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  • Jean wins for a change at Gracemere

    On our last day in Rockhampton we'll visit Gracemere for a Sunday game. We dropped in on Saturday to put our names down. There was an inter-club competition on. All the clubs were here. We saw some guys we knew - Dave and Al from Diggers and Neil from Yeppoon. The clubhouse is cute. The plaque says it was opened in 2015. The Selector's Office is adorned with past Presidents and Pennant winners. They are proud of their Pennant winners. They have a Bowls cartoon teatowel we haven't seen before. With a painting of the club on the wall. There's a verandah out the back with chairs and table at the end. Vice President Rod introduced himself to us. We met Garry who saw our blog from Emu Park the other day. President Garry from Victoria Park came. He wore his Towradgi jacket (though he didn't know how to pronounce it. Ex-Wollongong girl Jean set him straight!) He was President here for three years. There's one grass green. With a pull-over cover. And a solid permanent shade. We played triples. Rod, Jean and Chris Played Dave, Michelle and John. Mal, Sam and John Were against Ken, Anne and Garry. First end Jean had shot then got knocked up. Mal played brilliantly! Chris got two but Jean made it four. Mal made it two with a toucher. We came in for an awesome smoko. We came back out and Jean did one more for good measure. Mal got up after being 15 ahead - by seven. Jean had plus 11. Jean's opponents won the jackpot when minus 11 came up. Gracemere - two wins for us with nice people.

  • Bowls by the river at Victoria Park

    Jean found out on Messenger that Victoria Park has bowls on Saturday - our second-last day in Rockhampton. MONDAY We dropped in to get our names down for a game on Saturday. We met Garry the President who was mowing. Tony at Rockhampton told us he's a huge Parramatta fan which pleased Mal no end. It's a small but long clubhouse with Lambo's bar taking pride of place. We're sure it's a peace sign - not the other way! They've had some good Pennant results back in the good old days. There are two grass greens. The front green looks good. It's the Gardener OBE Green. The seats are donated. SATURDAY We came back on Saturday for our game. We stopped in at Gracemere on the way to get our names down for tomorrow. We saw some Victoria Park guys playing there. Apparently they're 'Victoria Park by the River'. We came back and we met Mick the Selector who looked after the money. Jean was impressed with the curtains. Then we met Ant - originally from Gippsland. Barry wore a North Rockhampton shirt 👕. That club closed a couple of years ago. Garry awarded Gordon a Veteran's badge because he turned 70. We played triples. There were three games. It was Skip Mal, Jean and Michael Against Maureen, Kerry and Ant. Mal knocked his own bowl up for two then did it again for three. We'd won the first three ends then Jean got two and Michael consolidated. They got four on us as we went in for smoko. We were one down. Then we lost five ends in a row. Jean finally scored. It wasn't enough. We all lost the plot after smoko. We lost by eight. Of course Mal had to buy a blue and gold club shirt 👕. We scored some honey and passionfruit. Victoria Park - can one have fun getting smashed?

  • Practice night at Yeppoon

    We'd been in touch with Yeppoon some months ago and we're told there is social bowls Friday afternoon. We planned for that but found out that's incorrect. We found out they have practice Friday at 3 so came for that. We checked out inside. Actually we thought about skipping Yeppoon this trip and coming back next year. We took the drive and met Neil on the green. He's a friend of Caite from Emu Park. Apparently we were supposed to come at 2:30 to have someone to roll up with. We didn't get that message so had to roll up by ourselves. We don't usually pay for rollups. We object to charging affiliated bowlers. They said nobody pays. There are two synthetic carpet greens. We rolled up on the new green. It's very new! The Tony Carte Green. Jean was a bit nervous. The green was quite quick. Jean managed shots - well maybe one shot. Mal tried it out. He did a little better. Mal accidentally put the kitty in the ditch. Our bowls went in too! Yeppoon - we're glad we didn't leave it for later!

