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  • Weston Creek - back again with the boys (and a girl)

    Mal went home to Tuggeranong yesterday. We were going to go to Jean's club Weston Creek to play with the ladies on Tuesday but Mal's brother Michael ra ng him and asked if he wanted to play today, Saturday. We decided to go. We'll still play there on Tuesday, just won't blog! We came in and both had to re-join the club. Then we re-connected with Martin who now organises Saturday social bowls. The clubhouse hasn't changed. We've known the three Weston Creek greens for twenty years - including the yucky old synthetic. We played on Green One. It's the 'WN Sam Hill Green'. We had a triples game together. Jean played lead with Barry and Mal skipped. (Mal, Jean and Barry) We played against Gloria who led, Dave (who we saw in Kingscliff on our travels) and skip Wally. (Dave, Gloria and Wally) There were three games. Two pairs and one triples. Jean and Mal both struggled with weight first few ends. Jean got it, as usual on the 6th end. We hadn't scored all game so when Barry scored a second we were over the moon. Then we were four down and Mal came in and took the kitty for shot. Jean and Barry drew three then Mal came in and consolidated for four. It put us level. Jean started getting shots (setting a good base) and we started winning. It was neck and neck all game but they ran ahead in the last few ends to win 21 to 15. We came in for drinks. Wally and Gloria had to leave. Mal was so happy to catch up with his brother Michael who he hadn't seen for ten months (though they do speak every week on 'Tanks'). Weston Creek - we lost but had a good time!

  • Tuggeranong Vikings - Mal comes home!

    We were supposed to be in Bundanoon today. They don't have a game so we were to roll up. Jean made a suggestion that we could come back later when a game's on and get to Canberra a day early. Mal jumped at the chance and immediately phoned Tuggeranong Bowling Club to get his name down for Friday. We've parked the van at Mal's daughter Laura's in Belconnen. We arrived at 10 and raced around to set everything up so we could leave at 11:30 "I can't be late!" Cried Mal. He was busting to get there to see his mates and check out the new synthetic green. Mal arrived with three minutes to spare. Patrick, Tony and Kevin said "Typical Mal!" The boys were all there like usual. It's Mal's home green so we already knew there are three greens. We weren't familiar with Green 3, The Eddie Weatherall Green - the brand new synthetic - one week old (Mal has kept up with the news). Mal played with new bowler Wayne Against veteran bowler Joe and Alan. They played on the middle green. Jean remembered when Mal played Pennants here for Weston Creek years ago the boys were worried. Mal said "Don't worry boys, his is my favourite green. I know every blade of grass!" It's the Reg Bates Green. We remembered fondly Reg being self-deprecating the day it was dedicated. Jean had to go and do some shopping so left Mal to his own devices. Mal was having a bad day. Wayne is a new bowler who bowled ok but said he has issues he's not sure how to fix. Jean returned at end 20 and Mal pointed to his bowls "That's the closest I've been all game!" On the last end he came into his own. They lost 39 to 5. Jean said to Mal "You'd better bowl better than that when you bowl with Dale on Wednesday!" Clearly the middle green's not lucky any more! Tuggeranong Bowling Club - Mal didn't display his new found skills!

  • Bowral - lovely ladies welcomed us

    We drove from Camden at 8am this morning to arrive in Bowral for bowls with the ladies at 10am. When we arrived we met Treasurer Alison. Then Sylvia and Marian arrived to take the money.  I told them if they are short Mal will play but they included him anyway. We chatted with the ladies - they were very friendly and entertaining. The clubhouse is nice. It has a homey feel. We had a lovely morning tea. And we ordered lunch. There are three greens. One is plastic synthetic. The far green was gifted to the Croquet Club. We played out the front. It's the Wilson Green. Jean played second for skip Rowena with Ros. (Rowena, Jean and Ros) Mal skipped for Lead Bev and Barry. (Barry, Bev and Mal) Jean started bowling every bowl a Pineapple, then put Grippo on. Mal on the other hand nailed it! Jean finally got shot - but not that close! It was sooo windy nobody could control their bowls. If Rowena's team ever got shot Mal would take it off them. They scored zero until the last end. Jean said "I'm not doing a nudie run in this weather!" We gave up on the weather after ten ends. The others finish after six. Rowena's and Jean got four on the last end after Rowena put the kitty in the ditch to make it 16 to 4. We came inside and Mal won the raffle twice and got a bag of lemons and a bag of limes. Then his team won the money. Lunch came. Mal had fish and chips. Bowral - country hospitality

