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  • Stanhope - we were beaten by champions

    Jean contacted the Stanhope club on Facebook to say we were coming. She didn't get an answer but we turned up anyway to a friendly welcome. We saw two guys and said we were there for a rollup. We convinced them (Ben and Butch) to have a game with us. We played three bowl pairs. Mal and Jean against Butch and Ben. (Ben, Butch, Jean and Mal) Butch is the volunteer greenkeeper and the green is immaculate. The best we've seen. We complimented him on his great work. Butch told us he used to play in the ones but is now in the threes. Ben skips the ones. You could tell. We didn't bother paying attention to the score because we got a shellacking. We thoroughly enjoyed the game and the company. Every time we got shot Ben drove us out. Jean called out "Don't you break my bowls!" (Ben's light blue bowls headed for Jean's) We liked their dial-a-score board. We met Tim who said he read the message on Facebook but didn't know how to respond to the question about social bowls because they don't really have it. A few other boys came down to play a championship game after our rollup. Some beautiful bowls played. Butch's wife Jenny runs the bar. Butch proudly boasted she has 13 singles championships under her belt. Butch told us the club won Pennants for decades. With the bowls we saw played, we believe that! Stanhope - a champion club.

  • Great rollup with excellent players at Marong

    So when we went to Woodbury we met some guys from Marong. We communicated with them via Facebook and they told us to come Tuesday for a rollup. We arrived and immediately Andrew recognised us. He and Les invited us to roll up with them. (Les and Andrew) Members there told us Andrew is the greenkeeper. He's done a great job. There are two greens. One's just been lasered. The green in front of the club had a pretty true line. Jean teamed up with Andrew and Mal with Les. (Mal, Andrew, Jean and Les) We decided to play 11 ends. Mal and Jean played lead. The score stayed pretty even until Mal and Les scored a four and they skipped ahead. On the last end it was 8-7 their way. Jean and Andrew had shot to make it even then Les came in and took it. They ended up winning by three. After the game we had drinks outside. Andrew (a Division One player) gave Jean some great advice on how to learn to play weight. There were lots of people rolling up. Many wished us a great time on our travels. Marong - we didn't want to leave!

  • Bendigo VRI - bowling train drivers

    VRI is the Victorian Railway Institute. Jean rang Monday and left a message to put our names. We didn't hear back but decided to turn up anyway. Vice president Peter tried to ring to say they'd start at 11 (due to the heat) but Mal left his phone in his bowls bag so we didn't get the message. We turned up just before 12:30 - too late. (Mal and VP Peter) When we arrived they were just finishing up. Jean chatted with John Dullard President for a while and asked about the club's history. The clubhouse was built in 1886 as station masters house. It used to be that every railway employee would join the VRI. The bowling club was created in 1966. Now the railway is mostly contractors so there are few bowling members left. One ex-train driver and a former guard. That's it. It now has 40 members. Though they are small, they've been in Pennant finals the last few years. We were impressed that on a really hot day there were two members out raking and weeding. The club has two small four-rink greens. The grass was nice but it hadn't been cut and rolled for a few days so it was quite slow. We rolled up. Mal was doing well. When he was 7 to 4 we agreed that, because it was really hot, we'd play first to ten. Though it was slow, we had some tight heads. Then Jean scored a few and it was eight to seven Jean's way. Mal got cranky and started to drive. His bowls went in the ditch and Jean scored a three to win. Mal threw his bowls down and said "That's it!" Jean's working out the secret!

  • More Pennants at Woodbury

    We went to Woodbury for a rollup. They had a catch up Pennant game going on when we turned up. Unusual for a Monday. It was mid-week Pennants. The club has one green which is in pretty good nick. Pennant games were Woodbury Twos against Marong and Sixes against Bendigo. The twos only had two teams and for one, Woodbury only had three players. The Marong Twos skip was a girl, Chavaughn Hayes. Her Dad is President at Marong and she's been bowling since she was nine. A girl skip is also unusual (in our experience, perhaps not in Victoria). She bowled very well. Again good shots played. One Marong skip Stephen, did a drive to pick up two shots. His third tipped his hat and called him a superstar. Marong Twos won. They had an advantage with two extra bowls. After the game we chatted with Barry who organises social bowls. He said the club was bought by the racing club. Barry said to keep their pokie licence clubs must support local sport so Woodbury Bowls Club, which leases the green, is well looked after. They are getting a new clubhouse. We had our rollup. Jean couldn't get the weight, so she didn't pay attention to the score. Mal won by lots. Woodbury, thanks for the loan of Mat and Jacks!

