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  • Cobar - a rollup in the Outback

    Today is the first day of our trek to Hervey Bay for Mal's family reunion on 14th April. From here on in we stay only a day or two in places. Today it's Cobar NSW. We stopped in at the bowling club for a rollup. As we arrived there were three blokes sitting having a smoke, a beer and a chat. They were Greg, Gary and Mick. Jean asked if they were bowlers, they were. She told them about our trip and that we were there for a rollup. They showed us the mats and Jacks and wished us a good time. Mal came up and started to chat with Greg about Malua Bay on the NSW south coast - he's from there and told us we must go and see the new club. Of course Mal used to live in The Bay so he knows it well. Greg showed us photos of when the Malua Bay Bowling Club burnt down. The club has two nice grass greens. We rolled on the one by the carpark. It's the Jimmy Bruce Green. We were pleased to see scoreboards - we haven't seen them at any club in Victoria. Mal was hanging for a roll. It's been a few days now, Jean has forgotten how to bowl! Mal kept getting shot or taking Jean out. The grass was very nice to roll on. It looked good. We were impressed that a club in The Outback would have such nice greens - especially in a Golf club. A nice change from the synthetics we've had in Victoria. Mal got four shots. Jean tried to take them out but to no avail. As we were leaving we met the GM Jason who seemed interested. The boys must have told him about our trip. He asked how we liked the green - we gave him a good report. The boys asked how we went. Mal grinned "I won!". Jean said "As if that's going in the blog!" Cobar - nice greens for an outback town!

  • Bowl with the miners at North Broken Hill

    We drove up to Broken Hill from Mildura this morning. We were very excited to see the Outback. While Mal set up the caravan, Jean drove around town to the two bowling clubs. She put our names down at North Broken Hill Bowling Club. When we arrived we met Ron and Bill at the table who organised the game. They introduced us to Charlie the licensee at the bar. Then we sat down and had a big discussion about the the new bowls laws with Peter and Barry. It's a nice little club. It's quaint inside with a pool table at the back. Ron and Bill welcomed us as visitors and called the cards. We went outside. We saw the scrub out the back. The club is on a mining lease so the neighbour is a mine. The club has two greens - one grass and one carpet. The carpet has a roll-over cover. We played on the carpet. They pulled the cover over. It wasn't too hot but it was lovely and cool under the shade. It was three-bowl triples two games of ten ends. There were four rinks. The green is the same lovely carpet as Coomealla. Easy to bowl on. Jean played lead with Bob and skip Dustin (Bob, Dustin and Jean) against Tony, Brian and Alan. Jean thought it was all pretty blokey. They were loud and ribbed each other constantly - though she thought it was friendly. A lot of the members we spoke with are former miners. The club is sponsored by a pharmacy. It was tough at first to get the weight. It was about 16 seconds. Just let the bowl fall out of the hand. Jean's team had all red bowls. They got two in the first end then lost two threes. Then they got a six. Jean's bowls went all over the place. No idea of grass or weight. Dustin's team lost by heaps. Second game they played against Gags, Dennis and Ray. All the bowls were red. The mats were interesting, locally made. Dustin's team won the first two ends. Jean started to work out the grass and weight and they began to score some shots. Last end it was even. The opposition scored two for a win. Mal played with Ray and Lloyd. He doesn't remember the names of the people he played against. He isn't sure of whom he took photos. (Ray, Mal and Lloyd) Mal struggled with grass. He was far from the star of the show. Nevertheless, at one point the team got six shots. Later they had four, then the opposition came and stole shot. They won their first game by eight shots. Second game Mal's lead Ray had a bad back so another Ray came in as a replacement. He doesn't remember the names of people he played, nor did he get a photo. but they won by two. Mal's skip Lloyd put down awesome shots when they were needed. A local artist Wayne Williams bowls at the club. He was here today. We might go and check out his gallery. They gave us a cloth to remember them by. North Broken Hill - those miners can bowl!

