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  • Waubra - a very social club!

    It's our last day in Clunes before we head back to Ballarat. We drove 20 minutes to the tiny town of Waubra for a rollup at Waubra Bowling Club. Jean had been in touch with Pete via Messenger about training this arvo. Pete put out a Facebook post about our visit so we hoped there'd be people to roll up with. We met Bob and Bill. They were expecting us. According to Wikipedia Waubra and surrounds has a population of 305 people. It's pronounced "Warbra". The club has 40 members which is impressive for a tiny town. According to the signs on all the seats, they like people to sit and watch. The club is in a sports complex with Footy next door. And Netball. Pete said a lot of the younger members don't live in Waubra but they bowl there because of family connections. It's a cute little clubhouse. Pete said it's the next thing they have to fix up. It's been there since the 50's. They have one big eight-rink synthetic. The plastic kind. They had quite a few turn up to practise which impressed us. There were quite a few young people. Bob and Pete rolled up with us. Jean had two but, as usual, Mal took one out. Jean kept nagging Mal to put down a photo-worthy bowl. He finally did it on our last end but Pete did one better. When we finished Horry came over. He'd read about us on Facebook. He said "It's all about the social here at Waubra." That was clear. They were all friendly and welcoming. (Horry, Bob, Pete and Mal) Waubra - we enjoyed the company!

  • Learmonth Bowling Club - let's bowl by the lake!

    So today we stopped at Learmonth on our way to Ballarat. We thought we'd have a rollup . The town has just under 400 people. We were supposed to stay in Ballarat in the dodgy caravan park we were in last year. We weren't able to get in until 2pm so decided to have a proper singles game - first to twenty five. The first thing we noticed was the lake behind the club. Lake Learmonth. Very nice! Then we saw the pretty little gardens everywhere. The sign says the club has been around since 1873. That's 150 years! Like we've seen in many other clubs, the seats are donated. They have two greens. One is grass and one synthetic. The grass green is called the Edwards Green. It tells the story of the Edwards family and their success in and commitment to the club. Very impressive. The grass was closed so we rolled on the synthetic. It's the same plastic kind as Waubra and just as slow. There was a sign that said non-members pay $5 for a rollup. Jean put the money in but didn't want to put her hand in too far because of the spider webs. Jean put her first bowl down. It was OK but her bowling arm is still really sore so she decide to try bowling left-handed again. First end Mal got a four. She thought it was going to be a fast game. Then Jean started to work the grass out and got a couple of left-hand bowls in the head. Graham came with his wife to set up for a wake later today. He walked over to say gidday. Graham's son Craig is the club President. Graham told us the green is pretty new. It's the second synthetic they've had. He also said the club is the third oldest in Ballarat region and one of the oldest in Victoria. Graham said not to worry about green fees. After that we saw a guy open the shed who looked like he was the greenkeeper. Jean introduced herself and told him about our trip. His name is Mick and he's been greenkeeper for about fifteen years. Mick was a font of information. He told us the caravan park we're booked into is the worst in Ballarat. He said he helps his partner manage the Lake Learmonth Caravan Park. He convinced us to stay there instead. What a good decision! We decided we didn't need to go to twenty-five any more. We stopped when it was twenty to zip. Jean's left-handed bowling didn't give her a score but she got better and better. Learmonth - beautiful setting and a great rollup!

  • Creswick - a sad flood story

    Mal rang Creswick Bowling Club earlier in the week to find out about social bowls. He was told by President Bernie that it's just dirt. We came to take some photos. As we drove up Mal distinctly remembered it. He said we came earlier in the year when we were In Ballarat. Jean had no recollection but Mal remembered everything. It was definitely dirt! Jean got a photo of the clubhouse through the glass. It's light and airy. Bernie told Mal they haven't been able to bowl since the flood last year. They're awaiting a new synthetic. Everything was locked up so we took photos over the fence. Creswick - we'd like to come back when they're back up and running.

  • Talbot - Jean finally beats Mal!

