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  • 1770 - 90 minutes drive for a rollup

    We came tp 1770 Bowls Club for two reasons: 1. Because it's the only one in the region we haven't been to and 2. Because we had to fill in time while we waited to pick up our caravan from service. We came back to Gladstone from Rossie's 50th on Heron Island last night. It's 90 minutes drive to 1770. We wouldn't normally drive so far (for a game or a rollup) but we had lots of time to fill in. Jean's been in touch via Messenger. Today's not a game day but Al will unlock so we can roll up. Al got the mats and jacks for us and unlocked the door so we could use the toilet. We took a look inside the tiny clubhouse. The green is synthetic - the pile carpet Jean likes . It has those roll out shades. They like their Barefoot Bowls. Shame we weren't here on Tuesday. There was a bird to scare others away. Jean scored first. She was worried it would be the only one. The green was pretty fast. We just dropped the bowls out of our hands. Not sure the score - think Mal won. Played seven ends 1770 - Al, thanks for looking after us.

  • Boyne / Tannum - laughed at Jean's jokes

    We drove out to Boyne / Tannum Bowls Club Monday to put our names down for Thursday. Mal went early to pay our green fees while Jean hung the washing out. He picked her up and we arrived 12:30 for a 1pm start. Mal paid our fees to Bucko and Ken, Games Director. Darren the Bar Director showed us the State of Origin trophy. They have a lot of NSW retirees here. It's Boyne Tannum for Boyne Island and Tannum Sands. Apparently they are the Crabs - being on the coast. It's the emblem. There's one nice grass green. There are nice permanent shades. The club is small with a high ceiling. With a nice outdoor area. We met Fred who's a member here. Apparently he plays seven days a week. Mal played against him yesterday at Yaralla. Mal played skip for Des Against John and Phil. Jean played second in a triples game with Skip Greg and Les. Against Rod, John and Skip Bucko. It took Jean five ends but then Skip took his hat off. There were five rinks in all. At 2:30 the bell rings. The first person to get a toucher wins a 'Beer Card' for two drinks. Jean got one but timing was wrong. Next Jean took kitty off their black to Les' yellow for shot. Jean tried to get over and take photos of Mal's good bowls. She was always at the wrong end. She asked him to take photos. He said "I can't. I'm not doing any good bowls!" Jean found one. They came back from the dead to within four. Greg's team did the same. They were behind all game up to end 13 then they won every end to win by 11. We came inside (outside) Jean's team surprisingly had the highest winning margin but, alas, they spun the wheel and, again, the winners were lowest losing margin. They got a 'Beer Ticket ' The outdoor area is pretty popular. Jean said "I like it here because people laugh at my jokes!" Boyne / Tannum - the people were fun!

  • Yaralla - more wins with friendly people!

    Jean's been in touch with the club via Messenger and found out they play on Wednesday. We came early to get our names down. First person we met was Providore Tom. Tom introduced us to President Alex. There are quite nice grounds. And it's all blue - the outdoor area And the shades And the kitty box. Kevin came and asked Jean if she likes the colour scheme. He said he and another bloke painted all the Besa Bricks. The bar's on an honour system. You choose your drinks and put the money in the till. That's lovely. There's just one grass green. Kevin said it used to be a Tennis court. The old green was in the carpark. They seem very proud of it. It has eight rinks. Des and John chatted with Jean about clubs they've visited. Everyone we came across smiled and said gidday. They were very friendly. So everyone picked a card and got matched with the same letter on that rink. Kevin and Jean were 'A' on rink 1. Again Bob and Nino. Mal played lead for President Alex. Against Marion and Fred. Jean couldn't get the grass. She'd put down what she thought was right but as it slowed down the wind would keep it out She worked it out, as usual, on the seventh end. Jean and Kevin were 13 to 4 after 22 ends of 22. We came in for smoko to little boys, baked potatoes, Jatz and dip. Very special. Prepared by Providore Tom. Back out and Mal was doing ok as well. He and Alex were up 12 to 5. Mal and Alex won by ten. Jean and Kevin won by 17. We came inside for drinks and presentations. The jackpot was worth $100 - shared between four. Alas, we didn't win. Everyone wished us safe travels and smiled as they said goodbye. We will miss them. Yaralla - nice people to win with!

  • Calliope - we had fun winning!