  • Bowling for the Diggers in Rockhampton

    We found out a while ago that Diggers' Memorial has Men's bowls on Thursday. Mal will play in his Queanbeyan RSL shirt 👕. MONDAY We dropped in on Monday to get Mal's name down to play with the boys on Thursday. First person we met was Dave. Dave introduced us to President Joe. It's a long, spacious clubhouse. There's a lovely memorial. Greg gave us the run-down on what to see around here. He showed us the good view of Mount Archer from the green. There are two good quality carpet synthetic greens with pull-over shades. The green closest to the club was set up for a group of school kids. The greens are named for D.A. (Hook) Anderson M.B.E. The synthetics were installed in 2010 and upgraded in 2019. THURSDAY Mal arrived in his QBN RSL shirt in respect for the Diggers. Jean chatted with Keith, Glen, Norm and Rob. Al the Games Director looked after the money. He told Jean she could have a game. He said " We're phere to accommodate! " Jean played Pairs and Mal played Triples. It was Jean and Keith Against Shane and Steve. Then Dave, Brian and Mal Against Ron Steve and Frank. Jean and Keith were down. Jean played weight and knocked out Steve's bowl for shot. Mal played a beauty and took kitty for three! Mal and Jean were on different greens so Jean said he had to take photos of his good bowls. She was worried but he came through. Jean was proud of her Toucher. Jean played weight again and got two back on the 'T' with a toucher in the ditch. Mal won by two, Jean won by eight. Jean said " Must've been my great bowling :-) " Diggers Memorial Rockhampton - Jean's day!

  • Mal kills it at Emu Park

    Jean's been talking on Messenger with Emu Park's PR officer Caite. She was excited when Jean told her that we were coming today. It's a smallish clubhouse. There's a lovely outdoor area with cushions. Caite wasn't there when we arrived. The first person we met was Kathy who was organising the draw. Caite arrived then and gave Jean a big hug. Kathy introduced us to Pete the number one volunteer and assistant Greenkeeper. Then we met Scotty the main Greenkeeper. Their emblem is, of course, an Emu! Peter Ritchie from Chirnside in Victoria introduced himself. We told him we'd see him when we're back down there in Summer. There are two nice grass greens. We played on the front green which had just been rolled. It's the Rex Dingwall Green. There's a cute green speed sign. We met Peter Richie from Chirnside in Victoria. We told him we'd catch up when we're down there. Caite was a swinging lead - on both teams. It was Caite, Jean and Alan against Caite, skip Mal and Sue. There were two full greens of players. Aside from Caite's green bowls, it was red vs blue. First end Jean started off well. Alan consolidated then knocked Jean up. Mal was on the money with second shot. Next end he did very well and out bowled opposing skip Alan. Jean and Alan had four catchers but Mal just drew in. Jean said " I've never seen a coconut palm before - let alone by a bowling green! " Second last end Jean put one in for show. They had it in the bag - they thought! Mal was behind up to eight shots all game. They got a couple on the second-last end then with his last bowl of the game he put the kitty in the ditch for a 3. They won by two! We came inside for drinks. Caite found Jean a badge for her hat. It has the famous 'Singing Ship' of Emu Park on it. Caite updated their facebook page with pictures from today titled: " Highlights of a terrific Tuesday" Here is the link to their page. Emu Park - 'I've got a loverly bunch of coconuts!'

  • A quick visit to Rockhampton

    We came to Rockhampton Bowls Club to get our names down for Wednesday. We didn't realise it was Ladies' day. Jean wasn't keen to drive all the way from Keppel Sands for that. The one green is under a huge impressive cover. We snuck in an unlocked door to check out the clubhouse. We scared Assistant Treasurer Tony half to death when Jean said hello! We weren't able to roll up because the green is locked up and Tony was about to leave. Tony saw us off and chatted about his upcoming visit to Mooloolaba. We told him about Mal's bowls he got there. Rockhampton - maybe next time!