  • A nice game of triples by the river at Mildura Workers

    After our success at Mildura yesterday we were chomping at the bit to play at Workers next door. The club has two nice greens. When we arrived we talked briefly with Ron, who used to live in Melba Canberra and Wayne. They were sitting in the makeshift outdoor smoking area. We went and paid our green fees to Mick and Peter in the office. Then we sat down for a chat with Jim and Graeme. (Mal, Jim, Sylvia, Shirley and Graeme.) The clubhouse is nice and has a welcoming feel. We saw a nice hand-made wooden trophy - it seems for Barefoot Bowls. The club has a great photo on the wall of the 100th anniversary of the steamer Melbourne. Mal introduced himself to President Col Gowers at the bar. We went out to play two games of twelve ends - two-bowl triples. There were six teams. We played on B-Green - furthest from the clubhouse. It's a nice grass green - one of two. It was quick. First game was Geoff, Mal and Graeme against Ross, Jean and skip Jim (Jim, Jean and Ross) Mal and Jean were second against second. A good competition. Mal took shot first end. Ross had a unique delivery style with his stick and walker. Jean's (Jim's) team did well, scoring twos and threes. Jim;s black bowls saved the team's bacon or built the count many times. Peter heckled Jean about her constant note and photo taking on her phone and her bright orange socks. Jim's team finished with a four, a five and a three to win 22 to 8. Second game Jean played Peter, and Mike and Sylvia from Renmark. (Mike, Sylvia and Peter) Jim's team did the same - got threes and won 14 to 10. Mal played David, Robert and Longy. (Mal, David, Longy and Robert) He lost 20 to six. David said "We had lots of laughs anyway!" We came inside for drinks with the boys. The overall result was that Jim's team tied on 58 points. After a count back on ends they won 18 to 15. Jean got our $20 green fees back. As we left Jean walked down to look at the Murray. She said "I feel really Australian being here!" Mildura Workers - bowls by our river.

  • Felt like a win at Mildura Bowls Club

    We drove around when we arrived on Wednesday to find out when clubs play social bowls. We got our names down for Irymple, Workers tomorrow and this morning 9am at Mildura Bowling Club . Were used to sleeping in now so we had to put two alarms on. The two clubs (Mildur and Workers) are side by side. Never seen that before. We were told yesterday that all four greens used to belong to Mildura but they got too much to maintain. When Workers lost their club, Mildura offered them two greens. It's nice. We arrived and met Judy and Wally in the office who organise Tuesday bowls. Then Jean sat for a chat with Chris from Leopold in Geelong. She comes up here this time every year. Wally introduced us and told us the format. is 2-4-2 pairs - two games of ten ends. We played together. There were three women, Chris, Judy and Jean with thirteen blokes. We played on the top green A. against Werner and Graeme. There were little centipedes all over the green. Despite this it was nice to bowl on. Heavy in the dew. It was really hard to get the weight. As the sun came up it got very muggy. We were glad they played in the morning. They were good bowlers. They got shot almost every end but Mal took the kitty back - twice for four. We won 14-7. We were good and ready for our second game. Second game we played against Joe and Bart. The Magpies came down to clean up the centipedes. Lots of bowlers were worried they'd collect them when they bowled. Jean described her bowling as "Shit bowling with a few pearlers." Mal replied "But when it counted." We won 17 to 4. Last end we had them surrounded. Joe came down with his bowl, took kitty, followed it and pushed it to Mal. A nail in the coffin. Joe bowled really well. On our way inside we were impressed with the garden memorials for Betty Parry and Jim Bunney. We won overall - fifteen dollars each. First time for us in over a hundred clubs. After the game we met and chatted with Chris who just came down to say gidday to people. Mildura Bowling Club - finally a win for us!

