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  • Writer's pictureJean Mc

Jean wins for a change at Gracemere

On our last day in Rockhampton we'll visit Gracemere for a Sunday game.

We dropped in on Saturday to put our names down. There was an inter-club competition on.

All the clubs were here. We saw some guys we knew - Dave and Al from Diggers

The clubhouse is cute.

The plaque says it was opened in 2015.

The Selector's Office is adorned with past Presidents and Pennant winners.

They are proud of their Pennant winners.

They have a Bowls cartoon teatowel we haven't seen before.

With a painting of the club on the wall.

There's a verandah out the back with chairs and table at the end.

Vice President Rod introduced himself to us.

President Garry from Victoria Park came. He wore his Towradgi jacket (though he didn't know how to pronounce it. Ex-Wollongong girl Jean set him straight!)

He was President here for three years.

There's one grass green.

With a pull-over cover.

And a solid permanent shade.

We played triples. Rod, Jean and Chris

Played Dave, Michelle and John.

Mal, Sam and John

Were against Ken, Anne and Garry.

First end Jean had shot then got knocked up.

Mal played brilliantly!

Chris got two but Jean made it four.

Mal made it two with a toucher.

We came in for an awesome smoko.

We came back out and Jean did one more for good measure.

Mal got up after being 15 ahead - by seven. Jean had plus 11. Jean's opponents won the jackpot when minus 11 came up.

Gracemere - two wins for us with nice people.

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