  • Camden RSL - a really tight contest

    We've been to Camden RSL a few times but missed out on a game. We came back especially so we could play in the two Camden clubs. Today is RSL's turn we walked across the road from Camden Bowling Club yesterday to put our names down. We walked in and met Kay and Ken. They told us we didn't have our names down. We said "It's on the second page!" They told us it's full because they only have eight rinks. The second page is for next week! They said they'd do a game of fours to fit us in. There were lots of bowlers there. The clubhouse is a decent size. They only have one green - eight tight rinks. It's the Howard Perrin - Mick Lillis Green. Because it's RSL it has a military theme. We were the fours game. Jean was Second with lead Toby, Kay and skip Peter. (Peter, Jean, Kay and Toby) Against lead Lilly, second Bruce, Mal as third and skip John. (Bruce, John, Lilly and Mal) The club is 'The Platypuses'. Like at Camden yesterday there was no wind. Jean took her time to get the weight. Mal did better (that's Lilly's bowl, not Jean's!). Jean started to work it out. The team had four. Jean drew a nice shot then Mal stole it. They were catching up after being ten down. Sixteen all on end 16 - eight ends each! Pete's team won the last two. 20 to 16. We came in for drinks. Mal said "There were some good bowls put down today! They did presentations. We didn't win but had lots of fun! As we left voices called out "Happy travels!" Camden RSL - Mal;s team came back but alas he didn't win.

  • Camden - we both won convincingly!

    While we were on the road to Camden from Wollongong we rang Alan who we'd met when we popped in a week ago. Alan told us to ring Alex who put our names down for today. Mal had played once in Wollongong last week so we were hanging out for a game! We'd met Alex before. He was the guy who rang Picton for us to get a game there when there was none here. We met Parramatta fan Ron out the front. He directed us to the table to pay our green fees. Tuesday seems to be run by the ladies. At the table we met Cynthia, June and Irene. It's a nice little clubhouse. They told us it's just been refurbished after going under water during the floods. It's a good rollup with lots of men to play. They are the 'Camden Rams'. We read the rules and paid our respects to life members. The club used to have three greens. One is now a sports court. There are two grass greens left. We played on the back green. It's the Steve Laker Green. Formerly the Les Murdoch Green. It's triples today. Alex called the cards. Jean played second for Frank with Margaret (Margaret, Jean and Frank) Against Greg, Gina and skip Rob. (Rob, Gina and Greg) Mal played second with lead Cheryl and Skip Kevin. (Cheryl, Mal and Kevin) Against Geoff, Sharon And Maurie. There was zero wind. Beautiful. Jean and Margaret were bowling well. 4th end they were up 5. Eighth end they were four down and Jean drew shot. Mal reckoned he wasn't doing any good bowls but Jean spied one. Jean and Margaret kept bowling well, then Frank would consolidate for multiples. Gina said to Jean and Margaret "You are playing well as a team." Jean agreed. Frank's team won 22 to 12. Mal won 24 to 10. Jean's players all left so she sat for a nice chat with Mal's. Camden Bowling Club - a satisfying gamw!

  • Kiama - Mal and the boys

    Jean was taking her Mum from her nursing home in Gerringong to the Dentist Kiama Bowls Club is on the way back so Jean called them to put Mal's name down. Jean called her sister Ros who drove down to the club to have lunch while Mal bowled. (Betty [Mum] , Rossie and Jean) We met Adam on the bar who organised the game. The clubhouse is nice. It has a nice view over the green. The clubhouse was opened in 1958. Apparently the are the Kiama Kookaburras. The club has two and a half greens. The small one is out the back. Three rinks. There are two at the front on different levels. They are beautiful - just what you'd expect on the coast. Mal played on the Trevor Jones Green. It has a nice view of the club not far from the ocean. It was pairs. Mal and Andy played together Against Bruce and Brian. There were five games all up. Jean asked Andy how Mal was bowling he said "He's bowling very, very well!" Jean came out after lunch to check in. He was doing ok. Jean asked him "Are you winning?" He said yes. Brian said "By a lot!" Not really, they were up by four. Jean came back from taking her Mum home to get Mal a beer. He said "The wheels fell off! They are going up by ones!" They must've been up by a lot because it was still 12 to 8 Mal's way. In the end Mal won 27 to 9. The boys came in for a drink afterwards. Mal and Andy won the prize - club vouchers. Kiama - lots of fun and good bowls for Malcolm.

