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  • We met EVERYBODY at Cobden Bowling Club!

    We're on our way to Simpson for a couple of days before we head to Geelong for Christmas. We decided to stop on the way at Cobden for a rollup. It's a nice sunny day so we're hopeful! Cobden is a smallish town of 1,500. There was a nice recognition on the front gate. Up top a bowler shows wind direction. We forgot it was Pennants Tuesday. When we arrived Cobden was playing the two towns we'll visit next few days: Simpson (where we'll be tonight) and Colac where we'll go on Thursday. They were all really friendly and gave us lots of helpful information. Jean went inside to check out the clubhouse. There she met was Bill who got a mat and Jack for us. Bill then introduced us to Bert. Meanwhile Mal started chatting to Joan who introduced us to absolutely everybody and came and watched us bowl. First was club President Trevor who greeted us warmly. Then Peter, former President of Simpson and of Bowls Victoria. There are two synthetic greens. Bill told us there was an over-60's game on the other green soon but we were welcome to roll up. The sign said 18 seconds. We thought about 16, perhaps 17. We started our rollup. Jean worked out the grass and weight quickly. Mal was a bit lost. He was narrow and heavy. Jean gave Mal a little coaching on the grass he had to take. He worked it out and soon was back in form. Last end we were even then Jean's third bowl took shot for a little win. Cobden - we wish we could have stayed!

  • Derrinallum - too wet for a rollup!

    It's our last day in Terang so we decided to drive (a little further than usual) to Derrinallum for a rollup. It was raining again so we didn't like our chances. Accordingto the sign at the takeaway it's locally known as 'Derri'. The town has 550 people so we're impressed it has a bowling club. Jean had been in touch with the club to arrange it but nobody got back to her. We didn't expect to meet anyone. We were right but we did find an old sign! We couldn't get a look in because all the blinds were down. The toilets were open though which suggested one could free-camp across the road (with permission). The one green is synthetic but it was somewhat under water so no rollup for us. And a little outdoor area which didn't look well-used Derrinallum - still busting for a game!

  • Mortlake - darn it! We missed Pennants!

    We've been in touch with Mortlake Bowling Club this week to see if they needed Pennant players. They don't but invited us to come up and watch. We drove through on our way to Terang. It was raining so we thought we'd stop and ask if it's still on. We met Sandra and Don. They said that because people have to come from Warrnambool it will likely be on. We said we'd be back after we settle in at Terang. It was still raining so Mal reckoned there'd be no way they'd play Pennants. He decided to come back Sunday. We found out they did play Pennants and we missed it. Jean was cross we didn't get to meet the people we'd been talking to. We saw the old grass green left fallow. There's one synthetic green now. A few years old. We had a rollup. We didn't roll long because Jean's arm was hurting. She said "I can't wait until we get to Geelong so I can buy a stick and bowl left-handed! Mal bowled narrow, Jean bowled wide. Mortlake - a missed opportunity.

  • Dunkeld - stayed with bowlers who run the caravan park!

    We were supposed to drive 3 hours from Horsham to Terang this morning but Jean decided to stop at Dunkeld on the way. We're glad we did! We couldn't park our van in the bowling club carpark like we planned. We rang Angus the President who told us the Council doesn't like it and there'd be heaps of cars there tonight. Angus told us Geoff and Erin who run the caravan park are bowlers and they'd look after us. They did. Erin showed us to our spot. She said the carpet in the sites is the old bowling green. We felt right at home. The club is across the road from the caravan park behind the petrol station. From the club there's a great view of Mount Sturgeon. There's also Mt Abrupt and Piccannini. The shades are cute. The hedge is unique! We came back later in the day to see if we could find some people. We met Peter who was just finishing. He took us into the clubhouse which has nice high ceilings. We sat inside with the boys (their usual Friday thing) for a drink with Paul, Neil Grub, Bob, Gary, Peter and Gus. Angus the President joined us. He'd just finished shearing. Jean was impressed with the honour board - all the McIntyres! There's one newish synthetic green. It was being rolled. We decided to have a quick rollup. All the bowlers were still drinking. We met Steve outside who was just finishing his rollup. Jean bowled with the mountain behind. As did Mal. It started raining. We saw the green owl sheltering in the doorway. Caravan Park Geoff came down. It was super slow. Jean couldn't get there. We finished our rollup. The boys were still socialising. Dunkeld - we needed all our muscles!