    Talbot Bowling Club is about half an hour from Learmonth where we're staying. We decided to go and see if they have Pennants on and perhaps get a rollup. As we got out of the car Michael came and introducedhimself and his dog Demi. Today Talbot played against Dunolly Gold Miners. Dunolly is North of here. Jean chatted with the ladies. Afterwards she talked with Jan who told her of her 18 years on the road. It's an old clubhouse. They are the Talbot Yabbies. Addy designed their shirts. There's an old, small, fallow green next to the clubhouse. They told us it cost too much in water to keep it and it didn't get a lot of use. The main green is grass. It's the McLeod Green. All the people we met were friendly and welcoming. That includes Peter Peter introduced us to President Jacko. He told us all about the club and its history. He said they own land around which they think they'll sell to put in a synthetic. Talbot was ahead by one or two all game but lost by three in the end. Then we rolled up. Jean worked it out quickly. She was having a great time. Her arm wasn't hurting much. Mal did his best but couldn't get the grass. One of the Talbot women remarked about Jean's good bowls: "You can play for me next time!" Last end we both did great weight. Mal tried to score one with a drive but missed. Jean got him 10 -zip. Talbot - the nicest people.

  • A little rollup at Ballan

    We're on our way to Werribee on the outskirts of Melbourne for just one night. We stopped on our way at Ballan for an early rollup. We liked their permanent shades. There's just one synthetic green. It's the plastic kind. Jean started off as usual (Mal is such a gentleman!). She scored early. The green suited her. Then Mal started. Jean had shot but then he took her out for one. Jean got her own back. We only did four ends but Jean won. Ballan - Jean wins a little bit!

  • Bungaree - the youngest bowling club

    We were bemused by the fact we'd missed Bungaree last time we were in Ballarat as itsso close. We must've run out of time. We came for Thursday training. Jean's been chatting on Messenger about training day and promised we'd come today. The clubhouse is more like a changeroom. First person we met was John. We found out he's learnt to bowl with his left hand due to recent surgery. He and Jean talked about their experiences with that. Next we met John and Ivan. We rolled up with Lorraine and Frank. Lorraine is a new bowler who promised her husband she'd play, before he passed last year. Lorraine introduced us to her son-in-law Jason who is a founding member and ex-President. It's one of the youngest clubs. It was founded in 2013. The club has one synthetic green. There were about 30 people practising. Jean was keen to get started with our rollup. She nailed grass and weight early on. Mal was really struggling with grass. But then he suddenly worked it out. He had three before Lorraine scored a beauty. Lorraine had to leave so Ash joined us. Jean got her groove back for three! So did Mal. After our rollup Mal reviewed the green's idiosyncrasies with Graeme. He explained about the forehand grass then Graeme put two pearlers down. We had to leave before Ivan's 6:00 barbecue to get back and feed Jerome our pussy-cat. We were sad about that. Bungaree - fun on training day with nice people.

  • Werribee - nice club, shame about the rain!

    We're in Werribee for just one night. We're not really sure how Jean got it into her trip plan this year, nevertheless We're here. It's raining so no rollup this evening. Apparently they are the WerriBEE Bees. Hence 'The Hive'. There's a nice outdoor area. The Rob Casey Pavilion. And a beautiful native animal mural. We walked in and met Tania and Lesley - Head Coach. Lesley told us a bit about the club - especially that they just celebrated 100 years. The clubhouse is nice. A big bar. Outside we met Director Chuck who was rolling up in the rain. Then we met Graham who is also a coach. There are three greens. One is being re-planted with Tiffdwarf. The others are a grass and a Synthetic greens. The synthetic is the carpet Jean likes. The Jack Hosking's Green. They've won a lot of Pennants. Mal was very disappointed we didn't get a rollup. Werribee - the rain the rain!

