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  • Charity game for MND at Lake Boga

    We were told this morning at Murray Downs club that Lake Boga has a charity game tonight for Motor Neurone Disease. It's just 1 km from our caravan so we drove down. We met husband and wife Ken and Janet.  Ken is the President. We got our names down. They said a couple of players recently lost spouses to MND. It's barefoot bowls - fours - two games of seven ends. They were expecting 100 people - many from Lake Boga. Lots don't know how to play bowls. The club has two really nice. Wide grass greens. They were both full. There's a step up to green two. They were preparing the green when we arrived. Mal wanted a roll up before we played. We rolled up on rink 3. The game cost $15 with a sausage sizzle. The spread was fantastic! We filled our plates! It was like Christmas! The Lake Boga shirts are impressive. It was an eclectic mix of players. After dinner they were all in a party mood. By 7pm we were chomping at the bit to get going. Jean played with Mal, Richard and Nola. (Richard, Nola. Mal and Jean) We played first game against Brenda, Barry, Trevor and Trevor. Meanwhile the sun set and the dusk came over. We lost by four. Second game was against Ken, Robyn and Kevin. We won 13 to three. With only seven ends each game was pretty much over before it began. Back inside we won two raffle prizes. Lake Boga - thanks for supporting us and MND.

  • Murray Downs - a proud club

    Jean rang Murray Downs Resort yesterday afternoon and got our names down for a 9:30 start but we weren't convinced the message would get through. We set the alarm for seven to get there by 9 just to make sure. Lucky we did, our names weren't down. Mal went straight over to the office and saw Dawn and Cecilia who organised the game. The greens are set on a golf course. There are three. All oversize greens - eight-rink. They look immaculate - unusual for a golf club. They have their own greenkeeper who is super proud of his work, and rightly so. We played two games of ten-end triples on A Green. Before the game we chatted with Doug and Keith (Keith, Mal and Doug) and Dave and Noel. They have a good way to create the draw. They pick the skips, then the skips draw their lead and second out of a bag. Jean played lead for skip Neville with Carol from Racecourse club. (Jean, Carol and Neville) They played against Ned, Mal and Harry. (Harry, Mal and Ned) Mal liked playing second because he could take the kitty off Jean's shot bowls. Luckily Carol took it back. Then the skips moved it twice. Mal's team got two. Next end they got a five. Jean, Carol and Neville cried. The last end it was ten all. Harry's team won by one. Second game Jean played Betty, Dave and President Gary (Shorty). (Betty, Shorty and Dave) Betty told Jean that Shorty plays Division One for Murray Downs and Neville for Racecourse. Apparently they had a mighty battle in the final and Murray Downs came home. It's obvious. Jean had shot almost every end and Shorty's blue bowls took it off every time. Jean's team finally scored on the eighth end so no nudie run! Shorty won eight to four. Mal played his second game against Noel, Terry and Diane. (Noel, Diane and Terry) He reckons his bowls weren't near the kitty all game. Jean thinks he means everyone else's were closer. After the game Shorty took us over to see the John Mayers Pavilion, named for a stalwart of the club who has passed. He proudly showed us the trophies for their recent Division One Pennant wins for Tuesday and Saturday competitions. We saw the old photos and the picture of the year they won every Pennant Division. They are called 'The Rams' and had a poster made up. We were very happy because Carol got our names down for a two-four-two pairs tournament at Racecourse on Sunday and Betty told Jean that Lake Boga (where our caravan is) has a charity game tonight for Motor Neurone Disease. We might go if we have energy. Murry Downs Bowls Club - proud of their achievements.

  • Bowls with the birds at Stawell Bowling Club

    When we were at Stawell Bowling Club on Saturday we met President Ivan and put our names down. We arrived 90 minutes early today and the only person there was a lady vacuuming. Peter soon arrived and recalled us playing at Golf on Saturday. We quickly noticed the lovely metal garden art of birds on the fence And on top of the sun shades. There were a lot of friendly faces there from Saturday at the Golf Club. The club has two synthetic greens. They look about the same vintage. Fake grass. We decided to have a rollup so Mal could practise his turning technique. Ivan said the clubhouse has been here a while but it looks immaculate. It's clad with colorbond. It has a nice, big kitchen. We played on B Green. It was three-bowl triples, two games of ten ends. There were seven triples and one four. Jean played lead for skip Peter with Les. (Peter, Jean and Les) Mal played second for skip Rob and Pat. We played each other first game. )Pat, Mal and Rob) The first two ends Jean took shot then Mal took it off her. He played well but so did Jean. Peter's been singles championship runner-up the last four years. You could tell. He took it back! Jean made comment about her bowls suddenly going narrow. Laurie, Jean's teammate from Saturday, said "What, you're not bowling as well as you did in Saturday?" That was nice. She was doing ok. Jean's team won 8 to 5. We stopped after game one for drinks, bickies and raffles. Stubby and coke - $5! Second game Jean played against Joy, Laurie and skip Adrian. (Adrian, Joy and Laurie) It was a bit harder as the grass changed. Jean had it nailed first game. She got it eventually helped by Les. The team was ahead the whole game but lost by two with four down on the last end. Mal played against Lesley, Geoff and skip Rob. (Geoff, Rob and Lesley) He struggled a bit. He reckons he was nowhere near the kitty all game. Nevertheless, they won ten to six. Stawell Bowling Club - love the birdlife!

