We were supposed to come to Trangie on Thursday for a game however when we were at Gilgandra Noel told us there's a memorial day at Trangie on Saturday. Jean contacted them on Messenger and got our names down for that.

We decided not to stay at Tullamore so drove on a day early to Trangie and a nice surprise. Jean had been in touch and was told we could park at the club. There was nowhere to park the van that we could see. We chatted with Brett who was playing a Pairs championship.

Brett pointed to the house next door and said "We own that. It's empty. You can stay there!"

They hooked us up to power and water!

It's a nice little clubhouse. We'll have Chinese for dinner there tonight!

There's a good trophy case with badges from all over the place!

Past Presidents sit above the bar.

We met Lee-ann the Manager.

We really liked the club shirts 👕. We asked if we could buy some. They are the Billy Goats.

There are two grass greens. One out the front

And one out the side next to the house.

The Ron McAnally Green.

With a pretty side garden.

On the other green there's pigeons and bowls.

We sat and watched the game. Young blokes vs old. Going into the last end it was 21 all after the oldies picked up a six! The younsters got a three for a win!
We came for Chinese Friday night. It was delicious!

Since we stayed Friday night we were here bright and early for the tournament on Saturday afternoon.
The tournament is in memory of Mossy a former member from here and Gilgandra. The atmosphere and camaraderie was fantastic. People from different clubs in the region enjoying each other's company and remembering Mossy.

It's sixteen ends of three-bowl triples. Everyone else went mufti but we wore our club uniforms. Jean in Wildcats

And Mal in Vikings.

Mal, Kevin and Jean

Jean took the kitty for no result. We had one then Mal did it as well for two!

We often both had shots in the count.

And again.

We were about ten shots up then they got a five, started to roll short ends and we didn't get the mat back! We lost the plot! Mal put his last bowl down, did a 'Nyngan draw shot' , hit several bowls and got shot. We managed another end or so but it was not enough.

Mal said "Why am I playing for them. I've given them shot six times!"
We came in for final chats and munchies.

Afterwards they got a photo of everyone who turned up for Mossy.
