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  • Writer's pictureJean Mc

A tough synthetic at Jerilderie

We arrived early at Jerilderie in case bowls started at 10am. We were told by the caravan park lady it's on at 6pm so we could relax.

The Jerilderie Sports Club was so close to the caravan park we could still get our wifi signal.

We got there to find out it's done for the year. We wouldn't have enjoyed it though as it's Barefoot Bowls. We decided to have a rollup instead.

There's only one green and it's synthetic. It was much slower than expected. After her blinder yesterday at Narrandera Jean thought she could do Mal today but the surface suited Mal's bowl marginally better than Jean's. Even taking half the usual grass on both hands she just couldn't find the line.

Jean didn't feel like taking photos. Mal fared better but swore every second end. It wasn't fun. It was muggy - even at 5pm - and Jean wanted to go home and cook pizza. It was 6-5 Mal's way then Jean scored a resting toucher. Mal then drew a shot that nudged Jean's out 3cm. Mal's was 2cm. Mal won 7-5 and Jean gave up.

Pizza time!

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