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  • Writer's pictureJean Mc

Hamilton - 140 and still going strong!

We turned up and they didn't have our names but President John fitted us in.

We met Ron and Gavin in the office.

The club has an upstairs

And a downstairs where the bowlers gather.

On the wall there's an article about the club's 125th birthday in 2009. That would make it 140 this year!

There's a beautiful old building that we're told is the old Men's clubhouse. It's over 100 years old. It's now the Men's locker room.

There are two synthetic greens. One out the back.

Everyone was hanging out to play.

The top green has only been in a couple of months.

It's the Syd Barnes Green.

Syd is the workhorse of the club. Jean met Syd on the green.

We played together. For us it was pairs against triples. Three games of eight ends. We had four bowls each, they had 3/2.

Against Rob Jenny and Gerard, who we met at Dartmoor.

Mal did well until skip Jenny drove him out.

Then Jean did a Resting Toucher.

We drew five all. Then we played Graeme, Dennis and Diane.

Jean was on the money again. Mal did very good shots but he gave Jean the shot every time so no photos of his bowls. We lost by two though.

Third game we played Rex, Ray and Alan. We won by six.

We came inside for presentations. We enjoyed their humour.

Hamiltons are all Jean's family! (Jean's Grandma was a Hamilton).

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