  • Picton - bowls with the Razorbacks

    We are staying in Camden. We went to both the Camden clubs because we heard they had games. They didn't. One of the guys from Camden Bowling Club phoned Picton and found out they had a game on. He put our names down and we got there with 10 minutes to spare. When we arrived the boys were waiting for us. There was Dermot, Dennis, Barry and Tuppo. They are the 'Razorbacks' after 'Razorback Mountain '. It's a nice little club. The bowlers all gathered inside. There are three nice grass greens. One out the front is closed. There are two out the back. There were 6 games. We played three-bowl triples - 18 ends. We played on both greens. It ran very true. There was zero wind! Behind the T was full of weeds but it made no difference to how it ran. Mal and Jean were on opposite sides. Alan, Jean and Sue played together. Jean led and Al skipped. Against Peter, Mal and Greg. Peter led and Mal skipped. Jean and Pete were having a real tussle but Pete always pipped her at the post. Jean was frustrated she couldn't outbowl him. She could have gotten cross at him but he was too nice a fellow! Playing against Al brought Mal's game up. He did some good skip shots. Jean showed the seconds her 'Bowls Eye'. The liked it but were a little uncertain to use it. Mal's team was one up then Sue got three shots. Mal came in and took kitty for one. Then Jean put two right on it. She was about to take a photo when Pete took kitty. Last end Al's team was up two. Mal needed three to win, two to draw. They got six! We came inside for drinks. Jean explained to Pete and Sue about her obsessive compulsive need to find a black club shirt for Saturdays. Pete said their old shirt was black and white and went on a search for one. Dermot gave Jean one. Mal bought a club shirt (because it's Parra colours). Picton - Mal wins again.

  • Glenbrook Panthers - we bowled well together

    We were supposed to stay tonight in the carpark at Springwood Sports Club but when we got there we found there was no way we could turn the van around. Also, they'd cancelled social bowls for the day. We decided to drive on to Glenbrook Panthers. The bowls club is owned by the Penrith Panthers Rugby league club. The bowls office is off to the side of the club. We found Glenn hiding in there. (Mal and Glenn) There were 16 players. We played three-bowl pairs. We played together Against David and Martin. They were all red and blue. Dark (us) against light. We were having so much fun we nearly forgot to take photos of our good bowls. Jean started off well. We lost eleven shots in three ends! Then Jean did three excellent bowls but Dave stole shot. Mal was suffering from his crushing defeat yesterday. He did a few good shots but was mostly ordinary - until the last end - when we got four! Too late. We lost 25 to 13. Jean drew the winning rink. It was ours. Dave and Martin won $30 each. Glenbrook Panthers - poor Mal couldn't save the day!

  • Portland NSW - Jean and the boys!

    We stayed in Gulgong nearly a week so Jean could reminisce about her youth there. We only got two games though so are champing at the bit for a game today in the little town of Portland NSW. It's a cute little club with just one grass green. The EA Ted Corlis Green. The seats are donated which is nice. Our van was parked 20 steps from the green. They gave us power and water. There's a permanent Pennant scoreboard. We met Marie (who Jean's been corresponding with via Messenger). and Darryl who seems to be in charge. Then we met Dave who organised things. People started to arrive 15 minutes before 1pm. There was one game of Triples and one of pairs. It was Jean and nine blokes. Jean played lead for skip Dave with Barry. (Barry, Jean and Dave) Against Greg, John and Peter. Mal played lead for Kenny Against Brayden and Brendan. We were both down when we learnt how to play. Mal first Then Jean. Jean was doing ok. Mal did a beauty but knocked up Brayden's bowl. Jean and Barry kept getting five. They didn't usually last too long. But then Dave came and made it eight for twelve up. Poor Mal got paid back for his massive win at Gulgong. Dave's team on the other hand won 24 to 13. We came inside for drinks and post-mortem. Jean was happy with how she bowled, Mal was not. Brayden said "He bowled really well!" Mal replied "But someone kept taking my shots out!" Portland - the boys treated us very well!

