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  • No welcome at Midlands Golf and bowls club

    We were told by some Midlands players there is always someone at the club to roll up with after 4pm. That wasn't our experience. The club has two nice greens. The grass was closed So we elected to rollup on the synthetic- hoping someone would turn up to play with. Yes it was mid-week Pennants day but five blokes turned up and completely ignored us. It was a bit of a surprise after the welcome we've had at all the other clubs. We played a few ends. Jean scored first shot Then Mal scored a couple. Mal was ahead by a couple of shots until we got bored and decided it was our last end. Jean scored a four and won by a shot. Midlands- very disappointing.

  • An uneventful rollup at Wendouree that Mal won

    When we arrived at Central Wendouree Bowling Club Margaret, who was in a committee meeting, came out to greet us. We met when we were there the other day. She gave us a mat and jacks for our rollup. The club has three greens. Two are grass. The other is carpet. We were a little shocked when cars drove past us on the driveway. We played on the middle green which was a little quick but it suited us. We were only one apart for most of the match then Mal got a couple of lucky shots (perhaps there was some skill involved). Jean kept scoring one to keep him honest but it wasn't enough. When he skipped ahead Jean just threw her bowls in the ditch and Mal won. Nice greens at Central Wendouree.

  • Ballarat East let us roll up

    We got to Ballarat East for a rollup and met Craig who told us the green was closed due to the rain we had last night. Craig said he's the jack of all trades at the club. Jean told him our story and said we are sad we'd miss out on Ballarat East. He made a phone call and got us a rollup. The green was surprisingly nice. It didn't look great with all the dark spots but ran quite true - though slow from the rain. We had a quick rollup - six ends - the green was slippery and Jean took a tumble. The green suited Jean. We both did short ends because it was slow. Jean started with a four and kept getting shot. Mal bowled very well but then Jean took the cat (that's what they call it in Ballarat) back for three. The last end it was nine to one. Mal got cranky Jean was winning so he drove all his bowls. First three went in the ditch. Fourth bowl he picked up the kitty (cat) and put it in the ditch for three. He still lost nine to four. Afterwards we went inside for a drink and chat with Mark (Big) and Noel (Bilbo). (Mark, Noel and Mal) Noel told us Ballarat East is a sister club to Mt Xavier. They know Paul (Knackers) the President (who we bowled with) very well. On the way home we spied a Chinese restaurant that does Yum Cha so we stopped in. Ballarat East - Thanks for the accommodation.

  • Fours for Australia Day at Victoria Bowling Club

    When we drove around to the city clubs on Monday some people from Victoria Bowls Club told us about their annual Australia Day Fours comp. Mal rang Peter and got us into a game with father and son Billy and Brett. (Mal, Billy, Brett and Jean) Jean chatted with Bill and Ron when we arrived. It was a lovely day. 28° and sunny. (Peter, Billy, Mal and Ron) Mal chatted with organiser Peter. There are three greens. An eight-rink carpet and two grass greens. We played on grass. 12 teams. The other green seems to be out of action. The tournament has good prizes. $15 entry and $500 1st prize. We get a nice roast beef roll at the end. We played three games of seven ends. The scoring was 20 points for a win and a point each end won. We arrived at rink 10 and met Brian, John, Brad and skip Craig our opposition from Buninyong. (Craig, John, Brian and Brad [may have names confused]) There were mostly Victoria players but some from other clubs. We started with the national anthem then they played Aussie rock music in the background. Jean scored the first shot and we were away. The Buninyong boys scored a couple then Mal and Brett scored to put us ahead. The weight kept changing. We drew and shared the points. Second game was against Kris, Bob, Ray and Barry. We got a four which is a positive in a seven end game. We won eight to six. (Barry, Ray, Bob and Kris) Third game we played against Doc, Barry, John and skip Len who represented Milands. We won the first two ends. And went on to win. (Doc, John, Mal, Barry and Len) Overall we came third with 62 points. We won $50 each. Victoria - we had so much fun!