  • Help from a golfer at Chalambar Golf Club

    A short story today. We decided to go back out to the bowling green at Chalambar Golf Club in Ararat because at least they gave us some information when we were there. The club has one tiffdwarf green. They used to have a second but like many golf clubs, they thought it would make a better putting green. We couldn't find mats and jacks so Mal asked Steve, former bowler and defending C-Grade golf champion. Steve and Mal walked over to the shed and Steve found the key. The got a mat and jacks. Steve amd his wife gave us a little cheer squad. We rolled up. Mal worked it out straight away. Jean struggled with grass - got weight fine. The only time she got shot was when she aimed her bowl straight at the jack. It was weird because there was no wind. Chalambar Golf Club - nice to meet golfers for a change.

  • Aradale - the only help we got in Ararat

    We had bad luck today. We've been trying to ring Ararat Bowling Club for days but they never answer. We've left messages but nobody contacted us. We decided we'd drive out and find out when the four Ararat clubs play social. Jean woke up at three AM and trawled the internet. She found a notice that said Ararat had triples on at 12:30 so we drove out and arrived at 10:15. There were some blokes having a meeting. Jean asked about the game. They looked at her quizzically and said "It's already done". It was Lara all over again. No offer to accommodate us. They just went back to their business. We won't go back there. Then we went to VRI. It was all closed up with No Tresspassers signs and no info about social bowls. Then we went to Chalambar Golf Club. At least there a bar staff member told us they play on Thursday - after we leave. We finished up at Aradale. Waze took us to the street behind the club. From the back we saw a bloke leaving so we quickly drove round the block and flagged him down. He said they don't have social and most of their members will be at Ararat this arvo. He welcomed us to rollup and told us where to find mats and jacks. We were so grateful to finally get some help, we jumped at the chance. To change the subject, Mal and Jean discussed yesterday how Jean bowled so well at Stawell Golf but Mal couldn't get the grass. He said "The third asked me to go round a bowl and my Aeros can't do it". Jean (who studied Physics in high school) said "Well, if you can stand your bowls up to go straight, surely the opposite would work. How about next time we roll up I put some bowls out wide for you to test it out." Mal thought about it overnight. At Aradale Jean put her bowls out for him to go around. We were impressed with the work the club had done. The green was synthetic. The sign said 16 seconds. We thought it much faster. Mal tried delivering his bowls with a slant. It worked! He showed Jean the slant and explained that as you put it down you remove the bias momentarily. As the bowl slows the bias kicks in and it turns more sharply and his bowls can go around. He was very pleased with his discovery. He kindly suggested Jean have a go at taking out his shot bowl. Instead she put the kitty in the ditch. Mal thanked Jean for her idea and said "That was a good hit-out!" We checked out the big bell. Jean (accidentally) rang it. Mal said "That woke the neighbours!". It was made in Glasgow in 1868. The plaque said the green was created in 2009 to replace the grass laid in 1970. Ararat - Thanks Aradale - not so much the other clubs.