  • Lovely hospitality for Fours tournament at Red Cliffs

    When we were at Irymple on Wednesday, we saw that Red Cliffs had a Fours tournament on Sunday. We drove out on Thursday to put our names down. There was no list so we rang the number for Michael and he came down to meet us. He is the club Secretary. A real talker but lovely - and helpful. He introduced us to President Maurie who was there to play in a Pairs final. (Maurie and Michael) Michael showed us around the club. He proudly told us about their two representative members: Dot Jenkinson who was a national champion and John Giddings - state rep player. They've named the greens after them. He told us the tournament is 'Legends Day'. It's sponsored by the families of two former stalwart members who have passed. They were Alan Cooks and Noel Edwards. When we arrived On Sunday Michael introduced us to Annette chairperson of the ladies committee. Maurie and Treasurer Ros welcomed us all and gave the conditions of play. There are two synthetic greens. The older one, says Michael, can get up to 22 seconds. Very quick. We played on the front green - the John Giddings green. It runs slower, about 15 seconds. There were fourteen teams. They included our friends from Irymple, Mildura Workers, Nangiloc, travellers from Cairns, Wentworth and Coomealla. We played together. Jean played lead with Graham from Irymple, Mal as third and skip Steve from Red Cliffs. (Mal, Steve, Jean and Graham) We played against Matty, Cocka, Johnny and Toby from Nangiloc. They won the first couple then Jean got shot and we were off. Next end Mal got a (deliberate) wick in for shot. Unfortunately they kept picking up ones to beat us. We'd have three shots then skip Matty would take them off us for one. We went inside for lunch which was lovely. The ladies had decked the club out beautifully. The spread was delicious - barbecue and salads - real country hospitality. We went out - tummies full - for our second game, We played Keith, Peter, Mick and John from Mildura Workers. Jean and Graham did well. If Jean didn't get shot, Graham's Red Aeros did. After six ends we were square. We had the mat a lot. When they got one up, Keith decided they needed a long end. He put one on it. Jean bowled one closer....then Mal tapped it over to them. Last end we needed three to win. Jean did it again for one. We got two for a draw. Third game we played Geoff, David, Tania and Tom (The President) from Coomealla. They liked a joke. Graham told me they play Pennants in Division One. Second end we got a seven. Good start. Mal put one at the back for good measure. We told Tom about how unhappy we were about our experience at Coomealla. He suggested, if we are unhappy, we write a letter. We might do that. Four ends to go they needed 13 to win. Jean got shot and the boys complained. They tried but it stuck. Dave said "We had a plan, but the plan didn't work!" We got two. They tried to call a powerplay the next end (wrong game) but to no avail. We won a prize for highest winning margin last game. $25 each. Red Cliffs - a loss, a draw and a big win against div one players.

  • Irymple - just a little bit rude but funny!

    We drove around when we arrived on Wednesday to the three clubs in Mildura and put our names down. Today, Saturday it's Irymple at 9:00 am. We arrived at 8:30 and introduced ourselves to Lorraine and Graham in the office. Then we met John who Mal chatted with about Pennants and Geelong football club. They have nice placemats of the club uniform. They were created by Julie. There is a good outdoor social area named 'The Cauldron'. With the masses of sultana grapes that grow all over Mildura, it's not surprising that the club is sponsored by Sunbeam Foods. The club has two really nice grass greens. The front one hasn't been mown for a while. The second green was being rolled as we got there. We played on that one. We played three-bowl triples- two games of twelve ends. There were eighteen players with five women and thirteen men - three games. Jean played lead for skip Bill and club Secretary Anne. (Bill, Anne and Jean) We played against Gary, skip Ivor and lead George. At one point George said, with surprise in his voice, "They're being nice to me!" Jean quizzed "Is that unusual?" One of the other players called "Yes, they are all mongrels here!" Of course they were all smiles. Some of the instructions given were pretty funny. There were lots of little innuendos. Jean said "This club is a worry!" They all agreed. Mal played lead with John and skip Tracey (France Tracey and John) against Max, Rod and skip France At one point John said "We're having some bad luck." Mal replied "Yes. You need to take a photo before France bowls. When we leave the head we are five up. He bowls and we go down two!" Later on Tracey called "Up and back. We need to score 11 to draw!" Towards the end of our 1st game, Anne introduced Jean to her husband Ian who is the club President. Of course we know we are in the country when the bowls club is sponsored by a farm supplies business. Last end it was 11-all. Lost by one. We came inside at half time. Jean berated Mal about his lack of reliability taking photos of his team and bowls. The barman Brendan piped up and said "What about the barman?!" Jean said "I don't usually get volunteers to have their photos taken." Brendan said "Best barman in Mildura!" Ian came in and welcomed us. He then showed us a TV ad the club has had made. Second game we played ten ends. Jean's team played Mal's first opposition Max, Rod and skip France. Mal and Jean both picked up. John said to Mal "You were just warming up the first game weren't you?" Jean took shot first end. Towards the end a lovely Butcher Bird paid a visit and sang beautifully to us. Last end France needed three to win. Jean scored three then Rod took it. Anne then took the kitty back to Jean. It was one and a measure when the skips stepped up. Jean's team got two for five up. Mal's team was ahead all game (he thinks). The opposition needed four to win. They got it. We went inside for presentation. There were two two-game winners so neither of us had a chance still... Irymple - we had a blast.