  • Maldon, a young and friendly club

    Mal rang at 8:15 and spoke with Peter the President to put our names down for a 9:45 start. It took 30 minutes to drive there from Maiden Gully. We got there and met Peter and his wife Annette who is Secretary Treasurer. Peter was raking the ditch and Annette was weeding. It is a Synthetic green, quite old but there's no money to upgrade it. Peter and Annette said the club has 40 members who were largely young (ish) and it is privately owned from a land donation 150 years ago. They don't charge green fees to Bowls Australia members. The members were lively, friendly people, excited about bowls and they bring their dogs. Everyone lives nearby and just rocks up then they work out teams. Three games of triples. They play 8 ends then have morning tea then six ends. Jean played lead with Melissa and skip Jim against Lead Roy (93), Angie and skip Annette. (Annette, Melissa, Roy, Jean and Jim) Jean played ok as did her team but they were outclassed. Annette did some great skip shots. Angie kept stealing shot and Roy led like a champion. Lost nine to five. Second game with Jim, lost again by four shots against Dean and Darren. (Jean, Darren, Jim and Dean) Mal played lead with Sean and skip Karen against Serge, Melissa and skip Peter. (Mal, Sean, Peter, Karen and Melissa) Mal found the surface difficult. He had to send his Optimas out very wide. He said in particular the two women drew really well and Serge (a new bowler) also bowled well after a little instruction. Mal wasn't sure if he won his first game but skipped the second game against Annette's team and won. A few people left so we swapped opponents. We played some pairs. On-green banter was friendly. People talked about their lives and interests. It was nice. We were chatting and Jean mentioned she's a coach. Jim said they don't have a coach and desperately need one. Jean offered to come back and give them a session on Sunday. Maldon - we've made new friends. POST SCRIPT We went back for Jean to deliver a coaching session. There was lots of chatter afterwards about the content so we hope they enjoyed it. The gave us a lovely lunch and a Maldon badge for our hats. Best wishes for your bowling futures Maldon!

  • Pennants on at Eaglehawk

    We forgot that Saturday is the first day of Pennants for the region. We turned up at Eaglehawk and watched the second half of the twos while we waited to roll up on the green. Like always in Pennants there was some great bowls played. Some beautiful drives! Eaglehawk was a good 20 shots up against Bendigo East. The final score was Eaglehawk 83 to BEBC 72. East got a bowl on the last end to draw the rink for a rink win and a draw. Eaglehawk has two grass and one synthetic green. We didn't want to play on the synthetic after Jean's shoe-melting episode at Kangaroo Flat- which is why we waited for Pennants to finish. For our rollup, as usual Mal scored first with a three. Jean was convinced soon she'd nail the weight. Bowling towards the carpark she did, and Mal couldn't work it out. The other way Jean had no idea and Mal nailed it. Weird! At ten all we decided to play to 15. Mal did better but Jean snuck one in to be one up. It was enough for Mal. He pulled shots out of (well you know) to take the win. Jean was annoyed so didn't take note of the final score. After our rollup we went inside and there were a few Pennant guys still there. We chatted with Con about Banjo Patterson (Mulga Bill from Eaglehawk), chooks and, of course, bowls. Con said all their grades won today so they put free beer on. Eaglehawk - a nice Pennant win.

  • North Bendigo - let's watch the singles final

    We came to North Bendigo because we were told we could get someone to roll up with after 4pm. Trouble was there was a singles final on and everyone was there to watch that. It was Paul and Justin with President Jason as Marker. (Paul, Jason and Justin) They had one rink set up with a scoreboard for the match so we rolled up on that until the boys were ready. Someone said "You won't find better greens anywhere in the region ". We'd believe it. They were beautiful. A little quick as they'd just been rolled. Lots of grass one way but true line the other. Our rollup was fun because we had an accidental audience. They kind of watched us and made a few comments along the way. (Joy, Val, John, Mick, Neville, Graham and others) It's only a small club and we met three of the five lady members (including Joy and Val). They were friendly and funny. Mal sat and chatted for a while with John who used to work for Bowls Australia. They knew some of the same people. It was a quick rollup on a fast green. Mal scored first as usual but Jean soon worked it out and rolled her short ends. When the boys took over the rink it was Jean 12 to Mal nine. A rare win! The final game was interesting. Some lovely bowls played. North Bendigo - we stayed for happy hour and watched the final for a while. Good game boys!

  • A missed game at Kangaroo Flat

    We went over to Kangaroo Flat on Monday to put our names down for Thursday and rocked up. Apparently they had rung Mal to say it was cancelled as only five names down. Mal's phone is at JB Hifi being fixed so we missed it. The club has three greens. Two grass (one under maintenance and one synthetic- carpet. They have an interesting sponsorship arrangement. Jean couldn't work out the grass so decided to just take out Mal's bowls to get some practice. She had a little success. (Jean puts three of her and one of Mal's bowls in the ditch) On the ends where Mal couldn't make it then she just drew shots. Forehand wasn't working for her going away from the clubhouse so she switched to backhand which put her back in the game. When she got the mat she rolled short ends. That helped. Jean scored a four which made her six to Mal's 5. She said "That'll be the last shot I score!" It wasn't. The carpet was so hot it melted the soles off Jean's bowls shoes. When it was Mal nine to Jean's six, because it was hot she suggested we play to 15 (she thought Mal would get there quickly). Turns out she started to play better and the scores levelled. It was Jean 12 to Mal's 13. Jean said "You only need to score two and we can go home! But Jean scored the next two to make it 14-13 Jean's way. Finally Mal scored his two and it was over. (Jean is always on the left!) Kangaroo Flat - you missed our great company