  • Jean won at Stawell Golf and Bowls Club

    We tried to ring Stawell Bowling Club but got no answer so drove up. Ivan the Stawell President happened to be there and told us they do play Saturday but alternate with the Stawell Golf Bowling Club. We put our names down to go to the Golf Club today. Ivan told us they also play Tuesday so we put our names down for that as well. We arrived at the Stawell Golf Bowls Club to see the funny sculptures. They were created by Frank Stewart who is no longer with us. They named the green after him. There is also a nice memorial to bowler Max. We met Terry from Match Committee who introduced us. We also met Muriel and Barb - the two oldest lady bowlers. The green is synthetic - fake grass. Running 14 seconds. Because it's a golf club, they have a tiny little club house in a shed. We played fours. Two games of ten ends on three rinks. A lot of players were away at competitions. Jean played lead with Rob, Laurie and skip Grant. (Jean, Grant, Laurie and Rob) Against Mal who skipped his team of Frank, Muriel and Ashley. (Frank, Muriel, Ashley and Mal). It was a fun game. Mal and Grant had a real skip tussle. The team said Grant is a former Australian champion and Australian representative player. Jean asked him and he said "Now I'm a has been". She didn't believe that. Jean got shot one end and kept it. Unusual in fours. Grant's team won by seven. We stopped for drinks and raffles before the second game. Second game Grant played a triple Peter, Ivan and Peter. Mal played Jenny, Rob and Terry. (Jenny and Rob) Jean was over the moon she worked out grass and weight on a Synthetic. She started with shot most ends (didn't stay that way of course) her team played really well. Took shot off the opposition when they had it. Grant bowled like the bowler we know he is. Laurie and Rob were awesome as well. Won the first seven ends. The opposition needed six to draw on the last end. Grant won by four and won the day. The team was the only two game winner. Mal played better in his second game because he didn't need to take as much grass. He nailed the weight. He enjoyed talking with Terry who was a Primary School teacher. Mal drew 11 all. After the game, Peter bought Jean a Chardonnay and said she could keep the glass to remember them by . Stawell Golf and Bowls Club - nice new friends.

  • Feeling very welcome at Terang Bowling Club

    Mal rang the number Jean found for Terang Bowling Club and spoke with Graham. He asked if they have bowls on Thursday. Graham said no but that he'd organise a rollup for us - 3pm. They have two nice Synthetic greens installed 18 years ago. We rolled up on the far one which ran about 18 seconds. We turned up at 3:10 and were welcomed by Graham, Ros and Peter. We rolled up, Mal and Jean against Graham and Peter. We had a great competition. They had it all over us most of the game. Mal put down some great bowls but Graham always pipped him at the post. He couldn't believe how much grass we had to take. Peter told Jean "Bowl to the edge of that brick building." We finally worked the green out and eventually won with one shot on the last end. Ros and Jamie rolled up next rink. The club has some great history. After the game Graham opened up the bar and shouted us a drink. We sat around with Graham, Ros and Jamie and talked all things bowls and regaled them with our adventures. They told us the club's claim to fame was member Margaret Sumner who was national champion and played bowls there right up to when she passed away last year. Graham gave us some pens to remember our visit to Terang. Terang - don't forget to take grass!

  • Camperdown - Scotland in Victoria

    When we were at Camperdown on Sunday one of the guys told us Camperdown Golf and Bowls Club plays on Wednesday and gave us Peter's number to call. Mal rang and chatted with Peter and got our names down. We drove out for an 11am start. There was beautiful scenery on the way. Met Peter organising. Gary introduced us. This is the last Wednesday social as they close over Winter. It's a Synthetic green - fake grass. They have a sign to tell you which way to bowl. Good idea. They have an impressive sign with a magpie. The club is 'The Magpies' - after the footy club. Lovely outlook with a view of the hill and cows. With the lake behind. It was definitely an Autumn day. 14° with everyone in jumpers. It's two-bowl triples. Three games of ten ends. 42 bowlers. Costs $15 a head and you get lunch, tea and bickies. Jean, Mal and Bert played together (Bert, Mal and Jean) against Cliff, Peter and Russell. It started to rain so everyone took cover. Then the sun came out then and it was lovely. Green was quick. Jean's first bowl was on the money. After that she fell apart. The synthetic thing. Three quarters of the way through Mal and Jean worked it out and got two. Tough opposition then took shot off us. Jean was shocked when they said coming in to the last end, we were one up. We drew. We came inside for a nice ham, cheese and salad roll. And dessert. The raffle prizes were amazing. Donated by a club member Butch who's a member of a wine club. Apparently he donates to lots of clubs in the region. Mal won three bottles of Cab Sav. The guys tried to tell us that after the game they all sit around and drink the wine prizes. 2nd game was against Ray, Ken and Bazil. 1st end it clouded over and rained again, then the sun came out - again! Felt like we were in Scotland. We did a little better and won the first eight ends. Then they got a three and a four. We won ten to six. Third game against John, John and Chester. Game was a bit tougher. John and Chester are in the Division One Pennants final this weekend. Still, Mal and Jean gave them a run for their money. It rained again. We won 12 to four. John took Jean to see the photo of the 2022 Club champion. He gave us some Pennants stickers. Camperdown Golf and Bowls- fantastic fun, despite the weather.