  • We came to Clermont and Dysart

    We're headed south to see Jean's sister Susan at Keppel Sands - then home for a bit. On the way we stopped at Clermont and Dysart in the Qld Central Highlands. CLERMONT FRIDAY Jean has been chatting with someone at Clermont via Messenger. She found out there was social bowls on Sunday but we had to take the cat to the vet there on Saturday so stayed at the showground. We wanted to stay at the bowls club but weren't able. We came to the bowls club in Clermont on Friday. It was deserted. We thought that strange for 4pm on a Friday afternoon. Most bowls clubs are a hive of activity at that time. Jean wanted to get a photo of the inside of the clubhouse but only found one little gap in the curtain. We found a lonely barbecue out the side. The sign on the door says 'Blair Athol Bowls Club Inc'. Perhaps that's their name! There's one grass green. It looks OK but we decided not to roll up. We didn't see mats and jacks. There are some nice permanent shades. And some old shades. We didn't stay long. Perhaps if we are back this way we'll come for a game. DYSART SATURDAY Dysart was a much better option for us. We're allowed to park our van there and come for a drink and a rollup. The clubhouse was open and there were people there. We came in and met Tallulah (not named afterTallulah Bankhead ) on the bar. She showed us where to park. She opened the green which was locked. Chairman Col showed us where to go to hook up to water. He told us the club has few bowling members now. They stay open because they only have to compete with the pub. The locals like to come here. They have food seven days a week. Mal said " Take a photo of this sign! " It's a small clubhouse with a split bar. Because we're parked here Mal said " I'm not rolling up until I've had a few beers! " Jean thought that would give her an advantage. He drank with Col in 'Bullshit Corner'. There's just one unnamed grass green. It looks nice. It has a pull-over cover. Mal was still drinking with Col so Jean rolled up by herself. She did OK. The green was running really well. She asked Col about it. He said they have a paid greenkeeper who is just learning. Jean told Col to give hime the thumbs up! After a couple of ends she worked it out. Mal finally joined her. She said " Ok, beat that! " He did his very best! Mal as usual found it easy. Col said he'd come back in the morning to try to find Jean a badge. True to his word he came through for her. No bull for us at Dysart!

  • A nice rollup at Moranbah

    We were supposed to go to Moranbah yesterday but had to stop in Mackay for an ill-fated caravan check-in. We rolled up here today. When we arrived we got a friendly greeting from Joe the Assistant Greenkeeper. We went inside and met bartender Brooke at the long bar. There's quite a nice barbecue and outdoor area adjacent to the clubhouse. We liked the club's Kookaburra on their welcome sign. Inside on the wall is a wooden carving of the kookaburra done by a member. Brook went and found a shirt for us to photograph - with the kookaburra. There are two grass greens. One out the front. With a roll out cover. And some really old shades we've never seen before. Joe said the back green is the best to roll up on at the moment. He told us they just got a grant to replace the gutters as the wood has rotted. Joe started to mark the green while we rolled up. Jean started the rollup. She did ok with two distant shots. Mal had a go. He had similar results. After a while we both worked out the weight. Jean was very happy with her bowls. Mal had the last laugh on the final end. We said goodbye to Joe and Brooke. Mal had to get a Moranbah shirt (Parramatta Colours!) A nice rollup, friendly people and a new shirt for Mal at Moranbah!

  • A new shirt for Jean at Mackay

    We accidentally drove to Mackay because we had to get an urgent repair to our caravan. We were going to come and play Scroungers but took too long at the caravan place. It's a little clubhouse. Pretty old and quaint. Inside there are some old photos of the clubhouse painted on the wall. There's one nice grass green. It was pretty quick! When we were at Suburban in Townsville the other day, Jean saw the ladies from Mackay in their nice orange shirts . " I need an orange shirt to wear on Wednesdays! " she said. Mary the bartender looked after us, organised our rollup and for Mick to sell Jean a shirt. Mick came off the green to help out. He went into the office and found Jean a shirt. Mal declared: " 20 bucks for a bowls shirt -that's a bargain! " Nice! We went out for our rollup on rink one. Jean stepped up first. She had second shot then, with his last bowl Mal knocked her up for shot. Mal had his go. Of course he was all over it! We met Glenda on the rink next to us. Their Bowls kept straying onto our rink. Jean almost got a toucher. Last end Mal just snuck in! We hardly ever see orange shirts at bowls clubs so this was a bonus! Mackay - at last an orange club shirt for Jean!