  • Skipton - a lovely game of Pennants at Victoria Club in Ballarat

    We contacted Skipton Golf and Bowls Club a week ago to tell them we'd be here on Saturday and available for Pennants if they needed us. They were grateful and gave us a game. We spoke to President Doug who put us on to Tim the Bowls Organiser. Tim suggested we camp at the bowling club. Doug came and met us when we arrived and set us up with power and water for our van. Darryl arrived and was surprised to see strangers in club shirts. The clubhouse is cute. It has a separate bar area. And a lovely rose garden. The hedges grow over the shades. Seats are donated. Next door neighbour is clearly a bowler! There's one old synthetic green. We're playing Pennants today at Victoria Club where we played earlier in the year. Tim drove us there. Jean's team was Darryl, Jean, skip Ian and Scott. Against Victoria's Albie, Rob, Carol and Brian. Mal's team was Diane, Mal, Andrew and skip Tim. All the Skipton players were so welcoming. Against Rob, David and Geoff (with skip Gary who was at the other end). There were three divisions playing today from Mt Xavier, City Oval and the Sevens from Skipton. Mal was doing really well. Jean not so much! She did three pineapples! " It takes me six ends to get used to a green!" She said. Jean's team was eight shots behind going into the break. Jean said to her teammates "When we go back out we'll kick their arse!" Jean finally got shot end twelve and her teammates consolidated for three. Then the team got a four which put them two behind. Once Jean started playing better they all did (no causal link). She took kitty for two and got skip hat off and a Smiley face. On the bowl. Mal bowled well the whole game. Jean's team lost by one in the end - a great comeback. Mal won by 11.. we went back to the club for a drink. Tim gave us a bottle of Shiraz. Skipton - we feel like we belong!

  • Yea - no rollup - just a short visit

    So we stopped off at Yea on our way home from playing Pennants at Eildon on Saturday. We checked out the green and took some photos. We were too tired to roll up. We liked the shade covers. There's the old ones and the new ones. Jean peaked inside the window to look at the clubhouse. It's nice. There is just one green. It's a synthetic. It's that plastic kind. Yea, perhaps we'll make it back some day!

  • Eildon - we played Pennants for Shepparton Park

    So when we were at Shepparton Park on Thursday Kelvin introduced us and our trip. Di raced over to our table and asked if we could come and play Pennants for them on Saturday at Eildon. She said they are short two players. Even though it's 75 minutes from Seymour (we don't usually travel more than 30 minutes) we jumped at the chance! We arrived super early so took a little walk down town to buy Mal some hay fever tablets. Maureen and Marie were preparing for tea. It's a nice little clubhouse up on the hill. There's a lovely memorial garden. And another pretty garden on the side. With a nice outdoor area. We met Steve the Pennants Manager at the table who said "I'm in charge of nothing!" There's just one nice grass green. It's 'The Green With The View' This is the view. Jean plays Lead in one team and Mal plays Third in another. We put our Shep Park Pennants stickers on. Chris, Neville, Bev and Mal Played Ian, Ray, Maureen and Ric from Eildon. Jean, Alan, Val and Norm Played Michael, Richard, Paul and Lundy. All the uniforms were colourful. We stuck out like a sore thumb in our Weston Creek uniforms. There were sixteen players each - 4x4 - to play 25 ends. The Eildon boys and girls have a tatoo for being 22-23 Premiers. Even a 90 year old has one. Jean finally got one on end four but it's Pennants. It didn't last. Mal reckoned he didn't do any good bowls but his teammates raved about him. He didn't always get shot but he reclaimed and saved lots. We came in at half time for lunch. The Eildon players each brought something for their opponents. Jean's table had Egg and Bacon Pie, Sandwiches, Tim Tam's, Laminations and Wagon Wheels. Each table was different. Back out Jean got touchers but it just wasn't enough. Jean's team lost by four after being 11 behind. Mal's team had been up the whole game. Then, on the last end it was 23 all. They lost by two. Overall Eildon won because one rink won by 21. They didn't record all 100 ends but the scoreboard showed it. They did the same for afternoon tea. To finish it off the Eildon boys sang their song. They said they hadn't won a Pennant for 40 years until they wrote and started singing their song. Then they were Premiers! We are a team of bowlers We come from Eildon town We'll roll and draw and drive and never let each other down We'll beat them on the plastic We'll beat them on the grass We'll always kiss the kitty and kick their bloody arse" Paulie is the President. He gave us a stubbie holder, a pen each and a tiny torch. Eildon - we did our best for Shep Park but, alas, to no end!