  • Golden Square - Mal scrapes in

    We arrived in Bendigo about 10:30. We weren't going to play - settling in - but Jean discovered there was a club near Anaconda where we had to buy some new steps for the caravan. We went to Golden Square on spec. Gunter and Brad were rolling up. They welcomed us and asked about our trip. Mal joked around with them. (Brad and Gunter) Mal was very impressed with their heads. The green was nice. Weight was good, line was quite narrow. The wind affected it badly. Jean took first blood and made it short ends. At one point Mal said "These short ends are doing my head in ". He was cranky, swearing and bowling short and narrow. Jean kept winning. Then at 15 to 11, out of the blue Mal scored a three, cheered up and remembered how to play bowls. It was 20 to 16 Mal's way. Jean said "If you are still ahead after this end you win. Jean scored a three. Mal whipped around, shook her hand and said "Thanks for the game. If we'd gone to 25 Jean definitely would have won! We went inside for a drink and met Frank Thomas. Frank has been here 28 years and bowled all that time. We talked about his health issues, the floods, towns around AFL, AFL, AFL and of course bowls. All the bowlers having a drink inside joked around with Mal. The club put out cheese and bickies for the bowlers which was lovely. Mal was very impressed with their sign about bowls dumping. The President Alan Slingo pressured Mal to break our rule and come back next Wednesday so we might do another post. We stayed for the raffles and Alan welcomed us officially. Golden Square - very hospitable! POST SCRIPT: As agreed we went back on Wednesday for a game of triples. It was quite strange. They didn't have enough for three games of triples - only 15 players so we played each game with a triple and a pair. The triples bowled with two bowls and the pairs with three. The triples lead always rolled the mat. The pairs skip always bowled last. It worked fine. Jean played second with Terry and skip Jeff. First game was against a pair Eddie and Wal. Jean really enjoyed chatting with Eddie who was a comrade and former Secretary from the Bendigo ALP branch about all things Labor Mal played second with Alan and skip Harvey against Bill and Don. In the second game we played each other. Mal and Jean competed. Each time Jean got shot, Mal took it off. Jean's team ended up winning though! What was interesting was that of the fifteen players, nine of them played with a bowling arm. Again it was Jean and the blokes but we had a riot!

  • Nobody home at Bendigo

    We went to Bendigo Bowls Club twice. Neither time was the club open. So we left. The website said there is Jackpot Pairs on Monday. We stayed in the carpark for an hour and nobody came. No signs anywhere to say on holidays nor opening hours. Very unhospitable. We liked their bowler wind direction thingy but that's not enough to get us back. There is a nice outdoor area. Apparently they will host the Commonwealth Games. They have four greens and what appears to be a croquet green though no signage. We couldn't tell where to roll up. We'd spent enough time their to count it as a visit. Bendigo - zero points.

  • Jean Scrounges out a win at Campbell's Creek

    We arrived at Campbell's Creek at 10:40 because the website said there was social bowls at 11. Alas, still on holidays. As we arrived we saw a man walking out. He got a quizzical look on his face when he saw us. We rolled down the window and told him about our trip. His face brightened and he said "I'll roll up with you". His name was Chris. He's been bowling about four years. We played the Scrounge game we learnt at Rochester. There was one green - carpet. Chris said it's been down seven years. It was quite nice. Similar pace to Weston Creek (fast-15 seconds) but much nicer. A different surface. One end you had to take 1.5 times usual grass. The other end a bit over. Chris got a jump on us (being familiar with the green) but Jean soon worked it out. We played longer ends but the pace was similar to Jean's short ends so she kept scoring in the top four and jumped ahead. Mal had some trouble pulling up his fives so got quite behind but made a comeback around end seven. Not enough though, the final score was Chris 23, Jean 33, Mal 21 after the obligatory Scrounge ten ends. We were impressed with the amount of advertising the club was able to get. Chris said during the floods the green was 20cm under water from the creek just behind. Volunteers took ages to get rid of the mud dumped. Campbell's Creek - fun on the carpet.

  • Bendigo East - a quiet rollup

    We decided to roll up at Bendigo East. They told us at another club they were a bit toffy-nosed. We didn't believe that but decided a rollup was the best option because it is one of the many clubs that only plays Wednesday and we are committed. The club house was open but not a soul around. We felt like interlopers. We played on the back green which had eight rinks. The club proudly displays its Pennant win from 2011. The green was quite fast. We played on rink 17 of 22. As usual Jean won an end and made it short. She moved ahead but Mal's had enough practice on short ends and he won one and rolled a medium length. We had some tight heads but then Jean said "This is the wrong weight for me" . Mal got ahead. When it was 16-9 Jean said "You win!". Bendigo East- nice green, tough length.

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