    When we were at Miriam Vale the other day, the guys told us we must visit Calliope on our way to Gladstone. We decided since we're in Gladstone for a week we'd wait until we got there. They have Tuesday bowls so we went today. Mal rang to put our names down. We arrived around 12 and met Liana and Georgina at the table. It's a nice little club. It seems to have some money. With a nice outdoor area. There's a photo of the old clubhouse. And a photo of a club in flood the club supported. They don't remember which club it was. It's in Victoria. Mal sat and chatted with Baz and Ditmar. Jean talked with Bob an Di. There's just one synthetic green under permanent cover. Ditmar said the cover's been up about four years. The carpet's been down about fourteen years and is due for replacement. Mal played lead with Trevor Against Bob and Mick. Barry skipped Jean Against Chris and Ron They are the Seahorses, which Chris said is the Calliope town emblem. Jean worked it out first end, oddly. Jean struggled for a while to get the weight early on but after about five ends she got it. Even though she doesn't usually like this flat carpet she enjoyed herself. Mal was the same. He said "Up to the fourth end I was all over the place. Once I worked out the weight I was on the kitty all game!" Mal was doing ok. We were both up by four on ten ends. Barry didn't do many skip shots but he was a fantastic draw bowler. Every time Jean got shot he consolidated. After 18 ends Jean and Barry were 26 to 9. Mal was winning 23 to 6. Jean and Barry won 34 to 11. Mal and Trevor won 36 to 14 (Jean won by 1 shot!) On the last end Jean asked Trevor how Mal bowled. He paused a moment then said "Well we're 30!" We came in for drinks and bickies. The guys were pretty funny. They told good stories. Jean was excited because they had such a high winning margin. Alas, Mal spun the wheel and the winner was 'Lowest Losing Margin' They won a round of applause. Calliope - we both won convincingly but more importantly we had lots of fun.

  • Mt Larcom - a tiny club

    We've been chatting to people in Gladstone who told us Mt Larcom has bowls on Sunday. Mal rang this morning to put our names down. We left just after 11 to arrive 11:30 in plenty of time for a 1pm start. It's a tiny clubhouse. Just right for a population of 300 people. We met Manager Rhonda at the bar. We were the only people there. They said the club has six male and four female members! Rhonda said a few should turn up but hard to say because the Mt Larcom Show is on. We were amazed at how many cars there were at the show for such a small town. Jenny and Ron turned up. Jenny said everyone comes to the show from Gladstone because the Gladstone Show is rubbish. There's one green. It's synthetic - that flat green carpet with black threads. A caterpillar carried some green fluff. They put the cover over. Rhonda showed us the stubby holders and fly stoppers. Mal bought the fly stoppers. We had a rollup in case nobody turned up. Then we had a short game with Jenny and Ron. Ron and Jean against Mal and Jenny. We played three-bowl pairs. Jenny said the carpet is about 16 years old. It was quick. Jean had shot and Mal took her out. He kept doing that! The trains went past every few minutes. Jenny said they were coal trains. Her son is a train driver. Each train has eight million dollars worth of coal. We didn't score - just had some fun. Mal finally opened the package with his Ipswich United Barflies shirt. He had to put it on straight away. Mount Larcom - a little bit of fun on the old carpet.

  • Gladstone - a fun game with wildly different results

    We arrived yesterday in Gladstone and ran around town to do some business. We found out the Gladstone Bowls Club is just a short walk from the showground where we're staying . We arrived Saturday to meet Brian at the desk. Jean didn't believe him when he told her he turned 90 this year. They had a big party. He's been married for 70 years. They named the top green after him . Brian introduced us to Frank who does the draw. Frank told Jean the club named Brian's green on his birthday. The club is small but nice and modern. When we dropped in last night to put names down it was packed. It's a services Club with a nice photo array on the wall. There are two nice greens. We played on Brian's green. The format is mostly mixed pairs. 2-4-2. Jean played with Brian and Iris (Iris, Jean and Brian) against Ged, Di and Phil Mal played with Tony but doesn't remember who he played against Jim and Terry. He didn't get any photos. Mal did ok. He took shot many times. Jean not so much. She drew shot once. Then again a couple of ends later to double our score. Jean's team was down 6 to 17, and Mal was down 5 to 12. We came inside for smoko with wraps. Jean promised Brian that after smoko she'd bowl well. Phil told Jean the members look after the greens themselves. Given that they are pretty good. Jean couldn't work out the grass though. Every now and then she put one in but it wasn't enough. Brian said to Jean "Three jack high bowls and we're still down! Next end Jean said to Brian "Up and back to go and I start bowling!" Jean asked Mal's skip if he was winning. He said "Yes, first time all game!" Then Mal got two. They won 20 to 13.. Jean's team lost 17 to 30 but it was a good comeback We came inside for presentations. They have a jackpot. Jean picked a card and it was the number two. It went off. $100 between four. Gladstone - Yes, but we had fun!