  • Camperdown - we arrived in the nick of time

    Mal was ringing clubs to find out when they play social. Camperdown Bowling Club said "Today, in 20 minutes!" They assured us Lake Purrumbeet is only 15 minutes away so we raced out. They said they'd wait. We got there to a great welcome. We met David who introduced us around and everyone smiled. Many of the players weren't bowlers, they played Barefoot Bowls. Still, they bowled ok. There are two synthetic greens due for replacement. We played on the front green. Very sandy, not quite as bad as Colac City. It is two bowl triples. Two games of ten ends. There were two pairs who played with three bowls. Jean played with Pam and skip Brian against John, Jimmy and Herm. Jean put her first two bowls on the kitty. The boys thought they'd been duped. Brian's team got 5. Her team won convincingly. John and Jimmy bowl at Lismore. We've agreed to have a rollup there on Tuesday. Mal played second with Kelvin and Deb. against Patsy and Merve. Mal bowled well too. They won 12-8. Second game we played each other. Mal and Jean had a real competition. Mal's team won by 4 shots and won the day. He got a free drink at the bar. A welcome prize for Mal. We had great chats with Deb and her husband Gerald about bowls, beer and of course AFL. Camperdown - we didn't want to leave.

  • Rollup with the Bushrangers of Lismore

    As organised with the boys on Sunday at Camperdown, we phoned John this morning to check we were on for a rollup. He said he was mowing and rolling today so we said we'd see him at Lismore Bowling Club around 1pm. When we arrived John was mowing. We met John and Jimmy. They are known around the place as the 'Bushrangers from Lismore'. They were there with their dogs Kol (Keg on legs) and Banjo, who just fathered 5 lovely puppies. The boys told us the club likely won't last long. They only have twelve or so members and John will be back at work soon so there will be nobody to maintain the green. The club has one old grass green. We were warned at Camperdown that you have to make sure you eat well so you can throw a bowl down. They weren't wrong. The wind was ferocious. Jean hardly got within 3 metres. Mal didn't do much better. Banjo followed Daddy everywhere. At one point he sat on the backhand in the middle of the green- we think to show John the grass to take. The boys were keen to protect the Lismore name against the Canberra blow-ins. We had a great game. Mal as skip did his best. We played ten ends. Going in to end nine it was five all. We scored one but sadly they won eight to six. Jimmy invited us to the local for a coldie. After he finished up at the club John joined us for a great chat about bowls and life in a country town. Lismore - held up by Bushrangers!

  • A yucky "Old Synthetic' at Colac City Bowling Club

    We went to the Colac Bulla factory. There was a sign to say they are refurbishing and one could buy goods from Coles. Where's the fun in that? So we went to Colac City Bowling Club for a rollup. The club has four greens - two grass and two synthetics. Both grass greens are ordinary. The bottom one will be replaced soon with synthetic. We asked the reception staff if we could have a rollup. They were concerned because the greens were being prepared for Pennants finals at 1pm. They told us to ask the guys. We got our bowls, went outside and met Roy. He explained that one grass green is out and that external players may turn up to practice. He suggested we roll up on the 'Old Synthetic ' up top. We did. It was awful. Covered with sand. We had to take a rink-and-a-half of forehand grass. It left a sand smear on our bowls. After four ends Jean said "I'm not rolling on this any more, it's scratching my bowls!" Mal said "Yeah, it's like bowling on concrete!" The bowls made a noise all along the green as they rolled. Roy asked us how we went. Jean said "Not keen on that synthetic!" He invited us to do a couple on the new one. He said "Hard to go wrong with this - it's true". Mal talked briefly with Trevor and Stewart about the fake owls. They said they were to keep birds away. Mal told them about the snakes they used at Geelong RSL to keep the bats away. (Trevor, Stewart and Mal) We rolled two ends on the front synthetic. Much better. Very true line. We didn't really keep score. Jean killed the last end and Mal drew shot with his last bowl. Colac City Bowling Club - make sure you bowl on the front green!

  • Rolled up for Division One Pennants champions at Colac Central Bowling Club

    We're only in Colac for one night so we came late in the day for a rollup at Colac Central Bowling Club. We came in to ask if we could have a rollup and met Bertie, Roger and Gary. We told them about our trip and Roger proudly showed us his badge from the Division One Pennants win for Tuesday comp. While we were getting our bowls they must've told President Greg about us. Greg came and speak with Jean at the bar and invited her to speak to the members, who were here for the Friday night raffles, about our trip. Greg introduced us and Jean gave her talk. She congratulated the club on their Division One Pennant final win on Tuesday. We stayed for the raffles. Lots of people wished us well. June the Lady President stopped for a chat and Dennis talked with Mal about all things caravan. There is one synthetic green. It's an old style flat carpet. It was quite quick but the line was true. We had pretty good heads. The score was pretty even. The wind came up and our bowls went in the ditch. Greg raced out as we were leaving to give ud directions to Red Rock for a scenic view of the town. Colac Central - congratulations to awesome bowlers!

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