  • Mudgee - we both bowled with the ladies

    We're in Gulgong for five days. Today is our last day. Jean went on Messenger to find out Mudgee Ladies play Tuesday morning. We got up bright and early. The club is part of 'Club Mudgee' but has its own identity. The clubhouse is really just an office And some lockers. But it has a nice outdoor area. With a bar. There's a funny little sculpture made from horse shoes. Jean met Helen and Leila from Match Committee. The club has two nice-looking grass greens. The bottom green was closed. We played on the top. Old bowls decorate the outdoor seating area. Leila looked at all the badges on Jean's hat. One of the ladies Bonnie asked "Do you have one of ours?" She got one. Jean put it next to Mudgeeraba. They were short again so Mal played second with skip (Mal forgot her name) Judy and Beverley. Against Pam, Lyndall and Helen And skip Sandra. Jean played lead for skip Bonnie with Kay (Bonnie, Jean and Kay) Against skip Rhonda, Margaret and Gail. The green was super quick. We started with a Spider and our bowls were way up the back. Good thing was that Leila said 2nd prize would be closest to Mal's bowl. Jean got that and won a torch. Jean found it hard to get the weight. When she did the opposition took it off. Finally on end 5 she got it. Mal towered over all the ladies. Jean waited for eleven ends to take a photo of Mal's good bowls. He said "I haven't done any!" He finally got two on end 16 - including a toucher. Then he did it again the next end! Jean took Kitty but it didn't last long. The skips said of Mal "The last few ends he's done beautiful bowls!" They won 26 to 12. Jean's team needed seven to win. It ended up 17 to 12. We came in for lunch and drinks. Mudgee Bowling Club - thanks ladies!

  • Gulgong Bowling and Sports Club - talk about a big score!!!

    Gulgong is Jean's home town (high school years). We arrived here on Friday and Jean spent a couple of days reminiscing about her old home at the cop shop. We've been wandering around, rather than playing bowls so really looking forward to a game today. (Police Station Gulgong) This morning Mal overheard our neighbour in the Showground camping area talking on the phone about playing bowls. He went over to talk with him. His name's Michael and he's doing the same as us. He's in Gulgong today. (Michael and Mal) We arrived for bowls on Sunday and met Paul and Nick (not a bowler). Jean told Paul she was on a search for someone who remembered her Dad who was Police Sergeant in the 70's. He was a man on a mission - asking everyone how long they've lived here. It's a pretty little club. We had dinner here on Friday. First person Paul found was Neil Ryan who remembered Jean's Dad Roy "Kicking me up the butt!" He mentioned how Roy started basketball in the town and his team was 'Copp and Co' "We used to love playing the cops to get our own back!" The club has two greens. They look a bit iffy but roll well. Line is true. We played on the one in front of the clubhouse. There were 14 players so two games of pairs and one triples. We both played the pairs. Skip Debbie and Jean. Against Kel and Graham. Mal played with skip Tim Against Lesley (old chook) and Mary (old boiler). Tim is Debbie's son. It took Jean a couple of ends to work it out then she took out Graham's bowl for shot. Mal was doing ok as well. The kitty was near the ditch. Jean put one in the ditch first then drew to it. Mal next door was nailing it. It was evident in the final score 35 to 4! Jean and Debbie won too - 17 to 10. We came in for drinks. Mal and Tim won the money. Jean and Debbie talked away about all the people Jean went to school with, who Debbie knew, and where they were now. Greg was very interested in Jean's friend Debbie because he and his ex-services mates have found a grave from her family that needs fixing up. Jean gave him her number. Gulgong Bowling Club - a huge win for Mal and a little win for Jean

  • Macquarie Club Dubbo - Mal plays with the boys

    So Macquarie Club in Dubbo only has men on Thursday so Mal rang at 8:45 for a 9:30 game. The club is the old Dubbo Railway Club. At the table we met Bob, Turbo and Adam. (Bob, Adam and Turbo) The club has two grass greens But they are painted. They look nice. There are owls guarding. Apparently they are 'The River Rats'. So players had to choose a paddle pop stick according to the position they were to play. Mal selected Lead 12. It was skip Bob (though they played 2-4-2) and Mal Against Glenn and skip Vitt (Vittorio). Mal's first bowl was 4 metres heavy. 2nd end he almost worked it out. Jean had to walk back to the caravan to make Grandma Sadie's Tomato Relish. When she got back she asked Glenn if Mal had done any good bowls since she left. He said "Look at the score!" I guess the answer's Yes! First thing he did though was put two on the bank. She didn't believe it! Mal said "Gee I played some pearlers!" In the end Bob and Mal won 17 to 7. Bob gave us each a 'River Rats' cap. Macquarie Club Dubbo - Mal said "This is a club where I'd fit in really well!"

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