It has a Chinese restaurant like many do. There's an impressive trophy case. And a painting of bowlers. With some cartoons of members. With some horse 🐎 racing memorabilia. The photos belong to Bruce who's a champion horse trainer. There's a cool outdoor area. And one down the side. When we arrived we met President Noel. Mal sat and chatted with the boys. They were pretty funny. They teased each other and behaved like larrikins. Jean met Steve from Engadine and told him all about our trip. Garry looks after the money. " Because nobody else will do it! " He said. Garry called the cards. Out the front is the 1938 Foundation Stone. There are two nice grass greens. The green has just been rolled. It seems there were once three greens. Now the old one is a playground. Green 1 is dedicated. There were enough players for two games of Triples and one Pairs. Garry decided to make it sixteen ends because it gets cold after four. It was Angus, Dylan (Greenkeeper) and Jean Against James, Bob and Larry. Mike, Larry and Mal Played Bruce, Ed and Steve. It took Jean three ends but she scored shot. She did it again - then they scored a seven! Jean was always up the other end when Mal bowled but she managed to catch when he knocked up his teammate's orange for shot. A lot of trucks went past. They said it's because Gilgandra is on the main highway between Melbourne and Brisbane. They didn't deter Mal. Jean was able to get a photo on his last end. He almost did it. Jean won her game with two shots, Mal won by one shot. They came in to spin The Equaliser. Every winning team has a chance. Dylan's team won with Highest winning margin. Jean (Mal) won two schooner tickets. Gilgandra - all the larrikins!

  • Friendly people at Nyngan

    We drove over six hours today - Monday - from Cunnamulla to Nyngan. They have social bowls on Tuesday morning so we wanted to be here in time for that. Jean's been in touch with the club via Messenger to find out about social bowls and arrange for us to park our caravan here. It's a tiny little clubhouse. With a bowler clock. And a quaint outdoor area. Manager Jacob and Rose were expecting us. There are two grass greens. It looks like there were once three. The old one seems to now be a Footsal court. We're here a day early so don't know which we'll play on. Jean picked the inside one. Tuesday morning before bowls we met Rose's husband Rodney who is the Greenkeeper. Our teams were Greg amd Mal Against Kane and Sully. Jean and Rod Played Don and Sis. Our opponents were all really friendly, accommodating people. There were enough players for three games of three-bowl pairs - sixteen ends. We both did well first end. Jean got two. Mal did a beauty. Jean apologised to Don when she stole shot! On the second-last end Mal up was 13 -11. Mal took kitty to take his team from six down to one up! Nevertheless Jean and Rod won the day! Jean gave the voucher to Mal because he always pays the green fees (and is more likely to drink the proceeds!) After the game Sis found Jean a couple of badges. One from Bowls NSW 1980 and a Nyngan badge. Jean was over the moon! Rose gave Mal a can holder and Nyngan cloth. Late in the afternoon Mal met Jim who said he's a State Champion. They rolled up. Nyngan - we will miss them when we go.

  • No damp rollup at Cunnamulla

    Our last stop in Queensland for 2024 is Cunnamulla. It's in the Outback - just above the NSW border. They have social bowls on Thursday and Friday so we've missed it. We've come for a rollup though. We drove nearly five hours to get there from Quilpie . There was nobody around when we arrived early afternoon. Jean got a photo through the glass. There's a nice, big paved area out the front under cover. With the Neil & Lyn Hatchman barbecue area. The town's swimming pool is next door. Unfortunately for us, the greens were being watered on a timer when we got there. They went off but were too wet for our rollup. Dogs and cats guarded the green. The backboards seem a little worse for wear. So we didn't get a rollup - we got a look at the club anyway! So we took a look at Cunnamulla!

  • A rollup in the Outback at Quilpie

    We're almost done in Queensland for this year - we spend our last couple of days in The Outback. Today we came to Quilpie for a little rollup. Inside we met Danny (Manager) and Kate. We asked them if there'd be any bowlers around this afternoon. They said unlikely as they've all gone to Roma for a carnival. The inside of Club Quilpie is nice. It's tiny. Out the front there's a good outdoor area with chairs and tables. It has a playground beside the green. There's one grass green. Kate told us they were supposed to have a carnival this weekend. We saw information about it at Charleville . The carnival had to be cancelled because of an inch of rain that fell quickly. It caused some damage. They've had to redo the ditches. The green is surrounded by the red dust of The Outback. Jean had first go. She did ok. Mal went a little wide. Mal was determined to get it right. It was close but he got the shot. He did it again. Jean tried to drive him off but picked up the kitty instead. She was happy with her bowls after a few ends. Quilpie - bowls and Outback dust.

