After our fun time yesterday at Kingswood, we've come today to St Marys for a Tuesday game.

The clubhouse is quite big with three bar areas.

Joan and Paula did the draw and added us in.

Tim took our money.

Jean sat and chatted with the boys before the game.

Joan called the cards

The two greens are named for John Yealland.

There are two nice grass greens. Jake from Kingswood is the greenkeeper.

We played on the side green.

It seems to have its own name.

There are nice, big pullover shades.

It was Paula, Jean and Garry.

Against Dan, Regina and Tim.

Joan, Mal and Joe

Played Rick, Ron and Anne.

They are the Scorpions.

There was no wind so it was perfect for bowls! Jean started first end really well.

Next end Mal took kitty back for one. He was having fun with them. A battle of the Leads!

Jean did it again a few ends later.

Jean took the kitty back to her bowl then Garry consolidated.

She got a heart!

Mal was Lead on the far green so Jean kept running over but he said "I'm not doing any good bowls!" Not true - they just kept getting pushed out!

After the game, Paula gave us a gift of hats and a club book.

Mal's team won by one shot. After being ahead all game Jean's opposition came up on the last end for a draw. Jean's rink won the money - because it was a draw we shared it.

St Marys - little battles and little laughs.