  • $12 rollup at Coomealla

    We saw on the website that Coomealla has social bowls on Wednesday and Saturday. We're booked up those days. People we've met told us Coomealla is a must-see so we drove out in the afternoon - hoping to find some members to roll up with. It's a swanky club. Of the hundred we've done, it's one of the only three to charge green fees for a rollup - $6 each plus a $5 deposit for the mat and jacks. There are two synthetic greens under cover. We rolled up on the one outside the bistro. It's a true carpet. It has a big TV screen in the middle. I guess they think they'll get big games there. Even with the bad taste in our mouths (having to pay fees) Jean said "It's lovely to roll on". Though it was quick and narrow - half usual grass. Jean took a couple then Mal got a Resting Toucher and said "You have to get a photo of that!" It was quiet. No bowlers to roll up with. It was a bit boring. Jean was surprised her bowls did so well on synthetic. After a while (despite wanting to get our money's worth) we gave up. Jean got a four on the last end to win 13 to six. Coomealla - you pay dearly for the pleasure.

  • Merbein - the poor cousin

    We went to Merbein to have a rollup - it was hot and not much fun! Jean had contacted Merbein months ago to find out when they have social bowls. Jude wrote back to say that because they are a small club they don't have social bowls as such. We decided to drive out and take a look. We weren't impressed. First thing we saw was how rundown the club looks. It hasn't had a coat of paint for a while. The blinds were down so we couldn't see inside. The sun shades weren't much better. Dust and weeds basically. There are a couple of signs around the club to thank people. One we think is for a bubbler donated (was closed up so we couldn't really tell). The other is to thank Jeff Greenhill for laying some pavers. Most interesting thing about the club! The club has two and a half greens. One is synthetic - very old by the looks. It's been pulled up in places so it's unlikely members bowl on it. There is a three-rink grass green that looks OK though it has no lines at present. The main green is grass. That's the one we rolled up on. Everything was locked up so we had to use Jean's synthetic jack and a bowls cloth for a mat. We decided (because it was 34 degrees in Autumn) to only play four ends. Jean took shot on the first end. Mal wasn't very happy because of the heat so we decided to finish after two ends. Jean scored again. A hollow victory. Merbein - nothing to see here!

  • XGs and sandwiches at Nyah Bowling Club

    When we were at Swan Hill Racecourse Bowls on Sunday we met runners-up Gail and Bruce from Nyah Bowls Club. Bruce is the Secretary. We arranged to have a rollup with them on Tuesday. (Mal and Jean arrive) When we arrived they were just finishing up with some school kids. The club has two nice greens. They are maintained by the members. In fact Gail told us that President Bryan just mowed it this morning. (President Bryan) When we arrived Mal said "You know what I forgot? My bowls bag!" He was fixing the handle and left it in the annexe. Bruce gave Mal a set of XGs size two. He was so excited. He really misses his XGs that got stolen. We started our rollup - us against Bruce and Gail. (Mal, Bruce and Gail) We played 2-4-2. Mal was having such a good time. He beamed from ear to ear. We got a five on the first end. Mal and Bruce had a good chat. Gail and Bruce got a few in but we ended up winning eight to four. We went inside the club for a cuppa. Gail had made us lovely sandwiches. We all sat around and chatted about our trip and bowls. (Mal, Gail, Bruce and Bryan) Nyah - Mal thanks you for your hospitality and your XGs.