  • A slow roll at Charleville

    We left Mitchell this morning and drove a couple of hours to Charleville. There's no social bowls on today but the club is open from 4pm so we'll go for a rollup. There wasn't anyone there when we came earlier in the day so Jean took a window photo of the Clubhouse. We came back at 4:30 and got a proper pic. Bar attendant Vicky (who didn't want a photo) asked about our favourite club. We said our favourite Qld club is Herberton but or overall favourite is Skipton. She said " We have people fron Skipton here! Stacey and Jed! " Vicky organised a mat and jacks for our rollup. There's a nice outdoor area under cover. With a large fenced area with picnic tables and a kids play area. There are two grass greens. One seemed out. The other one looked ok, if a bit brown. Mal went out. It was super slow He did ok but at the start we couldn't get our bowls up there. Jean nervously took the mat. She did alright but gave it too much and got one in the ditch. Geoff turned up to check out our rollup. He picked some lemons 🍋. Jean said " I've never seen lemons on a bowling green before! " Geoff said " And limes. We use them behind the bar! " Mal complained " This green! I bet if I take a little bit off it will be six metres short! " Not so! Jean worked out the weight on our last end. We both did! Jean asked Geoff about the small four-rink green which looks like it's out. He said they don't use it much but will bring it back for their tournament - first weekend in May 2025. Jean was in the car ready to go. Mal came out and asked " Do you want to get a photo of the greenkeeper? " Jean went back inside and met Lincoln. Mal told him it's a bit slow He said " After I mow and roll it, it will be perfect! " We believed that. Charleville - a little slow but will get better!

  • Bowl with happy people at Mitchell

    Jean contacted Mitchell Qld a couple of weeks ago to find out about social bowls and whether we can park our van there overnight. We did and bowls is today - Thursday. We drove from Injune , arrived about 11:30 and met Neville. It's a nice little clubhouse. Light and airy. Everyone sat at the bar before bowls. There's an impressive array of past Presidents. In fact we were very impressed with the President's Chair! Our van is parked out the back. The club has just one grass green. Mitchell is a tiny little town but it was a good rollup. Enough for three games of Triples and one Fours. There were a few Indigenous players which pleased Jean no end! Jean skipped the Fours. It was Jean, Bruce, Herschel and Sissy. Against Clayton, Ron, John and Meisch. Jean remarked to Clayton " They're a happy-go-lucky bunch! " He replied " We're all mad here! " Minnie, Janice and Mal. Played Doug, Richie and Lorraine. We didn't get any photos of our bowls because we both skipped. Jean got a pic of Mal's last end- he was in the vicinity at least! Mal had a bad game, he lost 9 to 17. He said " Every time we had 5 or six shots Richie came in and took it off us! " Jean's team was 11 all, 12 all then 13 all going in to the last end. They got a five (with everyone's bowl in the head) for a good win! We came in for drinks. Mitchell- we bowled with a happy mob!

  • A rollup with the locals at Injune

    Jean's been in touch with Injune Bowling Club via Messenger. She found out that on Wednesday night they have social rollups. We don't know what that means but we'll be there! Injuneis a tiny little town with lots of trucks! The little clubhouse is nice. With psst Presidents on the wall. There's an Australia map of badges on the wall. Jean was envious. Down the side where the entryway is there's a nice outdoor area. We came at 2:30 just to take some photos. We met Andrew. He couldn't hear us but had this great app on his phone that listened to what we said and translated it. Cool! We interrupted him rolling the green. When we came back we met Jo who's been chatting with Jean on Messenger. She runs the motel across the road. Jo told us they got a grant to get the shade. There's just one grass green. It looks very nice. Can't wait to try it! There are some old-fashioned shades made of corrugated iron. And a very old wind vane. There were only two people there. Bruce joined us and we rolled up. Jean had a go. Everyone was short. She jagged a shot. Mal went next. He was on it. Beating Jean of course. Some more guys turned up for a roll. Jean liked the pace of the green. It's not too fast and not to slow. Mal hadn't done a second photo-worthy bowl so at the end Jean sent his bowl back. He didn't disappoint. He took shot off Jean! We came inside for a quick drink and to pay our green fees. It was after 5:30 so Jerome would be upset - it's way past dinner time! Jo found Jean a badge for her hat. It has bowls, beef, sheep and timber. Injune - sorry Jerome we'll be home soon!

  • A lonely rollup at Biloela

    We left Rockhampton this morning and drove down to Biloela. Jean's been in touch via Messenger and told them we'd be here Monday for a rollup. We got permission to park our self-contained caravan there overnight. There's nobody here. They don't open until Wednesday. Jean got a photo via the window. There are two grass greens - they look well-kept. They are the Eric Wilson and Len Jenkinson Greens We rolled up on the outside green - Eric Wilson. It looks like it used to have a roll-over cover. Now it just has a bird and streamers. The box for mats and jacks was locked - lucky we have our own! Jean stepped out. It was really windy but the green was pretty true. It took a while but she did ok. It was Mal's turn. He did his best to outdo Jean. Two young guys turned up for a roll. We didn't speak much except to remark about the wind. Mal had three. Jean tried weight to dislodge him but was unsuccessful " Good grass! " she said! Jean had the last word though! Biloela - would have been good to meet some people but we understand about small towns! POST SCRIPT As we were leaving we met Noel the Groundskeeper and had a nice chat while he mowed the grass.

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