  • A bit of a giggle at Shepparton Park

    We went to Shepparton Park a few days ago to put our names down. We'd been told by people at other clubs we need to have them down by the night before. Lovely people there helped us. We were looking for where to put our names down. Jean asked Bev, Margaret and Dennis who were watching a final. They explained what to do and Bev came out to check on us. The first people we met when we came back on Thursday were Rob, Linton and Wes. Then we met Phil and Brian in the Tournament Office. It's quite a big clubhouse. There's a row of funny 'Rollup ' cartoons. They are pretty funny. The logo is nice. It's on everything. They collect cans for Goulburn Valley Health. There are three greens. Two are grass and one synthetic under cover. We played on the grass. It had just been rolled. Again there were lots of people there we'd met at other clubs. It was pairs 2x2x2x2. Two games of twelve ends. There were enough players to have games on all three greens. We played together. First game was against Ray and Ernie. Jean had second shot. Mal played weight and took out shot bowl for a Resting Toucher. He got a free drink. Jean was bowling well but Ernie bowled better. Mal was bowling brilliantly. He took out Ray's shot bowl 5 times! They don't put the scores up. Jean was shocked when, going into the last end, we were three up. They got two so we won by one. We came inside for a salad roll. We bought tickets in the 100. Ron spun the wheel. Jean won $10. Next game we played on the synthetic under cover against Malcolm and Karen. Bill from Tallygaroopna came over to introduce himself. He said we can't play there because their greens had to be replaced. He told us we'd be welcome when they're back and gave Mal a Tally Stubby holder. Tally's temporary home is Shepparton Park. There was great 70's music in the background: Suzie Quattro, Elvis, Carly Simon and Melanie to name a few. Karen told us it's Malcolm's playlist. First end we played really well for three. There's bird poo on the green. Karen said they've put up nets to stop them. End four Mal tried to take his hat off to Jean but he didn't have one on. Then Jean did the same to Mal. Karen and Jean had lots of giggles talking about our men and the things they do on the bowling green. Fun made Jean bowl better. Mal was also doing fine. Last end they needed eight to win . They had shot then Mal came round and took it for one. It was 15 to 8. After the game, Kelvin, who said he's 'The Head Honcho' came and introduced himself. (Mal and Kelvin) We came inside. Kelvin then introduced us and told our story. We were about to leave when Di came over. They are short two people for Pennants on Saturday so she asked usif we'd sub for them at Eildon It's an hour away from Seymour where we'll be tomorrow but for Pennants it's worth it. Shepparton Park - two wins, no prize but lots of fun!

  • Merrigum Bowls club - a little rollup at a tiny club!

    There were a few Shepparton region clubs we didn't have social bowls details for so Mal rang them this morning. He spoke to President John at Merrigum who told him there'd be people there at 5pm for us to roll up with. When we arrived John was waiting for us. He organised David to come and roll up with us. (David and John) Carolyn John's wife sat and gave entertaining commentry. Jean peeked inside at the clubhouse. It's cute. There's just one nice grass green. Owls hang over it to protect from Corellas. The corellas eat worms and leave divots. The shades were donated by a couple - the Grills. We had a quick rollup together because we promised to go to Tatura for Happy Hour. Carolyn was impressed with how Mal mastered the green. Jean on the other hand had no idea. Best she got was third shot on the last end. John asked Ma to ring him on Monday. He said he's almost certain he can get him a game in their Over 60s team at the tournament they'll host on Wednesday. Mal was over the moon. We said goodbye and John gave us a tongue-in-cheek message for Jason at Tatura. Merrigum - thanks guys for your time and lovely company. POST SCRIPT - OVER 60'S ON WEDNESDAY We came back for Mal's promised game for Merrigum in the over 60's on Wednesday. We arrived super early so helped Joe set up. We put the mats and Jacks out and raised the flag. There were blokes there we'd met at Tatura, East Shepparton and Shepparton Golf. Mal played second for Merrigum. It was Carmen, Mal and Joe. Mal had to use his muscles as it was very slow but he did ok. They were ahead but lost by one on the last end. They went down by ten in the second. Mal played ok then and in the last game. It was five all on the 8th end of ten. They drew six all. Inside afterwards Ken, who had seen Jean's hat with all the badges, went and got all his spares. Jean scored ten more badges from clubs we've already visited. A tough but enjoyable game for Mal.

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