  • Miriam vale - we stayed at the club!

    The only place to stay in Miriam Vale is a free camp at the Lions Park with no power and water. We parked the van there and walked our bowls 800m up the road to the Miriam Vale Bowling Club for a rollup. Jean took a photo of the inside of the club through the window. Then the outdoor area out the back which looks pretty new. We started to roll up, Mal was doing well. Then Kieran turned up to do some work. He saw Mal's Tuggeranong shirt and told us he used to play Hockey for Tuggeranong. He told us President Bill would turn up soon to prepare the green for District Pairs on the weekend. Bill arrived then and told us the club only has eight members and everything is voluntary. There's one green, it's very nice - particularly since the members maintain it. It was really nice to roll on - though a little slow. We reckon about ten seconds. Bill told us we are welcome to park the van at the club. We can use their toilet, power and water - especially since they have many solar panels on the roof. They just had a grant to put them in. We put a $10 donation in the kitty box. We finished our rollup and raced back to move the van to the club. Bill asked Mal if he had a measuring tape (not a bowls one). Mal brought it back for them to use. While we were there, Sandra and Denny arrived to do some work on her computer. Jean took that moment to take a better photo of the inside of the club. After they finished marking the green, Mal and the boys had a rollup together. Jean sat in the outdoor area and worked on her blog. Mal definitely worked out the weight. Miriam Vale - thanks so much for your hospitality!

  • Gin Gin - no wins or losses here!

    We stayed an extra night in Childers as we knew there was bowls in Gin Gin on Wednesday. We came for that. There's some discrepancy about the name Gin Gin. Some say it's named after a place with the same name in WA. Other's say it's from the Indigenous word chin chin meaning “thick scrub”. When we arrived we met Ann - selector - at the desk. It's a nice little club. Quite modern inside. There's a painting of the old clubhouse. There are some good historical pictures. The boys sat at the bar. One man, Doug, reminded Jean of her Dad who left us in December. She couldn't stop staring. Lesley served us at the bar. The club has two really nice-looking grass greens. The greenkeeper is the only paid person. The club shirts are nice. We played out the side On the George Sellers Memorial Green. It was a triples game. Phil, Jean and skip Allan Against Barb, Mal and skip Richie. Allan's team lost the first few ends then scored a four. End six Jean worked out the weight. One shot each team member. Jean bowled another toucher. Mal said of his bowls "They nearly went in the creek!" It was a close game. Mal finally got it! It ended up 18 all on 18 ends. Doug and Mal sat at the bar for a drink. Gin Gin - a close game with nice people.

  • Club Isis Childers - a little rollup then a game

    The lady at the varavan park told us why everything in Childers is called 'Isis'. It's because the soil is volcanic and Isis is the Greek God of fertility. We went to Isis Club for a rollup. We met the barman who was friendly. He said it costs $10 each for a rollup but, because we have our own bowls, he said not to worry about it. He opened up the box for us. There's only one green. It's a synthetic - the carpet Jean likes. It has a bird hovering over the top - perhaps to keep other birds away. There was some bird poop on the green. It has that good moveable cloth shade. It's the home of the 'Isis Bowlers' We started the rollup. The carpet was good for Jean. She won the first five ends - one shot per end to be five - zip. Mal said "My radar is out. I can't get it!" Jean suggested he do a two practice ends while she took some photos. That's all he needed. He kept winning then. Jean had had enough, she called five all. She thought Mal had one shot. Mal had to measure. He reckons he got two for a win. A bloke at the bar said to Jean "You did really well out there!" Jean explained what happened and he said "Then don't let him practice!" Club Isis - Mal's not allowed to practice his shots any more! POST SCRIPT: We decided to stay another night in Childers so we could arrive in Gin Gin to play bowls tomorrow. Because we are here on a bowls day we elected to break our golden rule and visit Club Isis again for a game. Jean took a photo inside the club. It's quite sizeable for a little town. We met Bill at the table. Bill told us some great stories about his time as a Methodist Parson. He told us the club turned 100 last year, but members tend to play at Woodgate now. Bill introduced us to Richard. Bill further explained 'Isis'. He said there's a natural pine forest scrub that the town was built around. Isis is a suburb on The Thames and the Poms who came over said it reminded them of home. That's why it's they called it the 'Isis Scrub'. Childers' primary industries are now Avocado and Macadamia. There were just two games today - one pairs and one triples. Under cover. Mal skipped triples together Jean with Bill. Against Steve, skip Peter and Marilyn. It took us a while to get the weight. The opposition won the first three ends. Rex, who usually runs Tuesday dropped in. (Bill and Rex) Jean finally worked it out and we won lots of ends in a row - including a four. After smoko, like the other day at Biggenden, we went off the boil and lost a few ends. Still, we won by six. We came inside for drinks. Our game at Childers (Isis) was fun!