  • A little afternoon rollup at Kerang Bowling Club

    We had decided to go to Barham because the folks at Racecourse told us it's a great synthetic under cover. Waze told us it would take 50 minutes to get there. Jean said "If it takes us through Kerang we'll go there instead." It did. When we arrived we met greenkeeper Shane, who we're told has looked after the greens for 20 years. You can tell. They are outstanding. There are four grass greens. Three are beautiful The other has been fallow for about ten years. Shane suggested we rollup on Green B adjacent to the clubhouse. The sign said the greens were running at 15 seconds but Mal reckons it was closer to 17. They were quick! Like many other clubs we've seen, all the seats are donated by members Just after we started our rollup David arrived and checked us out. We chatted for a while about the clubs around Kerang and fishing for Murray Cod. Jean started well with a short end. Mal went long and she scored shot after shot. Suddenly it changed and Jean lost the plot. Mal worked it out and evened up the score. We finished up even. After our last emd we met Marlene who came down for a rollup. We told her about our trip She thought it was a great idea. She told us about the Black Duck Jackpot Triples tomorrow but we said we had a prior engagement with Bruce at Nyah. Kerang Bowling Club - fantastic, fast greens.

  • Swan Hill Racecourse Bowls Club - bowls tournament with the horses

    When we went to Murray Downs on Friday we met Carol who told us about the 2-4-2 pairs ournament they have there today, Sunday. We got our names down. When we arrived we met Alex and Kess from Swan Hill and some other guys. In fact there were lots of people who recognised us from Murray Downs, Lake Boga and Swan Hill. We also saw Rastis and his owner Danny who we met at Lake Boga on Friday. We caught up with Carol. They have two nice grass greens. Right on the Swan Hill Racecourse. We could hear them call The Swan Hill Cup. We watched a race go past, then it was on the tele! The Jockey Club played country music which was nice. We played on rinks 1, 2 and 3 in front of the clubhouse. Three games of eight ends. It's 2-4-2 pairs so, of course Mal and Jean played together. We played against Fay and Helen. (Helen and Fay) There were people there from all around. Swan Hill, Lake Boga, Manangatang, Moulamein, Nyah and of course Racecourse. We won the first six ends then went off the boil. They got five on the last end to win by two. Second game on rink two was against Brian and Rod from Swan Hill. (Brian, Mal and Rod) We won 16 to 3. We came inside for afternoon tea. The ladies put on a lovely spread. Third game on rink one we played Peter and Donny from Racecourse. We tried our best but they were too good for us. Mal's drives were close but missed every time. We needed five to win, we got one. At least Jean scored a Resting Toucher! They gave us each a stubby holder and a bowls cloth to remember them by. Alex and Kess won the tournament. We've arranged a rollup on Tuesday with runner-up Bruce at Nyah on Tuesday. Swan Hill Racecourse - we didn't quite make it to the finishing post.

  • A short game of ten ends in 29° heat at Swan Hill Bowls Club

    Jean contacted Swan Hill Bowls Club via Messenger during the week. They said they play Friday 1pm so Jean asked them to put our names down. There are three lovely Tiffdwarf greens. When we arrived we met greenkeeper Mark who told us Friday they don't start until 3pm so we went shopping. We came back and met Alex who's organising the game for the person who usually does it who's unwell. It's a quaint old club. We liked 'Scotty's Bar' They have some good tournaments: Fridays they play just one game of ten ends. Two-bowl triples with a placed jack. Costs $5. Winner gets a $4 voucher to spend over the bar. We had a quick rollup with Alex but Jean wanted to save her energy. It was 26° and we were coming in to the heat of the day . We played on the front green. Jean played lead for skip Graham with Kess, against Damian Mal and Alan. (Mal, Alan and Damian) There were 16 players. The green was tough. Earlier we needed lots of grass but now the line was more true. Much quicker though. Mal worked it out quickly. Jean, not so much. Jean started to work out the grass but still struggled with weight. She got shot lots but far from the kitty. Didn't last long. It was a close game. Both teams won the mat lots. Graham and Alan were very good bowlers. We left them plenty of room to draw. Last end Mal's team was two up. We drew. We needed a number for the jackpot so we played another end. Kess' yellow bowl knocked Jean in for shot, then she scored another. Graham put one in for good measure. He won by two after a great bowl by Alan took third shot. After the game President Brian introduced himself. He asked for a minute's silence in memory of Len Wolfe who passed away this week. Lynda told us Len always played lead and won a championship at age 80. Rest in peace Len. Jean won the prize for lead bowler, a free drink but gave it to Damian. Swan hill - an intimate game with friendly, good bowlers

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