  • Bowl with the pit ponies at Collinsville

    We drove three hours from Townsville to Collinsville. We know there's no bowls on a Wednesday but came to stay and roll up. Hoppy (Bruce) from Herberton was wearing a Collinsville shirt when we were there. Jean told him we'd be there in a couple of days. He said he came from there and that we should ring the President Barry who would let us stay there. We did and he did! Barry met us at the club just after we arrived. He took us on a tour. He's a carpenter by trade and is doing a lot of work there. There's a big verandah with a kids' play area at the back. They want to try to encourage young families to come to the club. One of the things Barry is doing is creating a new barbecue area - decorated with old bowls. He hopes to put in a pizza oven where people can come and cook their own. He showed us how he puts in the bowls. He carves a groove in them so they sit nicely in the structure. Out the back on the shed is a bowls paining. And on the tank. When we arrived in town we saw a sign that said Collinsville is the 'Pit Pony Capital'. It's a mining town and we guess pit ponies are an important part of their history. The bowls club has a beautiful paining of a pit pony out the front. The club has one grass green. It's a bit patchy in parts as they've had some moss. It's quite slow. Mal was in the van fixing a power plug. Jean decided to roll up by herself. After about six ends she started to get the weight right. It was tough on the slow green. Mal joined her. Of course he got shot first bowl! Jean gave him a run for his money! But Mal had the last laugh (as usual!). Collinsville - thanks for the hospitality.

  • The Women's Northern Challenge at Suburban

    We're stopping overnight in Townsville on our way to Keppel Sands to catch up with Jean's sister Susan and her daughter. We wanted to do one club here so chose Suburban. We'd phoned a few clubs to find out if there was social bowls on. We found out the Women's Northern Challenge was on here today so came to take a look.. The club has one synthetic green under a good, solid cover. The clubhouse is a good size with a nice bar. We met Robyn and Chris (the bartender). Robyn showed us the six flood markers on the column from back as far as 1946. Wanda is another ex-Navy person from Nowra who liked Mal's Bomaderry shirt. The wall has nice decorations. A collage/quilt. And a picture of their Kookaburra. There were lots of ladies there from clubs we've visited like South Johnstone , Tully , Ingham and Innisfail . On our way out we ran into Lee from Silkwood. Suburban Townsville - we watched the ladies for a while.

  • Ravenshoe and Malanda - two greens closed for now

    RAVENSHOE We met some people from Ravenshoe a couple of weeks ago when we were at Yungaburra . We drove over to Ravenshoe from Heberton today. They are both towns in the mountains. Ravenshoe is the highest green in Queensland. When we arrived we met Tony the President. He told us the club has suffered over the last few years with dwindling membership. Recently though they got a few more and now have 30 members. Tony said they hold dinners there once a month on Friday to raise money. We told Tony about our trip and he gave us a Ravenshoe cloth and pens. We heard all about the Ravenshoe possum at Yungaburra. It's a nice old-fashioned clubhouse. We liked the wall-hanging. There's a nice commemorative plaque for the 50th anniversary in 1998. There's a nice outdoor verandah. There was a working bee and they were re-painting it. We learnt at other clubs that Ravenshoe green has been out about eight weeks due to the storms. We couldn't roll up as they'd sprayed for moss. They are also putting nutrients in to recover the green. They said they'd be back up and running tomorrow. In fact, they have planned a 75th anniversary tournament on 28th July. Any bowlers wishing to come and support the club can register by email at: . The guys explained that they have a permanent survey marker on the bar to record the highest peak around. There's a plan on the wall that explains it (kinda!). It's a grass green that was being sprayed while we were there. The highest green in Queensland! With nice old permanent shades. Ravenshoe - nearly brand new again! MALANDA After Ravenshoe we drove to Malanda. Dennis from Herberton told us it's unlikely we could bowl there as their green was out. He said their greenkeeper had other things to do. The club was closed up. Jean got a photo through the window. According to the big sign out the front they have social bowls on Sunday. Not today! Mal said " There's nobody bowling on that!" It has insect holes and weeds all over it. Nevertheless it's called the Alf Morris Green. Malanda - we hope they can get back and play!

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