  • Buninyong - the prettiest place to bowl

    We met (and drew with) some boys from Buninyong at Victoria Club yesterday. They told us to come on Friday arvo and there'd be heaps of people to bowl with. They were right. There were people everywhere. Playing comp, rolling up or watching. Lots of people like to sit on the verandah. They have two nice grass greens. Very quick. Brad (from yesterday) introduced us to President Graham (Nico). He then introduced us to Norm who's been bowling more than 22 years. Norm told us the club is150 years old. They had the celebration last year. it's the oldest bowls club situated in a botanical Gardens. It's just lovely. We convinced Frank and Stuart to play a game with us. (Stuart and Frank) Mal played skip with Frank and Jean played lead for Stewie. We were pretty evenly matched. In the end it was 9 to 8 Mal and Frank's way. After the game we met Jeff Douglas who used to live in Holder ACT. (Frank, Jeff and Mal) Buninyong - we feel like we met the whole club!

  • A great game of Fours at Daylesford

    When we were out and about on Monday Mal struck up a conversation with a bloke from Daylesford who wrote down contact details for their monthly Fours. Mal rang, spoke to Winston and got us in. When we arrived we sat and chatted with Joy and Margaret. There were teams there from Daylesford, Kyneton, Creswick, Memorial, Smeaton, Kangaroo Flat, Mt Xavier, City Oval and Ballarat., We caught up with Mal who we rolled up with at Memorial the other day. We played Fours. Two games of 12. There were 18 teams in all. Scoring was ten points for a win and a point for each end. It costs just $15 and we get sandwiches for lunch and cheese and bickies afterwards. (A stubbie and a wine costs $7.70). Our team was Adrian lead then Jean, Lois (who skips Division Two) and skip Mal. 1st game against lead Roger, Brian, Allan and skip Hotze from Kangaroo Flat. (Allan, Hotze, Brian, Lois, Mal, Adrian Jean and Roger) The green was damp and slow. We all bowled well but Lois was the star. Mal did some great skip shots to save our bacon. Jean struggled with weight. It took a lot of muscle to get it up there. She nailed the grass. We won the first game 14 to 3. (Lois takes shot) Second game was against a Daylesford/Ballarat team with Joy, Barry, Garry and Winston. We all went off the boil. Grass had changed. If we got shot, Barry or Winston took it off. (Barry, Winston, Joy and Lois) We lost 10-17 and went inside for beer, wine, cheese and bickies and an ice-cream. (Adrian enjoys his ice-cream) Overall 2-game winners were City Oval with runners up Smeaton. It was nice to hear the players talking about their childhoods on farms. Jean chatted with the Creswick boys. The guy she spoke with said they don't play there any more because it got flooded a year ago and they haven't recovered. Daylesford Monthly Fours - great format!

  • A very short rollup at City Oval Bowling Club

    We had a quick rollup at City Oval Bowling Club. When we arrived we met Leigh and Margery who'd just lost at Pennants. They sorted us out with a mat and jacks. We told them about our trip. The club has three nice grass greens. The speed was good and the line pretty true. We both bowled really well. Jean started with four shots but Mal soon whittled them down. We had nice heads. The lead kept changing. We had to leave after just a few ends because Mal forgot to bring the number of Winston at Daylesford to find out if we're playing there tomorrow. Jean was annoyed as she had our movements all worked out for the afternoon. City Oval - The best laid plans of mice and men gang oft aglee!

  • Ballarat Memorial- some good new bowlers

    We only found out about Memorial Bowling Club yesterday when we met some Pennant players. We decided on a Sunday rollup there. When we arrived we met Alan who's been bowling a year. He said he's working on his delivery to manage shoulder pain. (Alan and Malcolm) Alan says the club has put him in Division Four for one comp and Division One for the other. He's not sure how that happened. The club looks pretty new. We're told it's an amalgamation of two clubs. The club is sponsored by McDonald's. It has two 8-rink synthetic greens. The one we played on was the newer. A carpet surface. Again Jean's shoes melted. Though the green was quick, the line was pretty true. Another Mal arrived and we decided to play pairs. Mal's only been bowling ten weeks and bowls in the sevens. We played Mal and Jean against Alan and Mal. With new bowlers, we should have split us up. (Alan, Jean, Mal and Malcolm) Alan and Mal bowled brilliantly though, especially for new bowlers. We had some nice heads. The other Mal did some awesome skip shots but we were too good for them. Mal kept taking shot back. We won 14 t0 4. President Kevin McLean came down and Alan introduced us. (Malcolm, Kevin and Jean) Ballarat Memorial - new bowlers bowled well.