  • Biggenden - let's have a chat at the bar

    Jean's been in touch with President Lyn from Biggenden via Messenger. Lyn assured her there'd be bowls at 1pm Sunday. We arrived in town this morning just for that. We arrived at twelve - we were eager! We met Bevan at the bar. Daryl was the barman. It's a nice little clubhouse. Everyone hangs out at the bar. They were all really friendly and chatty. Marina and Spiro sat at the bar. Spiro used to work at Snowy Hydro when Jean's Uncle Arthur ran the scheme. There's a little old, traditional tankstand out the back. And a nice outdoor area by the green. We had to wait to see how many arrived to find out the format is Triples. The club has two greens but Bevan told us the one far from the bar hasn't been used for years because they don't have enough members to warrant upkeep. They still mow it though. There's a nice view of the bluff from the green. The green looks nice - a little ragged around the edges - but good. It was being rolled as we got there. Jean play second for Jeff with Graham (Jean, Jeff and Graham) Against Earl, skip Lindsay and Rick. Mal played skip with Spiro and Jenny (Jenny, Mal and Spiro) Against Jenni, Kalala and Sharon. (Kalala, Sharon and Jenni) There were three games in all. By the fourth end Jean started to get it. Her team had five - 3 for Jean. Mal was having trouble with weight. He also found it hard to cope with good draw bowlers. Out the back is the railway line. Earl said it's been closed 25 years. And the old butter factory. Mal Started to work it out. After 11 ends we came in for 'Smoko'. There was food! Back out and, after leading by up to ten all game, Jean's team lost the plot. They lost 5 out of 6 ends and were down by five. Still, they fought back and got three. Went down 7. As Spiro said - "Came second!" Mal on the other hand got a five and jumped ahead for the first time. He won by a point from 11 down. We came inside for drinks at the bar. A nice, relaxed time. Biggenden, they're now our mates!

  • Kingaroy - shame we missed it

    We discovered yesterday we'd missed Kingaroy's social bowls day so decided to drive out late Friday arvo, just in case they have organised Friday rollups like other clubs. They didn't. Still, we can'texpect people to show up just for us - especially since they didn't know we were coming! It was all locked up. No mats and jacks to be found. Mal checked out the bowler on the wall. We couldn't work out what the insects were on the front sign. Lyn from the club told us on Messenger they are Red Amts that the club is known by. And there's an old roller. Wonder if they still use it. There are three greens. Only two seem to be in use. We bowled on the front one. Mal forgot his bowls shoes so Jean bowled in socks for solidarity. We used Jean's yellow synthetic jack And a Bourke Bowling Club cloth for a mat. The grass was hard. The bowls sounded like they were on sand. It wasn't a very exciting rollup. We had some good heads (except Jean's in the ditch). Mal bowled in socks And so did Jean. It was pretty close. It got to five all. Then Mal ran away with it. It was 9 to 5 and Jean called last end. Mal got the ten. Kingaroy - some people would have been nice.

  • Goomeri - missed again!

    Our trip seems to be one day out! Goomeri had their social bowls last night - when we were at Nanango. We watched the club all day but no movement. We came for a late afternoon rollup. When we arrived at the Showground, we asked the caretaker how far away the bowls club was. He smiled and pointed across the road. We were able to walk our bowls over. Apparently on Friday night they have 'Bowls and Burgers'. That would have been fun! The club has a sign that says it has it's silver jubilee in 1973. That makes it 75 years old! There's only one green. It looks nice. Again there were no mats and jacks to be found. We used Jean's synthetic jack and, this time, a Golden Square cloth (from Bendigo) as a mat. We started our rollup. Jean was going well. She won every end up until it was 9 to 4. Then she felt sorry for Mal. The bowls were going bumpety bump down the green. He was getting frustrated on the short ends (and swearing). She suggested we do a long end. That worked. Mal caught up. It was nine to six then, suddenly Mal got a full count and won the game. Jean said "I have to let you win so you don't get cranky!" Goomeri - 'Bowls and Burgers' would have been lovely - shame!

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