  • Horsham City - Jean and the boys

    One of the clubs we visited when we drove around all the Horsham clubs on Friday was Horsham City. They told us they have social on Thursday so we put our names down. When we arrived we met Daniel the Treasurer. THURSDAY We saw they had wo synthetic and two old grass. We met Peter Hux and Tom in the office. The inside was decked out for Christmas. There's a name board donated in memoriam. They put our names on a board. There were twelve blokes and Jean. There was one four and three triples. Three games of ten ends. We played on the side green. Green A. Mal, Tom and Peter (Doc) played Greg, Stumpy and Alex Rink (who killed Jean on Tuesday), Jean, Peter and Trevor (who played with Mal at Golf) played against Don, Harry and Kevin. Jean drew shot then Peter and Trevor consolidated. It wasn't too hot, 22° but it was sticky and so we're the flies. The boys told Jean lots of fly stories. Jean heard the guys say "Good bowl Mal" a few times but she was always up the other end. She heard it again and went running down to catch it. Jean lost, Mal won. Next game we played each other. We have to wash and wear our Weston Creek shirts every day because we've put all our bowls shirts in to have our names embroidered. They had four then Mal took the kitty and they went back to one. Jean's team was down then Mal knocked them up. Jean's team won by one. Last game Mal played Kevin and Jean played Stumpy. Jean bowled a ripper! Then Mal followed up but his got taken out. We came inside for drinks. Horsham City - no flies on us!

  • Horsham Golf - a hot game of bowls

    When we drove around all the Horsham clubs last Friday we were told about the bowling green at Horsham Golf. We didn't have that one. We visited and they said we can come for social on Tuesday. on Friday we met Ken, Dennis and Harry who were hanging around. They are the Blue Wrens. The green is named for Jeff Sprunt who was a former Secretary who passed away and left the club $170 thousand. It saved the club. They were able to put in a synthetic, new seats and upgraded the clubhouse. The green isn't named but the shelters are. TUESDAY We came back for our game on Tuesday. We arrived super early so decided to roll up. Mal was all over it as usual. Every time Jean got shot he took it off. What a mean husband!😒. It was pretty hot so we just did a couple After a while Harry came and opened up. There are ten players today Jean and nine blokes. We have pairs against triples. 3 bowls and skip two for triples and four with 2-4-2 for pairs. Two games of ten and one of six. The leads don't roll the jack the skips place it to save time. It's a bit complex but it works. First game Trevor and Mal Played Peter, Ian and Jean. First end Jean had three but Mal took two out. She said "I'm glad we did that rollup!" The final score was one up for Jean's team. Second game Mal played Mike, Neville and Wayne. Mal and Trevor were doing superbly. Jean's team played Graeme, Rink (Ian) and Frank. They won the first two ends then Jean put one on it. In the end Jean's team got killed. Mal won game two 23 to 16. We swapped opponents for the six-end game. Jean thought she bowled brilliantly but as lead her opponents bowled better. Like this! The guys remarked how well Mal was bowling. They want us to play Pennants for them on Saturday but we've committed to Mortlake and will be too far away. We came inside for drinks. Mal and Trevor won the money with 35. Jean went outside and met Selector Magaret. Horsham Golf - we would have loved to play Pennants

  • We'll drink a toast to Sunnyside Bowling Club

    We came to check out Sunnyside Bowling Club when we arrived in Horsham on Friday. They told us there's social bowls on Wednesday so we got our names down. We were over the moon. We met Chris who was working in the clubhouse. He took our names. Outside we met John who was there for a rollup. The club used to have four greens. Two grass are out of action. There are two newish synthetics. WEDNESDAY We arrived for our game and met John and Geoff in the office. The clubhouse is nice. Bowlers show the wind direction. The cats looked after the greens. We played on A Green. It's fours today. Three games of eight ends. First game Stan, Lorraine, Dick and Jean played Lorraine, Barry, Trevor and Col. Mal played a triples game. It was Debbie, Mal and Chris who we met on Friday played against Bob, Hedi and Roger. Hedi is from Germany. She's written a book about her story meeting her birth family and husband in Australia. Jean asked Mal to call out when he did a good bowl so she could take a photo. He said "I don't think that will happen today". Last end he bowled a beauty. Jean was bowling well but her teammate Lorraine kept getting shot inside her bowl. "No complaints!" Jean said! Like Mal she got shot last end. Mal lost by a point. Jean won by about eight. 2nd game Jean played Mal's first opposition Bob, Hedi and Roger. It took her a couple of ends but she bowled a good one. Last end of Jean's game Hedi said "We're playing for the wurst!" It was six all and Jean had shot and kept it for a narrow win. Mal lost again. We came inside for a cuppa. Chris found Jean a badge. Jean gave a talk about our trip. Jean told them about our They presented us with a pair of champagne glasses to commemorate our visit. Last game Jean played John, Ron, Murray and Garry who beat Mal in his second game. Mal played his last against Carol, Barry and Roger and finally got a win! Sunnyside - perhaps number three!