  • Div One Pennants at Ballarat Bowling Club

    We'd visited most of the clubs within the city limits today to find out about social bowls. We put our names down at a couple. The only one we missed was Ballarat Bowling club, so we decided to roll up there. We decided to wait until after four to rollup at Ballarat because it's Pennants this arvo. The Ones were playing against Webbcona. When we got there it was Webbcona 73 to Ballarat 72 with one end to play on two rinks. On the closest rink the lead changed six times. When the last two skips bowled Webbcona needed three to win they got it. Very exciting. The club has two greens - one grass and a Synthetic with great signage. Afterwards Mal and Jean rolled up. It was pretty relaxed. Neither of us got shitty (which is unusual). Mal worked out the line and the weight. Jean bowled ok (that's why she was in a good mood) but Mal was too good. Played to 15. Final score was 17 to five. We had some chats with (and a bit of heckling from) a couple of Ballarat players. Ballarat - bad luck on the loss but thanks for the thrills!

  • Mt Xavier - a triples game with the President

    After we settled in at the caravan park we took off for a rollup at the close-by Mt Xavier Golf and Bowls club. When we arrived, there were four people rolling up including Mt Xavier president Paul Forrest. Paul has been called Knackers for a long time. He skips division one for the club. There is just one green. It's OK, a little slow due to recent rain. It's patchy in places but ok to play on. We rolled up together. We were going to play first to 15. Mal was up nine to four when Paul called out and asked if we wanted to play triples. We jumped at the chance. Jean played lead with Paul and skip John against Helen, Mal and Helen's husband Stephen. It's Stephen's 68th birthday. (Jean, Paul, Helen, John, Mal and Stephen) Jean had a good day. Bowled within a foot of the kitty most ends and rolled jack almost every end. We didn't really pay attention to the score. John's team won by a lot. Mal had some difficulty. He did some magic weighted shots but mostly had difficulty getting the line. We hung out on 'the deck' for drinks after our game and waited to watch the Men’s singles final. Lots of other members turned up and Paul introduced us. Paul told us the club has around 64 members. They have three pennant teams for weekend and two for mid-week. Paul says everyone loves each other. The way they interacted on the deck we'd believe that. He told us they are moving to a new club house. We loved the memorial seat. We hope it goes with them. Mt Xavier - nice company on the deck.

  • Our last game at South Bendigo

    Our last Bendigo club was South Bendigo for Nominated Jackpot Pairs on Thursday afternoon. We were told by Arthur at Strathfieldsaye to get in quick as they had limited space. We went in Wednesday and ours were the last names down. We met Anne Howe and had a lovely chat about the club and its history. We got there on Thursday and met Maurie who was very welcoming and engaging. We found out it was two sets of ten ends with a break in the middle. Teams then move to another rink depending on whether they win or lose. The club has three greens, one is out. The grass is nice. The middle rink is a small 4-rinker. We won our first game against Ruth and Kelvin. (Jean, Ruth, Kelvin and Mal) We had some nice heads even with the wind. Our second game was against Pete and Les. (Len, Pete, Mal and Jean) The wind was outrageous. Often all the bowls stayed on one side. The grass kept constantly changing. Jean bowled well despite this. She and Les had a great leads competition. Mal bowled brilliantly. He did some great weighed shots to take out shot bowl. They had no comeback. We won 14 to 4 but they were very gracious. South Bendigo - a great send-off.

  • Jean Practises weight at Strathfieldsaye

    Two clubs said on their websites they play Wednesday afternoon. We tried to ring both to put our names down. No luck - so we drove out. First to White Hills then to Strathfieldsaye. Nobody home anywhere. White Hills' greens were both closed. and there were blokes doing work on the clubhouse. We decided to roll up at Strathfieldsaye. They have two nice looking greens. We found the mat box. Jean wanted to practise weighted shots so we agreed not to score. Mal bowled first to give Jean something to aim at. He'd get shot and she'd try and take him out. In the beginning she just did it by feel and had around 30% success. One end she put the kitty in the ditch. Then Mal started to give her instructions and it all went to hell in a handbasket! She said "Nobody's ever been able to tell me how much grass to take!" On our way out we met Arthur Kendall who came for a rollup. Arthur told us he used to be a member of South Bendigo and ran Jackpot Pairs there on Thursday. We told him we planned to play there tomorrow. He advised us to get our names down quick because they have limited space at the moment. He told us he'd see us there. Strathfieldsaye - nice greens for a little club.

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