  • Natimuk - on display for Christmas

    Natimuk Bowling Club is just 22 minutes from Horsham. Jean tried to contact them on Facebook but got no response. We drove out on Sunday for a rollup. They have an impressive sign above the bowls office. Jean took a photo of the clubhouse through the glass. It was decked out lovely for Christmas. Natimuk is a tiny town of 500 people. It's great they have a bowling club. There's just one quite old synthetic green. It was funded through drought relief. We saw a licence map that shows the old green. There's not much left of that but we think you could park a caravan there. There's power and water to plug in. Mats and jacks were locked up so we used Jean's yellow jack and a cloth. It was Sunday so Jean wore her yellow Gulgong shirt - her favourite. The old green made our bowls dirty. Jean was cranky. She couldn't control her bowls on the old green. Mal was all over it. A wrong bias was the last straw. Jean gave up. Natimuk -a short rollup on a difficult green.

  • Murtoa - an enjoyable rollup with musicians

    We contacted Murtoa Bowling Club about social bowls but got no response. We decided to drive out on Pennants day to try for a rollup. They were playing Pennants when we arrived - against Rainbow. We met Michelle and Doug. It's a nice clubhouse. We loved the bowlers on the tank. They have old seats. A lady called Shea came down and asked the club to pay the cost for materials and restored them. They put on a great spread of sandwiches, scones and cake for Pennants. Like all the others in this region it's a synthetic. We had a rollup. Mal got 11 to zip. Every time Jean got shot he took the kitty! Michelle and Kieran said they'd roll up with us. They are new to Murtoa having moved here from Melton earlier this year. They'd never played bowls before they came here now they're in Division Two. They are folk musicians. We loved that. When Kieran found out we were from Canberra he and Jean had a good talk about politics. Mal of course showed off. He took shot first bowl. Jean got one. We think we won but we didn't really keep score. Even so, it was close. We came inside for a drink. We saw they have Pennants made from wood. Murtoa - we had fun

  • Dimboola - a very true synthetic

    We arrived in Horsham Friday morning and set up the van and annexe at the Showground. Then we went to all the clubs in town to get our names down for social. All that was left was to drive to Dimboola for a rollup. Dimboola Bowling Club has had a lot of work done in recent years. The little clubhouse is nice. When we arrived Peter (a selector) was cleaning his bowls. We told him about our trip. President Robert then came to meet us. The club has two synthetic greens. They have wires above them. Peter said it's to discourage Corellas. The Corellas have wrecked the front green. There's an interesting sign commemorating the installation of the lights. There are good permanent shades. Seats were paid for by the council. There's a great outdoor area by the green. We played on the side green. We loved their rink markers. Jean bowled first. She remarked the line was very true. And got shot. Then Mal Who scored two. Jean then got two to put her ahead. We were three all going in to the last end. Mal couldn't help himself! Pete saw all Jean's badges and went to find one for her And a DBC pen! Dimboola - they wished us well.

  • Sooo happy to get a game of Barefoot at Beaufort

    Jean's been in touch with Carmel from Beaufort for a few weeks. Carmel told her about Thursday night Barefoot Bowls. Mal doesn't like Barefoot but we are desperate for a game after all our rollups. As we arrived Carmel came up and welcomed us. We met Graeme in the outdoor bar. We all stood around for drinks while we waited for the President to arrive. Including Stuart and Ken. They used to have two greens but Green B is now the carpark. They now have a nice, big synthetic green with ten rinks. The shelters are named for old bowlers. Rohan the President turned up. Edmund the Treasurer took our money. There were two games - a game of fours and a game with seven. They were all very sociable and welcoming. The fours were Mal, Ron, Viv and Les against Carmel, Jean, Rohan and Ken. Jean's team won the first end then second end Mal put in a great bowl. Bowling South the wind was fierce. We had to practically bowl at the jack. Jean nearly got it then Ken came in and knocked out shot to bring her in for two. Jean rolled a really short end which suited her to the ground and nobody else. It was a draw until Ron pushed Rohan's bowl up for two and a win for Rohan's team. We went up the path for a nice barbie cooked by Carmel's hubby Pete. Beaufort - we're glad we came for Barefoot.

  • Landsborough - a very old green but an impressive club!

    We're in Ararat for a few days. We're catching up on the clubs we missed when we were here earlier in the year. Today it's Landsborough. We tried to get here while they were playing Tuesday Pennants (assuming they had a home game) but Mal wasted too much time on the phone with his Brother trying to sort out his Tanks game. Jean got a picture of the inside of the club through the glass. Small but nice. We saw this newspaper picture of a bowler. There was no information about the story attached. There's just one synthetic green. It looks quite old and a bit ragged. As we bowled our bowls it sounded like we were bowling on gravel. Mal didn't want to do more than a couple of ends. Despite all this we are really impressed that the town has a bowling green. It has a population of 180 people according to ABS. We saw that they can field a whole 12-person Pennant team. That's very impressive! Jean tried it out. She struggled to get the weight. It was quite fast. Mal took his turn. He did much better. We remarked that if they ever get a new green we'd like to come back when there are people here. Landsborough - the green's had its day but we liked the club.

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